Keskinkılıç, Ender
Name Variants
Keskinkılıç, Ender
Ender, Keskinkilic
Keskinkilic, Ender
E., Keskinkilic
Ender, Keskinkılıç
Keskinkiliç E.
Keskinkilic E.
Keskinkilic, E.
K., Ender
E., Keskinkılıç
Ender, Keskinkilic
Keskinkilic, Ender
E., Keskinkilic
Ender, Keskinkılıç
Keskinkiliç E.
Keskinkilic E.
Keskinkilic, E.
K., Ender
E., Keskinkılıç
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Profesor Doktor
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Supervised Theses
29 results
Scholarly Output Search Results
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Article TÜRKİYE’DE METALURJİ VE MALZEME MÜHENDİSLİĞİ EĞİTİMİNE BAKIŞ, 2015(Bilim ve Teknoloji, 2015) Keskinkılıç, Ender; Metallurgical and Materials EngineeringTürkiye’de üniversitelerde ilk Metalurji Mühendisliği eğitimi, İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi’nde başlamıştır. İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi Maden Fakültesi’nde 1957 yılında Üretim Metalurjisi ve Fiziksel Metalurji kürsülerinin kurulmasıyla başlayan Metalurji eğitimi, 1961-62 akademik yılında Metalurji Bölümü’nün açılmasıyla mühendislik eğitimi yapan bir bölüm olarak kurumsallaşmıştır [1]. Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi Makina Mühendisliği’nden 1966 yılında ayrılarak kurulan Metalurji Mühendisliği Bölümü, Türkiye’de Metalurji Mühendisliği eğitiminde bir diğer kilometre taşı olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır [2]. Takip eden yıllarda, çeşitli üniversitelerde de açılan Metalurji Mühendisliği Bölümleri ile doksanlı yılların ortalarına kadar metalurji eğitimi devam ettirilegelmiş, metal dışı malzemelerin sektörde önem kazanmasına paralel olarak Metalurji Mühendisliği branşının adı Metalurji ve Malzeme Mühendisliği’ne evrilmiştir. Doksanlı yıllarda karşımıza çıkan bu isim değişikliğinin sonrasında Türkiye’de pek çok üniversite “Metalurji ve Malzeme Mühendisliği” ismiyle programlar açmaya başlamıştır. 50 yılı aşkın süredir devam eden Metalurji ve Malzeme Mühendisliği eğitimine katkı sunan üniversite sayısı, 2015 yılı itibarıyla 49’u bulmuştur [3]. Söz konusu rakam, Türkiye’deki toplam üniversite sayısının 193 olduğu düşünüldüğünde oldukça önemlidir.Conference Object Citation Count: 1Smelting Studies for Recovery of Iron from Red Mud(Springer international Publishing Ag, 2019) Keskinkilic, Ender; Pournaderi, Saeid; Geveci, Ahmet; Topkaya, Yavuz A.; Metallurgical and Materials EngineeringRed mud can be regarded as a by-product of aluminium extraction process since it contains a significant amount of iron and some valuable elements. Therefore, the treatment of red mud has been a hot topic for some decades. The authors have recently started a laboratory-scale project dealing with stepwise recovery of valuable elements from red mud of Seydisehir Aluminum Plant, Turkey. The first step is related to recovery of iron and pyrometallurgical methods (smelting and solid-state reduction) will be performed. Nonferrous metals will then be selectively leached in the second step. In the extent of the present work, a literature review relevant to the smelting studies for recovery of iron from red mud was presented.Conference Object Citation Count: 2Production of crude ferronickel from sivrihisar laterite ores of Turkey(Minerals, Metals and Materials Society, 2013) Keskinkilic,E.; Pournaderi,S.; Geveci,A.; Topkaya,Y.A.; Metallurgical and Materials EngineeringIn the current work, laboratory-scale smelting experiments were conducted using Sivrihisar laterites (1.26% Ni). The ore samples previously subjected to drying, calcination and prereduction stages were smelted in alumina crucibles in a horizontal tube furnace under argon atmosphere. For the smelting system used in the present work, 1550°C and 40 minutes were determined to be the optimum smelting temperature and time, respectively. 25% excess coal addition in prereduction stage was reported to be crucial to obtain the desired Ni content in the final product. Colemanite in calcined form has long been known as a flux used in pyrometallurgical systems such as steelmaking and copper matte-smelting. To investigate the effects of calcined colemanite addition on the ferronickel metal-slag system, calcined colemanite of 2% and 4% of the total metal and slag weight was charged as a flux and smelted under the optimum conditions described above.Conference Object Citation Count: 1A study on the characterization of nickel laterites of central anatolia(Minerals, Metals and Materials Society, 2016) Keskinkilic,E.; Pournaderi,S.; Geveci,A.; Topkaya,Y.A.; Metallurgical and Materials EngineeringThere are mainly three commercial nickel laterites in Turkey: Gordes, Caldag and Sivrihisar. The first two appear in Western Anatolia. The third one, Sivrihisar (Yunusemre) laterites have been found in the first decade of the millennium, in the Central Anatolia region of Turkey. Since then, mining facilities have been continued in Yunusemre. Calcination, prereduction and smelting of Sivrihisar laterites have been extensively studied and published. In the current work, some results of the studies related to characterization of Sivrihisar laterites will be presented.Conference Object Citation Count: 3Study of certain parameters in laboratory-scale smelting of Sivrihisar laterite ores of Turkey(Minerals, Metals and Materials Society, 2012) Keskinkilic,E.; Pournaderi,S.; Geveci,A.; Topkaya,Y.A.; Metallurgical and Materials EngineeringConventional ferronickel smelting has five main steps: Drying, calcination, prereduction, smelting and refining. In the scope of the current work, smelting experiments were conducted using Sivrihisar laterite ores (1.26% Ni) of Turkey. The ore samples previously subjected to drying, calcination and prereduction stages were smelted in alumina crucibles in a laboratory-scale horizontal tube furnace under argon atmosphere. Smelting experiments were performed at 1500, 1550 and 1600°C. The amount of