Çökeltilerek Sertleştirilmiş Martensitik Paslanmaz Çelik Malzemede Ultrasonik Destekli Delik Delme
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17PH4 Paslanmaz Çelik, önemli korozyon direnci, yüksek yorulma ve çekme mukavemeti, tokluk ve yüksek sertliği sayesinde nükleer sektör, havacılık ve savunma sanayi gibi sektörlerde kullanımı oldukça yaygındır. Bu sektörlerde ve genel talaşlı imalat süreçlerinde ise delik delme en çok kullanılan yöntemlerden birisidir fakat bu malzemenin yüksek aşınma direnci, sertliği ve ısıl iletim kapasitesi nedeniyle delik delme performansını oldukça düşürür. İlk kez, bu çalışmada 17-PH-4 paslanmaz çeliğinde delik delme operasyonunun verimini arttırmak için Ultrasonik Destekli Delik Delme (UDDD) yöntemi kullanılmıştır. UDDD düşük genlikli titreşimler ve yüksek frekans kullanarak talaş kaldırma sürecini kolaylaştıran hibrit bir yöntemdir. Test planı, hem geleneksel delik delme (GDD) yöntemi ve UDDD'yi kıyaslamak hem de UDDD'nin gagalama ve direkt delik delme üzerindeki etkisini görmek üzere hazırlanmıştır. Deney sonuçları, UDDD'nin geleneksel delik delme yöntemine göre kesme kuvvetlerini, delik çıkışındaki çapak oluşumunu ve yığıntı talaş (YT) oluşumunu azalttığını, boyutsal doğruluğu arttırdığını ve yüzey kalitesinin iyileştiğini göstermiştir. Test sonuçları, kesme hızının artmasının; kesme kuvvetleri, YT, yüzey pürüzlülüğü ve sürekli talaş formunun azalmasında bariz bir etkisi olduğunu göstermiştir. Ek olarak yüzey pürüzlülüğü, kesme kuvvetleri ve çapak oluşumu sonuçları incelendiğinde direkt delik delmede UDDD' nin olumlu etkisi, gagalamaya göre daha fazla olmuştur.
17PH4 Stainless Steel is widely used in sectors such as the nuclear industry, aerospace, and defence industry, thanks to its significant corrosion resistance, high fatigue and tensile strength, toughness, and high hardness. Drilling is one of the most used methods in these sectors and general machining processes, but it reduces the drilling performance considerably due to the high wear resistance, hardness, and thermal conductivity of this material. Ultrasonic Assisted Drilling (UAD) is a hybrid method that makes the metal removal process more accessible by using low amplitude vibrations and high frequency. For the first time, the UAD method was used to increase the efficiency of a drilling operation in 17-PH-4 stainless steel in this study. The experimental design was prepared to compare the conventional drilling (CD) method and UAD, as well as to see the effect of UAD on pecking and direct drilling. The experimental results showed that UAD reduces cutting forces, burr formation at the exit hole, built-up edge (BUE), and continuous chip formation, increases dimensional accuracy, and improves surface quality compared to the conventional drilling method. The test results show that the increase in cutting speed significant effect on the reduction of cutting forces, BUE, surface roughness, and continuous chip formation. When the surface roughness, cutting forces, and burr formation results are examined, the positive effect of UAD is higher in direct drilling than in pecking.
17PH4 Stainless Steel is widely used in sectors such as the nuclear industry, aerospace, and defence industry, thanks to its significant corrosion resistance, high fatigue and tensile strength, toughness, and high hardness. Drilling is one of the most used methods in these sectors and general machining processes, but it reduces the drilling performance considerably due to the high wear resistance, hardness, and thermal conductivity of this material. Ultrasonic Assisted Drilling (UAD) is a hybrid method that makes the metal removal process more accessible by using low amplitude vibrations and high frequency. For the first time, the UAD method was used to increase the efficiency of a drilling operation in 17-PH-4 stainless steel in this study. The experimental design was prepared to compare the conventional drilling (CD) method and UAD, as well as to see the effect of UAD on pecking and direct drilling. The experimental results showed that UAD reduces cutting forces, burr formation at the exit hole, built-up edge (BUE), and continuous chip formation, increases dimensional accuracy, and improves surface quality compared to the conventional drilling method. The test results show that the increase in cutting speed significant effect on the reduction of cutting forces, BUE, surface roughness, and continuous chip formation. When the surface roughness, cutting forces, and burr formation results are examined, the positive effect of UAD is higher in direct drilling than in pecking.
Mühendislik Bilimleri, Engineering Sciences
Turkish CoHE Thesis Center URL
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