Thermodynamic Modeling and Multi-Objective Optimization of a New System Presented for Reutilization of the Lost Heat in Combined-Cycle Power Plants

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John Wiley and Sons Inc

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Energy Systems Engineering
The Department of Energy Systems Engineering admitted its first students and started education in the academic year of 2009-2010 under Atılım University School of Engineering. In this Department, all kinds of energy are presented in modules (conventional energy, renewable energy, hydrogen energy, bio-energy, nuclear energy, energy planning and management) from their detection, production and procession; to their transfer and distribution. A need is to arise for a surge of energy systems engineers to ensure energy supply security and solve environmental issues as the most important problems of the fifty years to come. In addition, Energy Systems Engineering is becoming among the most important professions required in our country and worldwide, especially within the framework of the European Union harmonization process, and within the free market economy.

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In combined-cycle power plants, a large amount of thermal energy is lost when the boiler and steam unit are out of order and the gas unit is operated in single mode. For the first time, this work suggests every combined-cycle power plants should be equipped with this kind of energy system to recover the waste heat by producing hydrogen and generating electricity. This system combines a Rankine cycle with a thermoelectric generator, a finned-tube heat exchanger, and a proton exchange membrane to produce hydrogen. Having been designed, the suggested energy system is assessed by energy, exergy, and exergo-economy laws. Furthermore, the impacts of some effective factors on the efficiency and the costs are precisely analyzed. Eventually, the presented system is optimized considering two main purposes of exergy efficiency and costs. The achieved results show that the proposed system can effectively link to the gas unit to restore and even save the lost thermal energy in the single-mode condition. The conducted optimization attenuates the objective parameter of exergy efficiency from 48.39% to 41.65% and diminishes the costs from 550.14 to 480.82 $ GJ−1. Eventually, the optimization causes (Formula presented.) to rise from 1.2 to 1.32 kg h−1. © 2023 The Authors. Energy Technology published by Wiley-VCH GmbH.



electrolyzer, energy systems, lost heat, optimization., power plants, thermodynamic modeling

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