Nazlıbilek, Sedat

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N., Sedat
Sedat, Nazlıbilek
S., Nazlibilek
Sedat, Nazlibilek
Nazlıbilek, Sedat
Nazlibilek, Sedat
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Supervised Theses


Scholarly Output Search Results

Now showing 1 - 10 of 15
  • Master Thesis
    Küpsat uydusunun bulanık mantık kontrolcüsüyle tek eksende yönelim kontrolü
    (2016) Nazlıbilek, Sedat; Nazlıbilek, Sedat; Department of Mechatronics Engineering
    Bu tezde, bir küp uydunun bir tepki tekeri vasıtasıyla bulanık mantık kontrolcüsü kullanılarak tek eksendeki yönelim kontrolü incelenmiştir. Küp uydu minyatür bir uydu olup uzay araştırmaları için kullanılmaktadır, hacmi yaklaşık 1 litredir (10 cm x 10 cm x 10 cm) ve kütlesi yaklaşık 1 kilogramdır, bu cisme 1-Birim veya kısaca 1B adı verilmektedir. Küp uydular son yıllarda sadece akademik amaçlar için geliştirilmiş olmalarına rağmen, günümüzde bunlar uzaydan fotoğraf çekme, deprem tespiti, kozmik toz tespiti, yağmur ve tornado gibi iklimsel tahminler vb. pek çok alanda kullanılmaktadır. Bu çalışma sırasında, yönelim kontrolü ile ilgili yöntem ve teknikler hakkında pek çok akademik yayın taranmış ve konuya ilişkin bilgi tezin literatür incelemesi bölümünde verilmiştir. Bu yüksek lisans tezinde esas ilgi, küp uydunun tek eksendeki yönelim kontrolünde bir tepki tekeri kullanımı üzerinde yoğunlaşmıştır. Bu çalışmada, tepki tekerinin kendisi ve test düzeneği tasarımlanmış, gerçeklenmiş ve imal edilmiştir. Test düzeneği, küp uydunun tek eksendeki davranışının benzetimi için tasarımlanmıştır. Tepki tekeri ve test düzeneği tüm ölçümlerin alınması ve testlerin yapılması gerçekleştirilebilecek şekilde bütünleşik bir sistem olarak entegre edilmiştir. Arduino Mega mikroişlemcisi ile birlikte çalışan bir MATLAB tabanlı bulanık mantık yazılımı geliştirilmiş ve sisteme kontrol yöntemi olarak uygulanmıştır.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 5
    A Study on the Performance of Magnetic Material Identification System by SIFT-BRISK and Neural Network Methods
    (Ieee-inst Electrical Electronics Engineers inc, 2015) Şengül, Gökhan; Nazlibilek, Sedat; Nazlıbilek, Sedat; Citak, Hakan; Kalender, Osman; Karacor, Deniz; Sengul, Gokhan; Computer Engineering; Department of Mechatronics Engineering
    Industry requires low-cost, low-power consumption, and autonomous remote sensing systems for detecting and identifying magnetic materials. Magnetic anomaly detection is one of the methods that meet these requirements. This paper aims to detect and identify magnetic materials by the use of magnetic anomalies of the Earth's magnetic field created by some buried materials. A new measurement system that can determine the images of the upper surfaces of buried magnetic materials is developed. The system consists of a platform whose position is automatically controlled in x-axis and y-axis and a KMZ51 anisotropic magneto-resistive sensor assembly with 24 sensors mounted on the platform. A new identification system based on scale-invariant feature transform (SIFT)-binary robust invariant scalable keypoints (BRISKs) as keypoint and descriptor, respectively, is developed for identification by matching the similar images of magnetic anomalies. The results are compared by the conventional principal component analysis and neural net algorithms. On the six selected samples and the combinations of these samples, 100% correct classification rates were obtained.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 19
    Mine Identification and Classification by Mobile Sensor Network Using Magnetic Anomaly
    (Ieee-inst Electrical Electronics Engineers inc, 2011) Nazlıbilek, Sedat; Kalender, Osman; Ege, Yavuz; Department of Mechatronics Engineering
    In this paper, a new method is proposed to identify and classify the data obtained by the sensor network (SN) for the detection of mines. This method is used for the identification of antitank and antipersonnel mines and classification of buried objects within a target region. In this paper, a mobile SN is used to detect mines and some other objects buried and creating magnetic anomaly in and around the region where they are found, with the behavior of the individual sensors swarming onto the area under which a mine or any other object is buried. The process of collecting data by the SN and modeling it mathematically are explained in detail. The SN is modeled as a fictitious two-dimensional spatial impulse sampler. This paper is motivated by clearing the territories of mine fields to open them to agriculture. It is very important because, currently, in some countries, very fertile territories around the borders are covered by buried mines. The approach is basically based on magnetic anomaly measurements, which directly tackles the subregions corresponding to buried objects whether they represent objects that are separately located or occluded by other objects. It is based on a new developed method that is called "the back-most object detection and identification algorithm." This method is fully automatic, and there is no human intervention throughout the process. In this paper, classification of objects is based on their well-known shapes and dimensions. Therefore, there is no need for sophisticated learning algorithms to achieve classification. The experimental results are given both for detection and identification of a single mine and classification of a number of mines and any other objects that have a potential of giving false alarms in a target region.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 5
