Üniversite Karar Destek Sistemi için Veri Ambarı Tasarımı
Türkmen, Güzin
Türkmen, Güzin
Çağıltay, Nergiz
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Veri ambarı bir çok organizasyon için çagdas bir meseledir ve bilgi teknolojileri için yeni bir alandır. Özellikle egitimsel amaçlı kullanımda, veri ambarları birçok fayda saglar. Veri ambarları yeni bir alan oldugundan, akademik veri yapıları ve bu veriyi analiz etmedeki karmasa ile ilgili çok az sayıda arastırma yapılmıstır. Egitim kurumları basarıyı, ticari amaçlı organizasyonlardan çok farklı ölçer ve bu çevrede anlamlı olan analizler veri ambarlamada nadir problemler ortaya çıkarır. Bu tezin amacı, var olan Ögrenci Bilgi Sisteminden (MasterSIS) alınan veriyi sorgulayacak bir karar destek sistemi hazırlamak ve Atılım Üniversitesi Yüksek Lisans Programı'nda akademik karar vermeyi destekleyici rapor çıktıları almayı saglamaktır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Karar Destek Sistemleri, Veri Ambarı, Egitim
Data warehouse is an important contemporary issue for many organizations and is relatively a new field in the realm of information technology. As data warehousing is a new field, little research has been done regarding the characteristics of academic data and the complexity of analyzing such data. Educational institutions measure success very differently from business-oriented organizations and the analyses that are meaningful in such environments pose unique problems in data warehousing. The purpose of this thesis is to provide a decision support system that will query the data taken from the existing Student Information System and generate reports as outputs in order to help administrative decision-making in the Atılım University Master Program. Keywords: Decision Support Systems, Data warehouse, Education
Data warehouse is an important contemporary issue for many organizations and is relatively a new field in the realm of information technology. As data warehousing is a new field, little research has been done regarding the characteristics of academic data and the complexity of analyzing such data. Educational institutions measure success very differently from business-oriented organizations and the analyses that are meaningful in such environments pose unique problems in data warehousing. The purpose of this thesis is to provide a decision support system that will query the data taken from the existing Student Information System and generate reports as outputs in order to help administrative decision-making in the Atılım University Master Program. Keywords: Decision Support Systems, Data warehouse, Education
Bilgisayar Mühendisliği Bilimleri-Bilgisayar ve Kontrol, Eğitim, Computer Engineering and Computer Science and Control, Karar destek sistemleri, Education, Decision support systems, Veri ambarı, Data warehouse
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