Bir Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesinde İş Yükünün Hasta Güvenliği Üzerindeki Etkisinin Belirlenmesi
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Araştırmanın amacı; kamuya ait bir eğitim ve araştırma hastanesinde iş yükünün, hasta güvenliği üzerinde etkisinin belirlenmesi ve iş yüküne bağlı olarak tıbbi hatalarının meydana gelme sıklıklarının saptanmasıdır.Araştırmanın evrenini, Ankara İli'nde bulunan Ankara Çocuk Sağlığı ve Hastalıkları Hematoloji Onkoloji Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi'nin amaçlı örneklem yöntemi ile seçilen, birbirinden farklı özelliklere sahip dört ayrı kliniğindeki toplam 73 hemşire ve hemşirelerin bildirdikleri hasta güvenliğini tehdit eden tüm olay bildirimleri oluşturmaktadır. Araştırma 16 Haziran 2009- 16 Eylül 2009 tarihleri arasında yapılmıştır. Araştırmanın verileri, benzer çalışmalarda kullanılan, alanyazın ve uzman görüşü alınarak hazırlanan toplam dört ayrı formla toplanmıştır. Araştırma sonucu iş yükü ile elde edilen veriler Excel programında, hata bildirimi ile elde edilen veriler ise SPSS 13.0 programında analiz edilmiştir.Araştırma kapsamında 3 aylık süre boyunca, dört ayrı klinikte toplam 7619 hastaya, 108 yatak kapasitesi ile 55 aktif çalışan hemşire tarafından bakım hizmeti verilmiştir. Yoğun Bakım Ünitesi'nde 24 saat içinde hastaya verilen bakım saati 10,4, Süt Çocuğu Servisi'nde 2,0, Büyük Çocuk 2 Servisi'nde 2,1, Hematoloji Onkoloji Servisi'nde ise 3,0 olarak bulunmuştur. Hasta bağımlılık düzeyine göre verilmesi gereken 24 saatlik bakım saatleri, Yoğun Bakım Ünitesi'nde 19,7, Süt Çocuğu Servisi'nde 13,5, Büyük Çocuk 2 Servisi'nde 9,5, Hematoloji Onkoloji Servisi'nde ise 10,3 olarak saptanmıştır. Hasta bağımlık düzeyine göre verilmesi gereken bakım saati üzerinden yapılan hesaplamalarda, birimlerde çalışması gereken toplam hemşire sayısı 205 olarak bulunmuştur.Araştırmada, toplam 236 hata bildirimi alınmıştır. Hataların türlerine göre dağılımı incelendiğinde, tanı ve bakım süreci hatalarının %68,7, ilaç hatalarının %29,6, düşmelerin ise %1,7 oranında gözlendiği saptanmıştır. Hatalar, risk derecelerine göre 2 ile 5 arasında sınıflandırılmış ve hataların %59,2'sinin hemşirelik hizmetlerini dolaylı etkileyen, %40,7'sinin ise hemşirelik hizmetlerini doğrudan etkileyen nedenlerle ilişkilendirildiği belirlenmiştir. Hata risk dereceleri ile servisler arasında ve hata risk dereceleri ile hasta bağımlılık düzeyleri arasında anlamlı istatistiksel ilişki bulunmuş, hata risk dereceleri ile çalışma saatleri arasında ve bakılan hasta sayısı arasında anlamlı istatistiksel ilişki bulunamamıştır.Anahtar Sözcükler: Hasta güvenliği, hemşire istihdamı, hasta bağımlılığı, iş yükü, güvenli istihdam, istenmeyen olay, tıbbi hata.
