Partikül Takviyeli Alüminyum Metal Matris Kompozit Malzemelerin Talaşlı İşlenmesinin Sonlu Elemanlar Yöntemiyle Modellenmesi
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Metal matris kompozitleri (MMC'ler) otomotiv, havacılık ve nükleer santraller gibi birçok teknik alanda önemli malzemeler haline gelmiştir. Bu uygulamaların çoğunda, nihai ürünün istenen özelliklerine ulaşmak için talaşlı işleme süreçleri gereklidir. Bu nedenle, MMC'lerin talaşlı işlemesini incelemek ve işleme operasyonları sırasında davranışlarını anlamak için süreç modellerini geliştirmek önemlidir. Proses modellerine dayanarak, belirli MMC'lerin kesme koşullarını optimize ederek talaşlı işleme kalitesi ve maliyeti iyileştirilebilir. Bu hedefe doğru bir adım olarak, partikül takviyeli alüminyum metal matris kompozitlerinin (p-Al MMC'ler) talaşlı işlenmesini incelemek için sonlu eleman modellemesi (FEM) kullanılır. Seçilen matris malzemesi,% 20'lik bir hacim fraksiyonu ile 20 μm çapa sahip silikon karbür (SiC) parçacıkları ile güçlendirililmiş alüminyum alaşımı A359'dur. P-Al-MMC'nin ortogonal kesimi üç farklı yaklaşımla incelenmiştir. Birinci yaklaşımda, eşdeğer bir homojen malzeme modeli (EHM) uygulanmaya çalışılırken, ikinci ve üçüncü yaklaşımlarda p-AlMMC, iki fazlı bir heterojen malzeme olarak modellenmiştir. İkinci ve üçüncü yaklaşımlar sırasıyla donatı parçacıklarının periyodik karesi ve periyodik altıgen dağılımlarına dayanmaktadır. Matris / kesici takım, matris / takviye ve takviye/kesme aleti arasındaki etkileşim göz önüne alınmıştır. FE simülasyonlarının sonuçları literatürdeki deneysel veriler ile karşılaştırılmıştır. Sonuçlar, yüksek gerilme oranı testleri kullanılarak kalibre edilen EHM modellerinin kesme kuvvetlerinde iyi tahminler veremeyebileceğini ve talaşlı işleme simülasyonları için yeniden kalibre edilmesi gerektiğini ortaya çıkarmıştır. Sonuçlar ayrıca, p-MMC'lerin heterojen bir materyal olarak modellenmesiyle, kesme kuvveti tahminlerinin doğruluğunun önemli ölçüde geliştirilebileceğini ortaya koymuştur.
Metal matrix composites (MMCs) have become key materials in many technical fields, including automotive, aerospace and nuclear power plants. In most of these applications, machining processes are required to achieve the desired characteristics of the final product. Therefore, it is important to study the machining of MMCs and develop process models to understand their behavior during machining operations. Based on process models, machining quality and cost can be improved by optimizing the cutting conditions for specific MMCs. As a step towards this goal, finite element modeling (FEM) is used to study the machining of particulate aluminum metal matrix composites (p-Al-MMCs). The selected matrix material was aluminum alloy A359 reinforced with silicon carbide (SiC) particles having a diameter of 20 μm with a volume fraction of 20%. Orthogonal cutting of p-Al-MMC has been studied by three different approaches. In the first approach attempt has been made to implement an equivalent homogeneous material model (EHM), while in the second and third approaches p-Al-MMC is modeled as a two-phase heterogeneous material. The second and third approaches rely on periodic square and periodic hexagonal distributions of reinforcement particles, respectively. The interaction between matrix/cutting tool, matrix/reinforcement and reinforcement/ cutting tool has been considered. The results of FE simulations are compared with the experimental data available in the literature. The results revealed that, EHM models calibrated using high strain rate tests may not be able to give good predictions of cutting forces and they should be re-calibrated for machining simulations. The results also revealed that, by modeling p-MMCs as a heterogeneous material the accuracy of cutting force predictions can be improved significantly.
Metal matrix composites (MMCs) have become key materials in many technical fields, including automotive, aerospace and nuclear power plants. In most of these applications, machining processes are required to achieve the desired characteristics of the final product. Therefore, it is important to study the machining of MMCs and develop process models to understand their behavior during machining operations. Based on process models, machining quality and cost can be improved by optimizing the cutting conditions for specific MMCs. As a step towards this goal, finite element modeling (FEM) is used to study the machining of particulate aluminum metal matrix composites (p-Al-MMCs). The selected matrix material was aluminum alloy A359 reinforced with silicon carbide (SiC) particles having a diameter of 20 μm with a volume fraction of 20%. Orthogonal cutting of p-Al-MMC has been studied by three different approaches. In the first approach attempt has been made to implement an equivalent homogeneous material model (EHM), while in the second and third approaches p-Al-MMC is modeled as a two-phase heterogeneous material. The second and third approaches rely on periodic square and periodic hexagonal distributions of reinforcement particles, respectively. The interaction between matrix/cutting tool, matrix/reinforcement and reinforcement/ cutting tool has been considered. The results of FE simulations are compared with the experimental data available in the literature. The results revealed that, EHM models calibrated using high strain rate tests may not be able to give good predictions of cutting forces and they should be re-calibrated for machining simulations. The results also revealed that, by modeling p-MMCs as a heterogeneous material the accuracy of cutting force predictions can be improved significantly.
Makine Mühendisliği, Mechanical Engineering
Turkish CoHE Thesis Center URL
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