Uluslararası Karayolu Yük Taşımacılığı Yapan İşletmelerde Sefer Maliyetlerinin Hesaplanması ve Muhasebe Kayıtları
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ÖZETUlaştırma ekonomiye işlerlik kazandıran ticari ve iktisadi işlemleringelişmesini ve ülkemizin kalkınmasını sağlayan, ekonomik, siyasal ve sosyalgelişmelerden büyük oranda etkilenen bir sektördür.Ulaştırma sistemleri içerisinde yer alan karayolu yük taşımacılığıkapıdan kapıya taşıma ile aktarmasız taşımayı sağlaması terminal ihtiyacınınolmayışı, alt yapı yatırımlarının devlet tarafından yapılması gibi üstünlüklerdolayısıyla ülkemizde ve dünyada en çok tercih edilen ulaşım sistemidir.Çalışmamız dört bölümden oluşmaktadır. İlk bölümde; karayolu eşyataşımacılığının ülkemiz açısından önemi üzerinde durulmuştur.İkinci bölümde; karayolu eşya taşımacılığı hakkında genel bilgilerverilmiştir.Üçüncü bölümde; Y ülkesine yapılan seferin maliyeti hesaplanılarakişletme yöneticilerine seferin karlı olup olmadığı gösterilmeye çalışılmıştır.Bir araştırma ve inceleme niteliğinde yapılan bu çalışma sayesindekarayolu taşımacılığında yaşanan rekabet ortamında işletme yöneticileri faydamaliyet analizi yaparak en karlı seferi belirleyip daha uygun fiyatlandırmapolitikası sağlayarak rakiplerine oranla daha avantajlı konuma sahip olabilirlerii
ABSTRACTTransportation is a sector influenced by the economic, political and socialdevelopments to a great extent, making the thriving of the commercial andeconomic transactions and the development of our country possible, thusproviding viability to the economy.Highway transportation as a part of the overall transportation systems isthe most preferred transportation system in our country and the world because ofits superiorities such as making the direct transportation possible throughtransporting from door to door, lack of terminal requirement and the fact that theinfrastructural investments are carried out by the state.Our study is composed of four parts. In the first part the importance ofhighway goods transportation has been handled in terms of our country. Andthrough benefiting from the cost analysis of the transportation thetransportation issue has been treated in general terms.In the second part general information about the highway goodstransportation has been provided.In the third part it has been tried to indicate which tour will prove to beprofitable to the administrators of the enterprises by computing the cost of the tourto the 'Y' country.Thanks to this study conducted in the form of an inquiry andexamination, the administrators of the enterprises will conduct utility - costanalysis in the competitive atmosphere experienced in the highwaytransportation and then single out the most profitable tour and win aneconomic edge over their rivals through a more suitable pricing policy.iii
ABSTRACTTransportation is a sector influenced by the economic, political and socialdevelopments to a great extent, making the thriving of the commercial andeconomic transactions and the development of our country possible, thusproviding viability to the economy.Highway transportation as a part of the overall transportation systems isthe most preferred transportation system in our country and the world because ofits superiorities such as making the direct transportation possible throughtransporting from door to door, lack of terminal requirement and the fact that theinfrastructural investments are carried out by the state.Our study is composed of four parts. In the first part the importance ofhighway goods transportation has been handled in terms of our country. Andthrough benefiting from the cost analysis of the transportation thetransportation issue has been treated in general terms.In the second part general information about the highway goodstransportation has been provided.In the third part it has been tried to indicate which tour will prove to beprofitable to the administrators of the enterprises by computing the cost of the tourto the 'Y' country.Thanks to this study conducted in the form of an inquiry andexamination, the administrators of the enterprises will conduct utility - costanalysis in the competitive atmosphere experienced in the highwaytransportation and then single out the most profitable tour and win aneconomic edge over their rivals through a more suitable pricing policy.iii
Ekonomi, Economics
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