Çift Bantlı Küçük Yarık Anten Tasarımı

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Bubraıg, Mabroka
Aydın, Elif

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Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (EE) offers solid graduate education and research program. Our Department is known for its student-centered and practice-oriented education. We are devoted to provide an exceptional educational experience to our students and prepare them for the highest personal and professional accomplishments. The advanced teaching and research laboratories are designed to educate the future workforce and meet the challenges of current technologies. The faculty's research activities are high voltage, electrical machinery, power systems, signal and image processing and photonics. Our students have exciting opportunities to participate in our department's research projects as well as in various activities sponsored by TUBİTAK, and other professional societies. European Remote Radio Laboratory project, which provides internet-access to our laboratories, has been accomplished under the leadership of our department with contributions from several European institutions.

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Haberleşmede, genellikle mikroşerit anten, bir antenin metal tabakaya eklenmiş alt malzemenin arka tarafı toprak düzlemi olan baskı devre üzerine mikroşerit yöntemler kullanarak üretilmesi demektir. Mikroşerit antenlerin büyük bir kısmı mikrodalga frekanslarında kullanılmaktadır. Mikroşerit antenler, uçak, füze ve ticari ürünlerin yüzeyleriyle birleştirilebilen ince düzlemsel profillerinden, baskı devre teknikleri kullanarak üretilmesinin basitliği, devrenin diğer elemanlarıyla aynı devre kartına basılması ve mikrodalga tümleşik devreler gibi aktif elemanlar eklenerek aktif antenler elde etme imkanından dolayı son yıllarda ilgi oldukça çok artmıştır. Antenler, mobil haberleşme, uydu, internet servisi, taşıt ve radarlar gibi farklı alanlarda çok geniş uygulama alanını kapsar. Bu tezde, küçük boyutlu ve iyi sonuçlar veren çift bantlı küçük yarık anten benzetimi yapıldı ve üretildi. Antenin tasarım parametreleri için iletim hattı modeli ve benzetim için de HFSS elektromagnetik yazılım program kullanıldı.
In telecommunication, a micro-strip antenna (i.e., a printed antenna) usually means an antenna fabricated utilizing microstrip methods on a printed circuit board (PCB), with a continuous metal layer attached to the inverse side of the substrate which forms a ground plane. They are for the most part utilized at microwave frequencies. Microstrip antennas have turned out to be extremely mainstream in recent decades due to their thin planar profile which can be incorporated into the surfaces of customer items, aircraft, and missiles; their simplicity of fabrication using printed circuit techniques; the simplicity of integrating the antenna on the same board with the rest of the circuit, and the possibility of adding active devices such as microwave integrated circuits to the antenna itself to make active antennas. Antennas cover a wide range of applications in different areas, such as mobile communication, satellite navigation, internet services, automobiles, and radars. In this thesis, we simulated and fabricated small dual band slot antenna with a small size and good outcomes. The design parameters of the antenna used the transmission line model, and HFSS electromagnetic software was used for the simulation process.



Elektrik ve Elektronik Mühendisliği, Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Mikroşerit antenler, Microstrip antennas

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