Radar yayıcıların kimliklendirilmesi üzerine bir çalışma

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Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (EE) offers solid graduate education and research program. Our Department is known for its student-centered and practice-oriented education. We are devoted to provide an exceptional educational experience to our students and prepare them for the highest personal and professional accomplishments. The advanced teaching and research laboratories are designed to educate the future workforce and meet the challenges of current technologies. The faculty's research activities are high voltage, electrical machinery, power systems, signal and image processing and photonics. Our students have exciting opportunities to participate in our department's research projects as well as in various activities sponsored by TUBİTAK, and other professional societies. European Remote Radio Laboratory project, which provides internet-access to our laboratories, has been accomplished under the leadership of our department with contributions from several European institutions.

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Bu tezde kararlı Darbe Tekrarlama Aralıklarına (DTA) sahip radarlarınkimliklendirilmesi üzerine bir yöntem çalışılmıştır. Ayrıca, sistemi denemek için tehditüretme simulatörü geliştirilmiştir. Tehdit üretme simulatörü, Radyo Frekansı, GelişAçısı, Darbe Genişliği ve Darbe Genliğinden oluşan Darbe Tanımlama Kelimesini(DTK) üretir. Ayrıca Darbe Genişliği dışındaki parametrelere, kullanıcı tarafındangirildiği taktirde gürültü de eklenebilir. Bu yöntem 3 kısımdan oluşmaktadır. BunlarKümelendirme, DTA çıkarımı ve Kimliklendirmedir. Gelen Darbe TanımlamaKelimeleri bu algoritmalar tarafından işlendikten sonra, tanımlanan tehditler çıktı olarakverilir.
In this thesis, a methodology for identification of radar emitters with stable PulseRepetition Interval (PRI) is studied. Also, a simulator for threat generation is developedfor testing the system. Threat generation simulator generates Pulse Descriptor Words(PDW) that consists of Radio Frequency, Angle of Arrival, Pulse Width, PulseAmplitude and Time of Arrival values. Also, jitter can be injected to these parametersexcept Pulse Amplitude, according to the user's input. The methodology consists of 3parts. These are Clustering, PRI Estimation and Identification. The identified threats aregiven as output, after the incoming Pulse Descriptive Words are processed by thesealgorithms.



Elektrik ve Elektronik Mühendisliği, Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Turkish CoHE Thesis Center URL



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