İkinci Mertebeden Lineer Olmayan Bir Fark Denkleminin Dinamikleri Üzerine
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Bu tezde iki keyfi parametre içeren ikinci dereceden özel bir rasyonel fark denklemi ele alınmıştır. Bu denklem bazı dinamik yapıları incelenmiştir: pozitif çözümlerin kararlılık ve yarı döngü analizleri; periyodik çözümlerin varlığı; denge noktasının yerel ve global kararlılık analizleri yapılmıştır. Bu tez dört bölümden oluşmaktadır. İlk bölümde fark denklemleri hakkında tarihsel bilgi, bunların bazı modellemeleri, ve yakın zamanda yapılmış bazı çalışmalar verilmiştir. İkinci bölümde, diziler ve fark denklemleriyle ilgili bilinen tanımlar ve sonuçlar gösterilmiştir. Asıl sonuçlar Bölüm 3'te sunulmuştur. Son bölümde kısa bir sonuç yazılmıştır.
In this thesis, a certain second order fractional difference equation containing two arbitrary parameters is handled. The issue equation is investigated with aspects of some dynamics structures: the boundedness character and semi-cycle analysis of positive solutions are examined; existence of periodic solutions is studied; local and global stability analysis of the fixed point are performed. This thesis consists of four chapters. In the first chapter, historical information about difference equations, some modelings with them, and some recent studies are given. In the second chapter, basic concepts and known results concerning the sequences and difference equations are provided. Main results are presented in Chapter 3. A short conclusion is written down in the last chapter.
In this thesis, a certain second order fractional difference equation containing two arbitrary parameters is handled. The issue equation is investigated with aspects of some dynamics structures: the boundedness character and semi-cycle analysis of positive solutions are examined; existence of periodic solutions is studied; local and global stability analysis of the fixed point are performed. This thesis consists of four chapters. In the first chapter, historical information about difference equations, some modelings with them, and some recent studies are given. In the second chapter, basic concepts and known results concerning the sequences and difference equations are provided. Main results are presented in Chapter 3. A short conclusion is written down in the last chapter.
Matematik, Ayrık denklemler, Mathematics, Disctete equations, Ayrık kararlılık, Discrete stability
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