Keskinkılıç, Ender

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Keskinkılıç, Ender
Ender, Keskinkilic
Keskinkilic, Ender
E., Keskinkilic
Ender, Keskinkılıç
Keskinkiliç E.
Keskinkilic E.
Keskinkilic, E.
K., Ender
E., Keskinkılıç
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Scholarly Output




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Supervised Theses


Scholarly Output Search Results

Now showing 1 - 10 of 22
  • Article
    (Bilim ve Teknoloji, 2015) Keskinkılıç, Ender; Metallurgical and Materials Engineering
    Türkiye’de üniversitelerde ilk Metalurji Mühendisliği eğitimi, İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi’nde başlamıştır. İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi Maden Fakültesi’nde 1957 yılında Üretim Metalurjisi ve Fiziksel Metalurji kürsülerinin kurulmasıyla başlayan Metalurji eğitimi, 1961-62 akademik yılında Metalurji Bölümü’nün açılmasıyla mühendislik eğitimi yapan bir bölüm olarak kurumsallaşmıştır [1]. Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi Makina Mühendisliği’nden 1966 yılında ayrılarak kurulan Metalurji Mühendisliği Bölümü, Türkiye’de Metalurji Mühendisliği eğitiminde bir diğer kilometre taşı olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır [2]. Takip eden yıllarda, çeşitli üniversitelerde de açılan Metalurji Mühendisliği Bölümleri ile doksanlı yılların ortalarına kadar metalurji eğitimi devam ettirilegelmiş, metal dışı malzemelerin sektörde önem kazanmasına paralel olarak Metalurji Mühendisliği branşının adı Metalurji ve Malzeme Mühendisliği’ne evrilmiştir. Doksanlı yıllarda karşımıza çıkan bu isim değişikliğinin sonrasında Türkiye’de pek çok üniversite “Metalurji ve Malzeme Mühendisliği” ismiyle programlar açmaya başlamıştır. 50 yılı aşkın süredir devam eden Metalurji ve Malzeme Mühendisliği eğitimine katkı sunan üniversite sayısı, 2015 yılı itibarıyla 49’u bulmuştur [3]. Söz konusu rakam, Türkiye’deki toplam üniversite sayısının 193 olduğu düşünüldüğünde oldukça önemlidir.
  • Review
    Citation Count: 38
    Nickel Laterite Smelting Processes and Some Examples of Recent Possible Modifications to the Conventional Route
    (Mdpi, 2019) Keskinkılıç, Ender; Metallurgical and Materials Engineering
    The treatment of laterites has been a research hotspot in extractive metallurgy over the past decades. Industrially, the pyrometallurgical treatment of laterites is mostly accomplished with a well-established method, namely, the rotary kiln-electric arc furnace (RKEF) process, which includes three main operations-calcination, prereduction, and smelting-followed by further refining for the removal of impurities from the raw ferro-nickel. As indicated in many studies of the RKEF process, the major downside of this method is its high energy consumption. Efforts have been made to lower this consumption. Furthermore, several new processes have been proposed. Among these, low-grade ferro-nickel production is regarded as the most widely and industrially used process after traditional RKEF operation. Although not widespread, other alternative processes of industrial scale have been generated since the start of the millennium. Recently, certain innovative processes have been tested either in the laboratory or at pilot-scale. In this paper, a literature review related to the smelting of laterites is made, and an emphasis on new processes and some examples of new developments in the RKEF process are presented.
  • Conference Object
    Citation Count: 1
    Smelting Studies for Recovery of Iron from Red Mud
    (Springer international Publishing Ag, 2019) Keskinkılıç, Ender; Pournaderi, Saeid; Geveci, Ahmet; Topkaya, Yavuz A.; Metallurgical and Materials Engineering
    Red mud can be regarded as a by-product of aluminium extraction process since it contains a significant amount of iron and some valuable elements. Therefore, the treatment of red mud has been a hot topic for some decades. The authors have recently started a laboratory-scale project dealing with stepwise recovery of valuable elements from red mud of Seydisehir Aluminum Plant, Turkey. The first step is related to recovery of iron and pyrometallurgical methods (smelting and solid-state reduction) will be performed. Nonferrous metals will then be selectively leached in the second step. In the extent of the present work, a literature review relevant to the smelting studies for recovery of iron from red mud was presented.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 0
    Liquid processing of silicon steels using the converter-ladle furnace-circulation degasser route
    (Southern African inst Mining Metallurgy, 2019) Keskinkılıç, Ender; Metallurgical and Materials Engineering
    Electrical steels are used in motors, power generators, and transformers for electrical applications owing to their superior magnetic properties. These properties are attributed to the presence of a significant amount of silicon in the steel composition. Silicon steels are mainly grouped into two categories: grain-oriented (GO) and non-grain-oriented (NGO). The Si content of silicon steels is generally between about 0.50% and 6.5%. Therefore, silicon steels are further classified as low-, medium-, and high-Si steels. In this paper, liquid steel processing practices for certain silicon steel grades are outlined by considering a steelmaking company that integrates a basic oxygen furnace (BOF), a ladle furnace (LF), and an RH-type degassing unit (RH). Possible problems are identified, suggestions are discussed, and conclusions are drawn on the basis of real plant data.
  • Article
    (Herkese Bilim Teknoloji, 2017) Keskinkılıç, Ender; Metallurgical and Materials Engineering
    2011 yılında Dünya çelik üretimi sıralamasında 10. konumda olan Türkiye, 2012 yılında gerçekleştirdiği 36 milyon tona yakın üretimle Ukrayna ve Brezilya’yı geride bırakarak 8.’liğe yükselmiş, sonraki yıllarda yaşanan kademeli düşüşlerin ardından 2015 yılındaki ciddi düşüşle birlikte 31,5 milyon tona gerilemiştir. 2016 yılındaki hatırı sayılır artışla 33,2 milyon tona yükselen ve Dünya sıralamasında 8.’liğini koruyan Türkiye çelik üretiminin, yeniden ivmelenen yassı çelik üretimiyle birlikte 2017 yılında da artışına devam edeceği öngörülmektedir.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 1