    A new wireless asynchronous data communications module for industrial applications
    (Elsevier Sci Ltd, 2013) Nazlıbilek, Sedat; Sensoy, Mehmet Gokhan; Kalender, Osman; Nazlibilek, Sedat; Citak, Hakan; Department of Mechatronics Engineering
    All the sensors such as temperature, humidity, and pressure used in industry provide analog outputs as inputs for their control units. Wireless transmission of the data has advantages on wired transmission such as USB port, parallel port and serial port and therefore has great importance for industrial applications. In this work, a new wireless asynchronous data communications module has been developed to send the earth magnetic field data around a ferromagnetic material detected by a KMZ51 AMR sensor. The transmitter module transmits the analog data obtained from a source to a computer environment where they are stored and then presented in a graphical form. In this design, an amplitude shift keying (ASK) transceiver working at the frequency of 433.92 MHz which is a frequency inside the so called Industrial Scientific Medical band (ISM band) used for wireless communications. The analog data first fed into a 10-bit ADC controlled by a PIC microcontroller and then the digital data is sent to the transmitter. A preamble bit string is added in front of the data bits and another bit string for achieving synchronization and determination the start of the data is used. The data arriving at the receiver is taken by the microcontroller and sent to a LCD display as well as the serial port of a computer where it is written in a text file. A Visual Basic based graphics interface is designed to receive, store and present the data in the form of graphical shapes. In the paper, all the work has been explained in detail. Crown Copyright (C) 2013 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 6
    Autonomous navigation of robotic units in mobile sensor network
    (Elsevier Sci Ltd, 2012) Nazlıbilek, Sedat; Department of Mechatronics Engineering
    This work is motivated by the problem of detecting buried anti-tank and anti-personnel mines in roads or some border regions. The problem is tried to be solved by use of small mobile robotic sensors and their some abilities such as measurement of local fields, navigation around a region, communications with each other, and constituting team within a mission area. The aim of this work is to investigate the navigation problem for the team behavior of mobile sensors within a potential field available in a small-scale environment such as an indoor area or an outdoor region. The mobile sensor network here is a collection of robotic units with sensing capability of earth magnetic field anomalies. A new kind of positioning system is needed for their collective behavior. In this work, a new method of navigation is proposed as a local positioning system. It utilizes ultrasound and radio frequency information to determine the coordinates of the points inside the operational area. The method proposed here is compared with the ultra wideband ranging ping-pong method that is used widely in recent applications. A time division multiple access method is used for the communications among the mobile sensors. The results on the positioning methods together with several simulations and experimental works are given. It is shown that the positioning method utilizing ultrasound-radio frequency method can give fairly good results. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 18
    Identification of materials with magnetic characteristics by neural networks
    (Elsevier Sci Ltd, 2012) Nazlıbilek, Sedat; Ege, Yavuz; Kalender, Osman; Sensoy, Mehmet Gokhan; Karacor, Deniz; Sazh, Murat Husnu; Department of Mechatronics Engineering
    In industry, there is a need for remote sensing and autonomous method for the identification of the ferromagnetic materials used. The system is desired to have the characteristics of improved accuracy and low power consumption. It must also autonomous and fast enough for the decision. In this work, the details of inaccurate and low power remote sensing mechanism and autonomous identification system are given. The remote sensing mechanism utilizes KMZ51 anisotropic magneto-resistive sensor with high sensitivity and low power consumption. The images and most appropriate mathematical curves and formulas for the magnetic anomalies created by the magnetic materials are obtained by 2-D motion of the sensor over the material. The contribution of the paper is the use of the images obtained by the measurement of the perpendicular component of the Earth magnetic field that is a new method for the purpose of identification of an unknown magnetic material. The identification