Akdeniz, Canberk

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C., Akdeniz
Akdeniz, Canberk
Canberk, Akdeniz
A., Canberk
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Araştırma Görevlisi
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Supervised Theses


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  • Article
    Citation Count: 0
    Anxiety and Depression After Cesarean: Non-pharmacological Evidence Based Practices;
    (Dokuz Eylul University, 2022) Terzioğlu, Füsun; Gençbaş, Dercan; Boztepe, Handan; Doğu, Nilgün; Akdeniz, Canberk; Yüceer, Buğse; Nursing
    The purpose of this review is to examine the non-pharmacological evidence-based practices of anxiety and depression after a cesarean section delivery. Postpartum anxiety and depression have increased in the last decade, the rates of postpartum depression are around 13% worldwide. In the postpartum period, women may experience anxiety and depression due to the operation they have undergone; such as being in an unfamiliar environment, facing new technological equipment and encounters with the medical teams, the post-operative pain, the new roles women undertake as mothers. One of the factors that increase anxiety and depression in the postpartum period is the type of delivery. In Turkey, the rate of cesarean delivery is comparatively high, which is approximately 52%. Anxiety and depression after cesarean section develop due to fear and concern such as the complications that may occur during and after the mother's anesthesia, the possibility delaying breastfeeding her baby, and experiencing pain. Non-pharmacological evidence-based applications such as reiki, acupressure, hand and foot massage, yoga, reflexology, aromatherapy, skin to skin care, nursing care protocols were found to be effective in studies conducted to reduce anxiety and depression after cesarean-section. Nurses who have critical roles and responsibilities in pre-and post-cesarean care practices are recommended to include these evidence-based non-pharmacological practices in routine care practices. © 2022, Dokuz Eylul University. All rights reserved.