    Laboratory-scale smelting of limonitic laterite ore from Central Anatolia
    (Southern African inst Mining Metallurgy, 2017) Keskinkılıç, Ender; Keskinkilic, E.; Geveci, A.; Topkaya, Y. A.; Metallurgical and Materials Engineering
    The feasibility of ferronickel production from a low-grade limonitic laterite ore was investigated. The ore was first calcined and then prereduced in the solid state. The reduced ore was then smelted to produce ferronickel. The effects of coal addition, smelting temperature, and retention time on the process were investigated. Chemical and physical losses in the slag were separately quantified. Coal addition was the main parameter that controlled the ferronickel grade and losses in the slag. The melting point of the slag was well below that of the ferronickel, which enhanced metal-slag separation and minimized physical losses in the slag. A microstructural study of an industrial slag revealed that Cr-rich particulates, which were suspended in the slag, were mainly responsible for the physical losses in the slag.
  • Conference Object
    Citation Count: 1
    A study on the characterization of nickel laterites of central anatolia
    (Minerals, Metals and Materials Society, 2016) Keskinkılıç, Ender; Pournaderi,S.; Geveci,A.; Topkaya,Y.A.; Metallurgical and Materials Engineering
    There are mainly three commercial nickel laterites in Turkey: Gordes, Caldag and Sivrihisar. The first two appear in Western Anatolia. The third one, Sivrihisar (Yunusemre) laterites have been found in the first decade of the millennium, in the Central Anatolia region of Turkey. Since then, mining facilities have been continued in Yunusemre. Calcination, prereduction and smelting of Sivrihisar laterites have been extensively studied and published. In the current work, some results of the studies related to characterization of Sivrihisar laterites will be presented.
  • Conference Object
    Citation Count: 2
    Production of crude ferronickel from sivrihisar laterite ores of Turkey
    (Minerals, Metals and Materials Society, 2013) Keskinkılıç, Ender; Pournaderi,S.; Geveci,A.; Topkaya,Y.A.; Metallurgical and Materials Engineering
    In the current work, laboratory-scale smelting experiments were conducted using Sivrihisar laterites (1.26% Ni). The ore samples previously subjected to drying, calcination and prereduction stages were smelted in alumina crucibles in a horizontal tube furnace under argon atmosphere. For the smelting system used in the present work, 1550°C and 40 minutes were determined to be the optimum smelting temperature and time, respectively. 25% excess coal addition in prereduction stage was reported to be crucial to obtain the desired Ni content in the final product. Colemanite in calcined form has long been known as a flux used in pyrometallurgical systems such as steelmaking and copper matte-smelting. To investigate the effects of calcined colemanite addition on the ferronickel metal-slag system, calcined colemanite of 2% and 4% of the total metal and slag weight was charged as a flux and smelted under the optimum conditions described above.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 4
    (Technical Faculty, Bor-serbia, 2020) Keskinkılıç, Ender; Metallurgical and Materials Engineering
    Except for special grades of steel where it is used as an alloying element, phosphorus is regarded as an impurity that must be removed. Considering the conventional integrated iron and steelmaking, there are primarily two processes for phosphorus removal. The first is a hot metal dephosphorization (DeP) process that is applied to a blast furnace for hot metal before the steelmaking process. The second is the basic oxygen furnace steelmaking (BOS), a unique method primarily used for steelmaking, with the exception of stainless steels. Hot metal phosphorus content has a direct impact on BOS. An increase of phosphorus in hot metal is mainly related to the use of high P2O5 containing iron ores. In the current literature review, new trends of phosphorus removal in converter steelmaking are outlined. The double-slag practice was reported to be successful when hot metal P content was larger than 0.100%. It was indicated that the tapping temperature was critical for the production of low-phosphorus grades for which maximum allowable P content was 0.007% and that high tapping temperatures should be avoided. The tap-to-tap time for the double-slag process was slightly longer than the conventional converter steelmaking. It was further reported that the double-slag practice would be more economical than an establishment of a separate hot metal dephosphorization unit, if low-phosphorus grades did not have a significant share in the product mix of a steelmaking company. Endpoint phosphorus prediction was one of the important recent trends of converter steelmaking. A mixed injection of CO2-O-2 to a basic oxygen furnace was applied to enhance dephosphorization, and promising results were reported. Unfortunately, a successful process for recycling of BOS dephosphorization slag has not been reported yet.
  • Conference Object
    Citation Count: 0
    Pyrometallurgical Studies for Manganese Extraction Using Turkish Ore Reserves
    (Springer international Publishing Ag, 2017) Keskinkılıç, Ender; Metallurgical and Materials Engineering
    Pyrometallurgical studies conducted for Mn extraction using Turkish Mn-ore reserves were reviewed. Turkish Mn-ores are low-grade ones having similar to 30% Mn. The most important Mn ore reserves in Turkey are in the Denizli-Tavas region, where more than 2 million tons of proven reserves are reported. Mining rights to the Denizli-Tavas manganese belongs to Eregli Iron and Steel Works Co. (ERDEMIR). The ore is usually charged to the blast furnaces of ERDEMIR during hot metal production. So far, nearly 20 Master's thesis studies have been conducted for the analysis of manganese extraction in Turkey. In the scope of the present work, only pyrometallurgical and related activities (i.e. ore beneficiation, calcination, etc.) relevent to the treatment of a specific ore were examined.