The aim of the study is determination of workload?s effect on patient safety and to indicate the occurence frequency of medical errors depending on workload.The population of study is 73 nurses selected four seperate clinic which are different features and selected with purposeful sampling method of Ankara Çocuk Sağlığı ve Hastalıkları Hematoloji Onkoloji EAH in Ankara, and all event notifications threatening patient safety and to be informed by nurses. This research was made between June 16,2009 ? September 16, 2009. The data was collected with four separate form prepared with expert options and literature and used in similar studies. The workload data obtained from the research was analyzed in Excel program and the error notifications data obtained from the research was analyzed in SPSS 13.0.Patient care service has been given to 7619 patients with 108 bed in four different clinics during 3 months period by 55 active working nurses within this research. It was found that patient care hours in 24 hours is 10,4 in intensive care unit, 2,0 in nursling service (2 years of age from one month), 2,1 in older child (2) service and 3,0 in hematology and oncology service. And also the patient care hours which must be given according to the level of patient dependency in 24 hours was determined like this: 19,7 in intensive care unit, 13,5 in nursling service, 9,5 in older child (2) service and 10,3 in hematology and oncology service. Calculations which was made on patient care hours which must be given according to the level of patient dependency was showed that the number of required nurses was 205.In this study, total 236 event reports was given. When distribution of errors? types were examined, it was observed that the errors ratio in diagnosis and treatment process is 68,7 %, in medication 29,6 % and in falls 1,7 %. Errors were classified according to their degree of risk between 2 ? 5. And also it was observed that 59,2 % of errors were associated with causes indirectly effect on nursing care and 40,7% of them were associated with causes directly effect on nursing care. It was found that significant statistical relationship between levels of patient dependency and error risk degree, and service and error risk degree. Altough there wasn?t significant statistical relationship between error risk degree and working hours, and error risk degree and number of cared patients.Key Words: Patient safety, nurse employment, patient dependency, workload, secure employment, adverse events, medical error.
The aim of the study is determination of workload?s effect on patient safety and to indicate the occurence frequency of medical errors depending on workload.The population of study is 73 nurses selected four seperate clinic which are different features and selected with purposeful sampling method of Ankara Çocuk Sağlığı ve Hastalıkları Hematoloji Onkoloji EAH in Ankara, and all event notifications threatening patient safety and to be informed by nurses. This research was made between June 16,2009 ? September 16, 2009. The data was collected with four separate form prepared with expert options and literature and used in similar studies. The workload data obtained from the research was analyzed in Excel program and the error notifications data obtained from the research was analyzed in SPSS 13.0.Patient care service has been given to 7619 patients with 108 bed in four different clinics during 3 months period by 55 active working nurses within this research. It was found that patient care hours in 24 hours is 10,4 in intensive care unit, 2,0 in nursling service (2 years of age from one month), 2,1 in older child (2) service and 3,0 in hematology and oncology service. And also the patient care hours which must be given according to the level of patient dependency in 24 hours was determined like this: 19,7 in intensive care unit, 13,5 in nursling service, 9,5 in older child (2) service and 10,3 in hematology and oncology service. Calculations which was made on patient care hours which must be given according to the level of patient dependency was showed that the number of required nurses was 205.In this study, total 236 event reports was given. When distribution of errors? types were examined, it was observed that the errors ratio in diagnosis and treatment process is 68,7 %, in medication 29,6 % and in falls 1,7 %. Errors were classified according to their degree of risk between 2 ? 5. And also it was observed that 59,2 % of errors were associated with causes indirectly effect on nursing care and 40,7% of them were associated with causes directly effect on nursing care. It was found that significant statistical relationship between levels of patient dependency and error risk degree, and service and error risk degree. Altough there wasn?t significant statistical relationship between error risk degree and working hours, and error risk degree and number of cared patients.Key Words: Patient safety, nurse employment, patient dependency, workload, secure employment, adverse events, medical error.
Hemşirelik, Sağlık Kurumları Yönetimi, İşletme, Hasta güvenliği, Nursing, Health Care Management, Hastalar, Business Administration, Patient safety, Hastaneler, Patients, Hemşireler, Hospitals, Nurses, İş yükü, Workload
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