Turizm ürününün korunmasında kadınların rolü: Cittaslow Seferihisar örneği

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Tourism Management
The aim of Atılım University Department of Tourism Management is to train tourism managers who are able to compete at an international level by offering quality education opportunities. Graduates employed as managers in the fields of accommodation, travel, catering, gastronomy, transportation, congress, conference organization begin their professional life while they are still interns. The academic staff consists of faculty members who are experts in their field, as well as sector professionals. With five years of education including the preparatory English courses offered, the courses of the department are in English. The course program consists of applied and theoretical courses devised with respect to the global trends in tourism. Students perform their internship studies at hotel chains, A-Class travel agencies and professional tourism companies. Our Department is in contract with universities abroad within the scope of the Erasmus student Exchange program. With its quality of education documented by TURAK (Tourism Education, Evaluation and Accreditation Board), Atılım university Department of Tourism Management is the first undergraduate program in Turkey to hold the accreditation.

Journal Issue


Sakin Şehir olarak nitelendirilen Cittaslow hareketi, 1999 yılında İtalya'da Slow Food hareketinin devamı şeklinde ortaya çıkmıştır. Slow Food dünya çapında yalnızca yeme-içme eyleminin doymak ve tüketmek açısından değil, gıdaların kültürü ve özgünlüğünün bilincine varılmasını amaçlayan bir harekettir. Benzer şekilde Cittaslow da yerel ürünlerin öneminin geniş kitlelerce anlaşılmasını sağlayan bir düşünce ile hareket eden, şehirlerin ve çevrenin daha yaşanılabilir olmasını ve yerel değerlerin korunmasını sağlama amacında bir yaşam tarzıdır. Bu çalışma kapsamında; Cittaslow hareketinin Türkiye'deki önemli bir adımını oluşturan Seferihisar şehrinde sürdürülebilir turizmin sağlanabilmesi doğrultusunda yerel ürünlerin korunmasında kadınların rolünün belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Bu amacın gerçekleştirilmesi için nitel araştırma tekniğinden faydalanılmıştır. Çalışma bulgularına göre Seferihisar'ın Türkiye'deki ilk Cittaslow ünvanına sahip olan şehir olması açısından yerel yönetimin Cittaslow kriterleri kapsamında yaşanılabilir bir çevre için daha fazla sayıda altyapı ve çevre projesine imza attığı ve Seferihisar sakinlerinin de bu projeleri olumlu karşıladığı belirlenmiştir. Yerel ürünlerin ve üreticilerin desteklenmesi için ortaya konulan Cittaslow projelerinin halk tarafından gelir elde etme uygulamaları şeklinde değerlendirildiği; bunun sonucunda gelir düzeyinin, yaşam kalitesinin ve yerel üretimin artırılması, göçün engellenmesi gibi olumlu sonuçların hedeflendiği tespit edilmiştir. Cittaslow bilincinin oluşması amacıyla gerçekleştirilen eğitim çalışmaları sayesinde de sürdürülebilirlik ve Cittaslow bilinci oluşturma ilkelerinin temel alındığı görülmüştür.
The Cittaslow movement emerged in 1999 as the continuation of the Slow Food movement in Italy. Slow Food is a movement around the world that aims not only to eat and drink to consume but also to increase the awareness of the culture and authenticity of food. Similarly, Cittaslow is a way of life that aims to make cities and the environment more terraform and to preserve the local values, acting with a sense of understanding the importance of local products. In the scope of this study; it is aimed to determine the role of women in the protection of local products in order to ensure sustainable tourism in Seferihisar which is an important step in the Cittaslow movement in Turkey. According to the findings of the study, it is determined that the local government has signed more infrastructure and environment projects for a sustainable environment within the scope of Cittaslow criteria due to Seferihisar is the first Cittaslow city in Turkey and that the residents of Seferihisar has positive perception about these projects. Cittaslow projects, which have designed to support local products and producers, have been evaluated as revenue generating applications by local residents. It has been determined that positive results such as increase in income level, quality of life and local production, prevention of immigration has been aimed. It has also observed that principles of sustainability and Cittaslow awareness are fundamental via training activities carried out to create Cittaslow consciousness. Support for both male and female producers is amongst important findings that female producers are generally encouraged in terms of shaping local food cultures of agricultural products produced by male producers. Another finding in the study was that the cultural heritage of handicrafts did not develop sufficiently in Seferihisar. Seferihisar Municipality has also been encouraged to produce handicrafts for women. In conclusion, it has been determined that the role of women is essential in the protection of local products and cultural heritage, but it has been concluded that participation and support of their spouses is necessary for the women to increase the success in Cittaslow process. In addition, after the interviews with co-operative members, producer women, it was emphasized that the relationship between sustainable tourism and local product protection was not fully understood and that producers had economical concerns about the production. This suggests that Cittaslow needs a process to be fully accepted by local governments and residents.



Turizm, İşletme, Gıda ürünleri, Gıdalar, Kadınlar, Tourism, Business Administration, Turizm, Food products, Turizm sektörü, Foods, Women, Yavaş şehir, Tourism, Tourism sector, Yerel mal, Cittaslow, Yerel üretim, Local goods, Local manufacturing, İzmir-Seferihisar, İzmir-Seferihisar

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