Alemdaroğlu Temel, Mine

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Name Variants
M., Alemdaroğlu Temel
A. T. Mine
Alemdaroğlu Temel, Mine
Alemdaroğlu Temel,M.
Alemdaroglu Temel,Mine
Mine Alemdaroğlu Temel
M.,Alemdaroğlu Temel
Alemdaroglu Temel,M.
Mine, Alemdaroglu Temel
Mine, Alemdaroğlu Temel
Alemdaroglu Temel, Mine
M.,Alemdaroglu Temel
A., Mine
M., Alemdaroglu Temel
Job Title
Öğretim Görevlisi
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Supervised Theses


Scholarly Output Search Results

Now showing 1 - 3 of 3
  • Article
    Citation Count: 17
    On a cyclic Jungck modified TS-iterative procedure with application examples
    (Elsevier Science inc, 2014) De la Sen, M.; Karapinar, E.; Alemdaroğlu Temel, Mine; Alemdaroğlu Temel, Mine; Alemdaroğlu Temel, Mine; Karapınar, Erdal; Airframe and Powerplant Maintenance; Mathematics
    This article investigates some convergence properties of quasi-cyclic and cyclic Jungck modified TS-iterative schemes in complete metric spaces and Banach spaces. The uniqueness of the best proximity points is investigated. It is basically assumed that one of the self-mappings is asymptotically nonexpansive while the other is asymptotically contractive with several particular cases. Some application examples are also discussed. (C) 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 38
    Brain Drain from Turkey: Return Intentions of Skilled Migrants
    (Wiley, 2014) Gungor, Nil Demet; Tansel, Aysit; Alemdaroğlu Temel, Mine; Alemdaroğlu Temel, Mine; Alemdaroğlu Temel, Mine; Güngör, Nil Demet; Airframe and Powerplant Maintenance; Economics
    The study estimates an empirical model of return intentions using a dataset compiled from an internet survey of Turkish professionals residing abroad. In the migration literature, wage differentials are often cited as an important factor explaining skilled migration. The findings of our study suggest, however, that non-pecuniary factors, such as the importance of family and social considerations, are also influential in the return or non-return decision of the highly educated. In addition, economic instability in Turkey, prior intentions to stay abroad, and work experience in Turkey also increase non-return. Female respondents also appear less likely to return indicating a more selective migration process for females.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 29
    Preparation and Testing of Nafion/Titanium Dioxide Nanocomposite Membrane Electrode Assembly by Ultrasonic Coating Technique
    (Wiley-blackwell, 2014) Devrim, Yilser; Alemdaroğlu Temel, Mine; Alemdaroğlu Temel, Mine; Alemdaroğlu Temel, Mine; Devrim, Yılser; Airframe and Powerplant Maintenance; Energy Systems Engineering
    Membrane electrode assemblies with Nafion/nanosize titanium dioxide (TiO2) composite membranes were manufactured with a novel ultrasonic-spray technique (UST) and tested in proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC). The structures of the membranes were investigated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), and thermogravimetric analysis. The composite membranes gained good thermal resistance with insertion of TiO2. The SEM and XRD techniques have proved the uniform and homogeneous distribution of TiO2 and the consequent enhancement of crystalline character of these membranes. The existence of nanometer size TiO2 has improved the thermal resistance, water uptake, and proton conductivity of composite membranes. Gas diffusion electrodes were fabricated by UST. Catalyst loading was 0.4 (mg Pt) cm(-2) for both anode and cathode sides. The membranes were tested in a single cell with a 5 cm(2) active area operating at the temperature range of 70 degrees C to 110 degrees C and in humidified under 50% relative humidity (RH) conditions. Single PEMFC tests performed at different operating temperatures indicated that Nafion/TiO2 composite membrane is more stable and also performed better than Nafion membranes. The results show that Nafion/TiO2 is a promising membrane material for possible use in PEMFC at higher temperature. (c) 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 2014, 131, 40541.