Web tabanlı uygulamalar için bileşen tabanlı ve model güdümlü bir yazılım geliştirme çerçevesi

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Çetinkaya, Deniz

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Software Engineering
Department of Software Engineering was founded in 2005 as the first department in Ankara in Software Engineering. The recent developments in current technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Big Data, and Blockchains, have placed Software Engineering among the top professions of today, and the future. The academic and research activities in the department are pursued with qualified faculty at Undergraduate, Graduate and Doctorate Degree levels. Our University is one of the two universities offering a Doctorate-level program in this field. In addition to focusing on the basic phases of software (analysis, design, development, testing) and relevant methodologies in detail, our department offers education in various areas of expertise, such as Object-oriented Analysis and Design, Human-Computer Interaction, Software Quality Assurance, Software Requirement Engineering, Software Design and Architecture, Software Project Management, Software Testing and Model-Driven Software Development. The curriculum of our Department is catered to graduate individuals who are prepared to take part in any phase of software development of large-scale software in line with the requirements of the software sector. Department of Software Engineering is accredited by MÜDEK (Association for Evaluation and Accreditation of Engineering Programs) until September 30th, 2021, and has been granted the EUR-ACE label that is valid in Europe. This label provides our graduates with a vital head-start to be admitted to graduate-level programs, and into working environments in European Union countries. The Big Data and Cloud Computing Laboratory, as well as MobiLab where mobile applications are developed, SimLAB, the simulation laboratory for Medical Computing, and software education laboratories of the department are equipped with various software tools and hardware to enable our students to use state-of-the-art software technologies. Our graduates are employed in software and R&D companies (Technoparks), national/international institutions developing or utilizing software technologies (such as banks, healthcare institutions, the Information Technologies departments of private and public institutions, telecommunication companies, TÜİK, SPK, BDDK, EPDK, RK, or universities), and research institutions such TÜBİTAK.

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Yüksek kaliteli, uygun maliyetli, güvenilir ve zamanında tamamlanmış yazılım sistemlerini geliştirmek, bu sistemlerin büyüklüğü ve karmaşıklığı nedeniyle oldukça zor bir iştir. Geleneksel sıfırdan yazılım geliştirme yaklaşımlarıbu zorlukla baş edebilmek için uygun olmayabilir. Bu nedenle yazılım geliştirme verimliliğini artırmak için farklı yaklaşımlar önerilmiştir. Bu yaklaşımlardan ikisi bileşen tabanlı yazılım mühendisliği ve model güdümlü yazılım geliştirme yaklaşımıdır. Bileşen tabanlı yazılım mühendisliği (CBSE), bir yazılımı geliştirirken yeniden kullanılabilir yazılım bileşenleri kullanarak,yeniden kullanılabilirlik problemine çözüm olarak önerilmiştir. Model güdümlü yazılım geliştirme (MDD), verimliliği artırmak, maliyeti ve harcanan eforu düşürmek için ortaya çıkmış başka bir yaklaşımdır. MDD, istenen sistemin temel özelliklerini modeller olarak temsil ederek ve bu modellerden nihai kaynak kodu üreterek yazılım geliştirme sürecinin zorluklarıyla yüzleşmeyi amaçlamaktadır. Bu çalışmanın amacı, yazılım geliştirmeyi kolaylaştırmak için MDD ve CBSE yaklaşımlarının avantajlarını ve özelliklerini birleştirerek yeni bir yazılım geliştirme yöntemive çerçevesi önermektedir. Önerilen yöntem, bir e-öğrenme sistemi geliştirmek için başarıyla bir vaka çalışmasında kullanılmıştır. Önerilen çerçeve, mevcut bileşen tabanlı yazılım geliştirme süreç modelleri ile karşılaştırılarak değerlendirilmiştir.
Developing a high quality, cost effective, reliable and on time software systems is a challenging task due to the large size and complexity of these systems. Traditional developing approaches that are concerned with constructing software systems from scratch cannot be suitable for dealing with this challenge. For that reason several approaches have been introduced to increase the productivity of the development. Two of these approaches are component based software engineering and model driven software development. Component based software engineering (CBSE) has been introduced as a solution for software reusability problem by using reusable software components to build new software system. Model driven development (MDD) is another approach in software development that was introduced to increase productivity and decrease the cost and effort. MDD aims to face the challenges of software development process through representing the essential aspects of the required system as models and generating the final source code from these models. The aim of this work is proposing a software development framework that combines MDD and CBSE approaches for merging the advantages and features of these approaches to facilitate software development. The framework is used successfully to develop an e-learning system as a case study. The framework was evaluated by making a comparison between existing component based software development process models and our framework.



Bilgisayar Mühendisliği Bilimleri-Bilgisayar ve Kontrol, Computer Engineering and Computer Science and Control

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