system is based on two kinds of neural network structures. The MultiLayer Perceptron (MLP) and the Radial Basis Function (RBF) network types are used for training of the neural networks. In this work, 23 different materials such as SAE/AISI 1030, 1035, 1040, 1060, 4140 and 8260 are identified. Besides the ferromagnetic materials, three objects are also successfully identified. Two of them are anti-personal and anti-tank mines and one is an empty can box. It is shown that the identification system can also be used as a buried mine identification system. The neural networks are trained with images which are originally obtained by the remote sensing system and the system is operated by images with added Gaussian white noises. Crown Copyright (C) 2012 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • Master Thesis
    Optik teleskoplar için iki serbestlik dereceli çatal kurgu tasarımı
    (2015) Nazlıbilek, Sedat; Nazlıbilek, Sedat; Department of Mechatronics Engineering
    Bu tez ile optik teleskoplar için iki serbestlik derecesinde hareket mekanizmasına sahip çatal kollu teleskop montürünün elektronik, mekanik ve yazılımsal tasarımının ve prototipinin yapılması amaçlanmıştır. Teleskop montürü küçük sınıf teleskoplar için tasarlanmış ve prototiplenmiştir. Protatiplenen teleskop montürü; 35 kg ağırlığındaki optik teleskopları yönlendirebilecek kapasitededir. Teleskop montürünün çatal kolları arasındaki mesafe; 20 cm ile 40 cm ayna çapına sahip optik teleskopların takılmasına imkan verecek niteliktedir. Sistem mekanik gereksinimleri tespit edilmiş buna uygun mekanik tasarım yapılmıştır. Hareketi sağlayacak eyleyiciler ve sistem kontrolü için gerekli elektronik altyapı temin edilmiştir. Sistemin kontrolü Simulink'te oluşturulmuş iki katmanlı blok model ile yapılmaktadır. Simulink harici modda ana kartımız olan Arduino Mega üzerinden eyleyicilerin kontrolüne imkan vermektedir. Sistemin kapalı devre kontrolü iyi bilinen PID kontrolcü ile yapılmıştır. Yapılan prototipin hedefleme ve takip kabiliyeti test edilmiş, elde edilen test sonuçları değerlendirilmiştir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Teleskop Kurgusu, Teleskop Montürü, Alt-Az Teleskoplar, Teleskop kontrol mimarisi, MATLAB – Simulink ile Arduino kart kullanımı
  • Master Thesis
    Tepki tekeri uygulaması, tasarımı ve performans analizi
    (2019) Nazlıbilek, Sedat; Nazlıbilek, Sedat; Department of Mechatronics Engineering
    Bu tezin amacı bir Tepki Tekeri tasarlamaktır. Bir tepki tekeri, belirlenmiş sabit noktalara göre yönlendirme sağlayan uydu sistemleri içindeki bir operatördür. Bu nedenle tez, küp uydularda kullanılabilecek tek eksenli bir reaksiyon tekerleğinin tasarımını ve geliştirilmesini göstermektedir.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 116
    Automatic segmentation, counting, size determination and classification of white blood cells
    (Elsevier Sci Ltd, 2014) Nazlıbilek, Sedat; Karacor, Deniz; Ercan, Tuncay; Sazli, Murat Husnu; Kalender, Osman; Ege, Yavuz; Department of Mechatronics Engineering
    The counts, the so-called differential counts, and sizes of different types of white blood cells provide invaluable information to evaluate a wide range of important hematic pathologies from infections to leukemia. Today, the diagnosis of diseases can still be achieved mainly by manual techniques. However, this traditional method is very tedious and time-consuming. The accuracy of it depends on the operator's expertise. There are laser based cytometers used in laboratories. These advanced devices are costly and requires accurate hardware calibration. They also use actual blood samples. Thus there is always a need for a cost effective and robust automated system. The proposed system in this paper automatically counts the white blood cells, determine their sizes accurately and classifies them into five types such as basophil, lymphocyte, neutrophil, monocyte and eosinophil. The aim of the system is to help for diagnosing diseases. In our work, a new and completely automatic counting, segmentation and classification process is developed. The outputs of the system are the number of white blood cells, their sizes and types. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • Conference Object
    Citation Count: 0
    Attitude control of cubesat in single axis by fuzzy logic controller
    (Avestia Publishing, 2017) Nazlıbilek, Sedat; Kilickaya,O.G.; Tanyer,S.G.; Department of Mechatronics Engineering
    Over the last two decades, satellites are getting smaller with increasing capabilities for space research. Small satellites (between 1 and 15 kg) show great promise as a low-cost option both in production and launching. In this work, attitude control problem for a cubesat is examined. A physical testbed is designed for simulation and testing in a single axis. Cubesat reaction wheel and the testbed are integrated, and fuzzy logic control software in Arduino Mega microprocessor environment is developed. The cubesat floor at the same axis of reaction wheel is tested and real-time measurement data are obtained. Step response and ramp response behaviours are analysed. © 2016 Avestia Publishing.