excess coal used in prereduction step was another variable. Sivrihisar laterite ore is a limonitic one with low MgO composition. Therefore, MgO was added to the smelting charge as a flux. The effects of experimental variables on metal Ni content and slag composition were investigated.Conference Object Citation Count: 4Calcination behavior of sivrihisar laterite ores of Turkey(Minerals, Metals and Materials Society, 2011) Keskinkilic,E.; Pournaderi,S.; Geveci,A.; Topkaya,Y.A.; Metallurgical and Materials EngineeringThis study investigated calcination behavior of one of the Turkish laterite deposits, which was recently found in Sivrihisar region. Representative limonitic laterite samples (1.26% Ni) taken from Yunusemre Karasivritepe and Kucuksivritepe location were first subjected to drying. Removal of chemically bound water and other volatiles were then studied, in detail. In the calcination experiments, temperature and time were the main experimental variables. Thermal treatment was conducted at the specific temperatures in 250 °C-800 °C range. The weight losses due to elimination of chemically bound water and other volatiles were reported to be approximately 10 per cent of the weight of the ore. For the particle size used in the current work, 700 °C and 40 minutes were determined to be the optimum calcination temperature and time, respectively.Article Citation Count: 16Calcination characteristics of laterite ores from the central region of Anatolia(Southern African inst Mining Metallurgy, 2012) Keskinkilic, E.; Pournaderi, S.; Geveci, A.; Topkaya, Y. A.; Metallurgical and Materials EngineeringDrying, calcination, prereduction, and smelting are the main steps in conventional crude ferronickel production. Industrially, these steps are conducted using the rotary kiln-electric arc furnace (RKEF) process. In this paper, calcination characteristics of Sivrihisar laterite ores from the Central Anatolia region are investigated. The extent of elimination of chemically bound water and other volatiles was studied by experiments conducted at various temperatures in the 250-800 degrees C range. Phase changes were examined using X-ray diffractometry. For the particle size used in the study, 300 degrees C was determined to be almost sufficient for complete transformation of goethite to haematite, and 700 degrees C was required for effective elimination of all volatiles in the ore.Conference Object Citation Count: 2Solid-State Reduction Studies for Recovery of Iron from Red Mud(Springer international Publishing Ag, 2020) Keskinkilic, Ender; Pournaderi, Saeid; Geveci, Ahmet; Topkaya, Yavuz A.; Metallurgical and Materials EngineeringRed mud or bauxite residue can be regarded as a by-product of aluminum extraction process since it contains a significant amount of iron and some valuable elements. Therefore, the treatment of red mud has been a hot topic for some decades. Last year, the authors started a laboratory-scale project dealing with stepwise recovery of valuable elements from red mud of Seydisehir Aluminum Plant, Turkey. The first step is related to the recovery of iron and pyrometallurgical methods (solid-state reduction and smelting) are currently being performed. Nonferrous metals will then be selectively leached in the second step. In TMS 2019, the authors outlined the literature related to the smelting studies for iron recovery from bauxite residue. In the extent of the present work, a literature review relevant to the solid-state reduction studies for recovery of iron from red mud was presented.Article Citation Count: 11Reducibility of nickeliferous limonitic laterite ore from Central Anatolia(Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2014) Pournaderi, S.; Keskinkilic, E.; Geveci, A.; Topkaya, Y. A.; Metallurgical and Materials EngineeringLimonitic nickel laterite from Sivrihisar reserve in Turkey was reduced at 700-1100 degrees C by the addition of 5.74, 8.61 and 11.48 wt-% coal under an argon atmosphere. The run-of-mine ore and the reduced samples were studied using X-ray diffraction. The metallisation of Fe was found to be limited up to 900 degrees C, but increased rapidly at higher temperatures. The metallisation of Ni and Co increased when the temperature was increased from 700 to 800 degrees C, almost levelled off up to 900 degrees C and then increased up to 1100 degrees C. The results also showed that increased coal additions did not affect Fe metallisation up to 900 degrees C. At 1000 degrees C the metallisation of Fe became slightly better, but its effect was more pronounced at 1100 degrees C. The increased coal addition affected the nickel reduction equally at all temperatures, while it had no effect on the metallisation of Co.Article Citation Count: 2Recovery of Iron from Turkish and Iranian Red Muds(Springer, 2022) Eray, Said; Keskinkilic, Ender; Topkaya, Yavuz A.; Geveci, Ahmet; Metallurgical and Materials EngineeringTurkish and Iranian red mud samples of different composition and mineralogy were processed by solid-state reduction followed by wet magnetic separation and smelting, two commonly used pyrometallurgical methods for iron recovery. The application of these two methods on the same samples allowed them to be compared thoroughly and to be examined for versatility. The results showed that it was possible to recover more than 90% of iron using both methods. However, the concentrate obtained by the first method contained a significant amount of undesirable oxides. Thus, large proportions (similar to 30%) of valuable elements that are planned to be recovered by hydrometallurgical methods were removed together with the iron. The smelting method, on the other hand, made it possible to recover the iron with high efficiency and as a marketable purity Fe-C alloy. The metal obtained by smelting contained 96% iron, 2% carbon, and a small amount of impurities like Si, Ti, and Na.
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