Sargon, Mustafa Fevzi

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Sargon, Mustafa F.
S., Mustafa Fevzi
M., Sargon
S.,Mustafa Fevzi
Sargon, Mustafa Fevzi
Mustafa Fevzi, Sargon
Sargon, M. F.
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Supervised Theses


Scholarly Output Search Results

Now showing 1 - 7 of 7
  • Article
    Citation Count: 2
    Evaluation of Asterion Morphometry in Terms of Clinical Anatomy
    (2019) Sargon, Mustafa Fevzi; Farimaz, Mine; Aktaş, Hilal Akdemir; Ocak, Hakan; Erdal, Ömür Dilek; Sargon, Mustafa Fevzi; Çalışkan, Selma; Basic Sciences
    Asterion is the junction of lambdoid, parietomastoid and occipitomastoid sutures and it corresponds to the location of theposterolateral fontanelle. It is close related to the location of junction of transverse and sigmoid sinuses.Mastoid process, posterior end of zygomatic arch, external occipital protuberance and lambda are bony features in close proximity ofasterion. In the present study we measured the distance between asterion and each of aforementioned bony points.Twenty human dry skulls were included in this study. Distance between asterion and mastoid process was 43.65 ± 6.75 mm on theleft side and 45.01± 6.04mm on the right side. Distance between asterion and posterior end of zygomatic arch was 43.97 ± 7.37 mmon the left side and 43.95± 7.02 mm on the right side. Distance between asterion and external occipital protuberance was 62.59 ±8.83 mm on the left side and 54.75 ±5.57mm on the right side. Distance between asterion and lambda was 81.40 ± 7.36 mm on theleft side and 82 ± 4.96 mm on the right side.In 84 % of the cases asterion was at the junction of transverse and sigmoid sinuses. In 12% of the cases asterion was below thejunction of transverse and sigmoid sinuses. In 4 % of the cases asterion was above the junction of transverse and sigmoid sinuses.Asterion is the essential point to indicate safety zone for surgical approach and to determine sex and age. It is of great interest ofanatomists, anthropologists, forensic experts, radiologists and neurosurgeons.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 0
    Protective Effect of Aerobic Exercise on the Nasal Mucosa of Rats Against the Histopathologic Changes in Cigarette Smoke Exposure
    (Sage Publications inc, 2020) Sargon, Mustafa Fevzi; Unlu, Ceren Ersoz; Tatar, Ilkan; Sargon, Mustafa Fevzi; Zeybek, Dilara; Oguztuzun, Serpil; Basic Sciences
    Introduction: Smoking is a public health problem that has been proven to have adverse effects on human health. Aerobic exercise has positive effects on the human body, especially on the respiratory system. Objective: The aim of this experimental animal model study was to determine whether regular aerobic exercise has a protective effect against the harmful effects of cigarette smoke on the nasal mucosa of rats. Methods: A total of 24 male Wistar albino rats were randomly separated into 3 groups of 8: group 1 (cigarette smoking), group 2 (cigarette smoking and exercise), and group 3 (control group). At the end of the experiment period, histopathological (light and electron microscopy) and immunohistochemical (GSTA 1, CYP1A1, and CYP2E1) evaluations were made of the nasal mucosa of the animals. Results: Goblet cell loss and basal membrane thickening were significantly lower in group 2 and group 3 compared to group 1. In the electron microscope evaluation, the inflammatory expressions of the goblet cells were observed in a very small area in group 2. In group 1, these were distributed over large areas between the mucosal cells. There was seen to be significant swelling of the mitochondria in group 1 compared to the other groups. No statistically significant difference was determined between the groups with respect to GSTA1, CYP2E1, and CYP1A1 scores (P> .05). Conclusion: The results of this study showed that regular aerobic exercise has a protective effect against the harmful effects of smoking on the nasal mucosa of rats.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 5
    Evaluation of the anatomical measurements of the temporomandibular joint by cone-beam computed tomography
    (Via Medica, 2019) Sargon, Mustafa Fevzi; Sargon, M. F.; Orhan, K.; Bilecenoglu, B.; Geneci, F.; Uzuner, M. B.; Basic Sciences
    Background: To examine the detailed anatomy of the normal temporomandibular joint (TMJ) in a large series of patients divided into different age groups. Materials and methods: Cone-beam computed tomography images of 100 patients included in the study. Morphometric analysis regarding mandibular condyle and mandibular fossa, articular tubercle and the zygomatic arch was done. The volumetric and surface measurements of mandibular condyles (total tissue volume [TV], total bone volume [BV], bone surface area [BS] and percentage of bony tissue of the mandibular condyle [BV/TV] were also measured. Results: Statistical analysis was performed and statistically significant differences according to the side of the joint, sex, and age groups were reported. Additionally, correlations between aging and all of these parameters were also determined. Conclusions: TV, BV, BS and BV/TV parameters according to side, age, and sex groups were defined for normal TMJ which may help to understand the onset and progress of TMJ disorders.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 0
