Jean Rhys'in Wide Sargasso Sea ve Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie'nin Purple Hibiscus adlı eserlerinde postkolonyal feminizm ve kadın karakterlerin zorluklarla mücadeleleri
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Bu tezde Jean Rhys'in Wide Sargasso Sea ve Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie'nin Purple Hibiscus adlı eserlerindeki iki ana kadın karakter Antoinette ve Kambili aracılığıyla postkolonyal toplumlarda kadınların karşılaştıkları zorluklar ve bu zorluklarla mücadeleleri araştırılmaktadır. Tez, Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, Chandra Talpade Mohanty ve Kimberlé Crenshaw'ın kuramlarını esas almaktadır. Söz konusu kuramlar çerçevesinde Antoinette ve Kambili'nin toplumlarında maruz kaldıkları baskı ve zorlukları ele alarak bu karakterlerin haklarını kazanmak için bu baskılara karşı nasıl direndiklerini incelemektedir. Rhys ve Adichie, modern dönemin en tanınmış feminist yazarlarındandır. Postkolonyal toplumlardaki kadınların acılarına ışık tutan ve on dokuzuncu ve yirminci yüzyılda ülkelerindeki kolonyal mirası inceleyen dikkat çekici ve önemli romanlar ortaya koymuşlardır. Örneğin, Rhys ve Adichie'nin Wide Sargasso Sea ve Purple Hibiscus başlıklı romanları, mücadele eden kadın karakterleri tasvir etmekte ve kadınların zorluklarını aktarmaktadır. Her iki romanda da sömürgecilikle ilgili derin ve önemli konular ele alınmış, bu durumun toplumlar üzerindeki etkileri genel olarak, bireyler üzerindeki etkileri ise detaylı bir biçimde sunulmuştur. Wide Sargasso Sea, Rhys'in en ünlü ve başarılı romanı olarak kabul edilmektedir. Romanın ana karakteri, Jane Eyre'de Mr. Rochester'ın çılgın karısı olan Antoinette'nin hüzünlü hikâyesini sergilemektedir. Purple Hibiscus'ta Adichie, dini inancın aile içi şiddette silah olarak kullanıldığı Nijerya'da kadınların durumunu anlatmaktadır. Bu bağlamda bu çalışma, iki yazarın, Rhys ve Adichie'nin, feminist yazarlar olarak bilinmelerine katkı sağlayan tartışmalarını ele almakta ve bu tartışmaların, Antoinette ve Kambili gibi ana karakterler aracılığıyla iki romanda nasıl yansıtıldığını göstermektedir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Wide Sargasso Sea, Purple Hibiscus, feminizm, postkolonyal feminizm, Kadın Mücadeleleri.
The thesis explores the plethora of challenges, obstacles and oppression women faced in postcolonial societies in Jean Rhys's Wide Sargasso Sea and Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie's Purple Hibiscus, through two main female protagonists, Antoinette, and Kamili. Throughout the thesis, the focus will be on the theories of Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, Chandra Talpade Mohanty, and Kimberle` Crenshaw, to examine the aspects and factors of oppression and power structures that Antoinette and Kambili were subjected to in their societies and how they overcame these challenges to empower themselves and gain their rights. Rhys and Adichie are two of the most renowned and well-known Feminist writers of the modern period. They produced interesting and remarkable novels shedding light on the suffering of women in post colonized societies. They played a vital role in examining and highlighting the legacies of colonialism in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries in their countries. To illustrate, Rhys and Adichie demonstrate women's difficulties by portraying struggling female characters in their novels, Wide Sargasso Sea, and Purple Hibiscus. In both novels, deep and significant issues are outlined, they engage in critically presenting the intersecting power structures of colonialism and the impact it has had on society generally and on individuals specifically. Wide Sargasso Sea is considered Rhys's most famous and successful novel. The novel is a prequel to Jane Eyre, the protagonist portrays the sorrowful story of Antoinette living in Jamaica, who later becomes the mad wife of Mr. Rochester in Jane Eyre. In Purple Hibiscus, Adichie describes the situation of women in Nigeria where religion is used as a weapon and as a tool in domestic violence. Thus, this study will engage with the writers, Rhys's and Adichie's concepts that helped to establish their names as feminist writers and how these concepts are reflected through the main characters Antoinette and Kambili in their novels. Keywords: Wide Sargasso Sea, Purple Hibiscus, Feminism, Postcolonial Feminism, Female Challenges.
The thesis explores the plethora of challenges, obstacles and oppression women faced in postcolonial societies in Jean Rhys's Wide Sargasso Sea and Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie's Purple Hibiscus, through two main female protagonists, Antoinette, and Kamili. Throughout the thesis, the focus will be on the theories of Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, Chandra Talpade Mohanty, and Kimberle` Crenshaw, to examine the aspects and factors of oppression and power structures that Antoinette and Kambili were subjected to in their societies and how they overcame these challenges to empower themselves and gain their rights. Rhys and Adichie are two of the most renowned and well-known Feminist writers of the modern period. They produced interesting and remarkable novels shedding light on the suffering of women in post colonized societies. They played a vital role in examining and highlighting the legacies of colonialism in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries in their countries. To illustrate, Rhys and Adichie demonstrate women's difficulties by portraying struggling female characters in their novels, Wide Sargasso Sea, and Purple Hibiscus. In both novels, deep and significant issues are outlined, they engage in critically presenting the intersecting power structures of colonialism and the impact it has had on society generally and on individuals specifically. Wide Sargasso Sea is considered Rhys's most famous and successful novel. The novel is a prequel to Jane Eyre, the protagonist portrays the sorrowful story of Antoinette living in Jamaica, who later becomes the mad wife of Mr. Rochester in Jane Eyre. In Purple Hibiscus, Adichie describes the situation of women in Nigeria where religion is used as a weapon and as a tool in domestic violence. Thus, this study will engage with the writers, Rhys's and Adichie's concepts that helped to establish their names as feminist writers and how these concepts are reflected through the main characters Antoinette and Kambili in their novels. Keywords: Wide Sargasso Sea, Purple Hibiscus, Feminism, Postcolonial Feminism, Female Challenges.
İngiliz Dili ve Edebiyatı, English Language and Literature
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