    Morphometry and geometry of the formation of basilar artery
    (2019) Sargon, Mustafa Fevzi; Aldur, M.; Sargon, Mustafa Fevzi; Çelebioğlu, Emre; Çalışkan, Selma; Basic Sciences
    The morphometric studies on pathological changes observed in vertebral and basilar arteries are valuable in the diagnosis of many pathological disorders. The purpose of this study was to detect the morphometry and geometry of the intracranial part of vertebral and basilar arteries according to age, sex, and dominance parameters in huge series to contribute to the literature. In the study, the morphometric analysis was performed on 250 healthy patients (133 males, 117 females) by using Computed Tomography (CT) angiography. In 86 cases (34.4%) (47 males, 39 females), the basilar artery coursed straight to the right side. One hundred forty-five patients (58%) had left vertebral artery dominance. The diameters of the vessels were higher in males than in females, and there was no relationship between this finding and age. The diameter of the basilar artery at the vertebrobasilar junction was statistically significantly higher than its diameter in the terminal part of the pons. By the aid of vertical axis drawn from the formation point of basilar artery by the union of vertebral arteries, the angles of the right and left vertebral arteries were examined separately. These data will penlight future studies. This is the first study in measuring the angle of basilar artery along its course. The aim this study was to determine the changes that might occur in this angle due to the aging. To our knowledge there is no study examining the morphometry and geometry of the vertebral and basilar arteries together with these detailed parameters separately in the literature.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 2
    Kuru Kafalarda Processus Mastoideus Morfometrisi
    (2020) Sargon, Mustafa Fevzi; Akkaşoğlu, Sinem; Sargon, Mustafa Fevzi; Demiryürek, Deniz; Basic Sciences
    Amaç: Çalışmamızda processus mastoideus anatomisinin detaylarını tanımlamak ve cerrahlar, anatomistler, antropologlar ve adli bilimler ile ilgilenenlere ışık tutmak amaçlanmıştır Gereç ve Yöntemler: Processus mastoideus temporal kemikte meatus acusticus externus’un postero-inferioru’ndan aşağı doğru uzanan bir yapıdır. Çalışmamız cinsiyeti bilinmeyen 20 kafa iskeletinin bütünü (20 sağ + 20 sol= 40) ve 18 yarım kafatasında gerçekleştirildi. Bütün ölçümler digital kumpas kullanılarak iki araştırmacı tarafından eş zamanlı olarak yapıldı. Bulgular: Ellisekiz processus mastoideus’un 30’u sağ ve 28’i sol tarafa aitti. Her processus mastoideus için tüm ölçümlerin ortalama ve standart sapması rapor edildi. Sağ ve sol A çizgileri (asterion-processus mastoideus’un apex’i) arasındaki fark istatistiksel olarak anlamlıydı (p = 0.022). Sağ ve sol D çizgileri (meatus acusticus externus’un üst sınırından çizilen düzlem ile processus mastoideus’un apex’i arasındaki vertikal uzaklık) arasındaki fark istatistiksel olarak anlamlıydı (p<0.001). Sonuç: Processus mastoideus morfolojisi ve anatomik komşulukları anatomistler, beyin cerrahları, antropologlar ve adli tıp uzmanları için önemlidir. Pek çok disiplin için ortak ilgi alanı olduğu için, bu yapının morfometrisi iyi tanımlanmalıdır.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 3
    Evaluation of asterion morphometry in terms of clinical anatomy
    (Yuzuncu Yil Universitesi Tip Fakultesi, 2019) Sargon, Mustafa Fevzi; Farimaz,M.; Aktaş,H.A.; Ocak,H.; Erdal,Ö.D.; Sargon,M.F.; Çalişkan,S.; Basic Sciences
    Asterion is the junction of lambdoid, parietomastoid and occipitomastoid sutures and it corresponds to the location of the posterolateral fontanelle. It is close related to the location of junction of transverse and sigmoid sinuses. Mastoid process, posterior end of zygomatic arch, external occipital protuberance and lambda are bony features in close proximity of asterion. In the present study we measured the distance between asterion and each of aforementioned bony points. Twenty human dry skulls were included in this study. Distance between asterion and mastoid process was 43.65 ± 6.75 mm on the left side and 45.01± 6.04mm on the right side. Distance between asterion and posterior end of zygomatic arch was 43.97 ± 7.37 mm on the left side and 43.95± 7.02 mm on the right side. Distance between asterion and external occipital protuberance was 62.59 ± 8.83 mm on the left side and 54.75 ±5.57mm on the right side. Distance between asterion and lambda was 81.40 ± 7.36 mm on the left side and 82 ± 4.96 mm on the right side. In 84 % of the cases asterion was at the junction of transverse and sigmoid sinuses. In 12% of the cases asterion was below the junction of transverse and sigmoid sinuses. In 4 % of the cases asterion was above the junction of transverse and sigmoid sinuses. Asterion is the essential point to indicate safety zone for surgical approach and to determine sex and age. It is of great interest of anatomists, anthropologists, forensic experts, radiologists and neurosurgeons. © 2019, Yuzuncu Yil Universitesi Tip Fakultesi. All rights reserved.
  • Correction
    Citation Count: 0
    Ultrastructural Analysis of the Anterior Lens Epithelium inCataracts Associated with Uveitis (vol 33, pg 151, 2020)
    (Karger, 2020) Sargon, Mustafa Fevzi; Basic Sciences
    [No Abstract Available]