Aslan, Özgür
Name Variants
Özgür, Aslan
Aslan O.
A., Ozgur
Aslan, Özgür
Ozgur, Aslan
Aslan, O.
A., Özgür
Ö., Aslan
O., Aslan
Aslan Ö.
Aslan, Ozgur
Aslan O.
A., Ozgur
Aslan, Özgür
Ozgur, Aslan
Aslan, O.
A., Özgür
Ö., Aslan
O., Aslan
Aslan Ö.
Aslan, Ozgur
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Profesor Doktor
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Scholarly Output
Citation Count
Supervised Theses
23 results
Scholarly Output Search Results
Now showing 1 - 10 of 23
Book Part Design of Recycled Aluminium (aa 7075+aa1050 Fine Chips)-Based Composites Reinforced With Nano-Sic Whiskers, Fine Carbon Fiber for Aeronautical Applications(CRC Press, 2023) Aslan,O.; Klinkova,O.; Katundi,D.; Miskioglu,I.; Bayraktar,E.; Department of Basic English (Prep School); Mechanical EngineeringIn the frame of the research project that is going on, the mechanical properties of recycled gas atomized scrap aluminium (AA7075) based hybrid composites reinforced with nano SiC filler (whisker)+ Graphene Nano plateless (GNP) and fine carbon Fibers elements have been evaluated. Firstly, the mixture was homogenized by means of ball milling process during 4 hours. After hot compaction at 200°C compaction of the compositions the final specimens have been produced with the novel combined method called “SINTER+FORGING” at 650°C followed by relaxation treatment at 200°C during the 2 hours. This type of hybrid composite is used for aeronautical applications. Static and dynamic-Time dependent compression tests have been conducted. Interface and microstructure of these composites have also been evaluated by Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM). © 2024 selection and editorial matter, N. M. Nurazzi, E. Bayraktar, M. N. F. Norrrahim, H. A. Aisyah, N. Abdullah, and M. R. M. Asyraf; individual chapters, the contributors.Conference Object Impact Behaviour of Recycled Rubber-Based Composites Reinforced with Glass Bubbles and Alumina Fibers (γ-Al2O3)(Springer, 2023) Çakır Kabakcı,G.; Aslan,Ö.; Bayraktar,E.; Mechanical EngineeringIn this research, recycled rubber-based composites are considered with glass bubble (GB) and fine gamma alumina fiber (γ-Al2O3) reinforcements. The effect of the reinforcements with matrix, fracture characteristics of the composite are studied by impact-loading tests (i.e., drop-weight tests). These test results are simulated by finite element analysis (FEM) and the results are compared with the experimental results. Microstructural and fracture surface analysis are carried out by means of scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Mechanical test results show that the reinforcement with glass bubbles and aluminum oxide ceramic fibers generally increase the damping capacity and fracture toughness of the composites. © 2023, The Society for Experimental Mechanics, Inc.Conference Object Static and Fatigue Behaviour of Recycled Thinsheet "ti-Al Based Composites Produced by Hot Forging Diffusion Process(Springer international Publishing Ag, 2024) Zambelis, Georges; Gatamorta, Fabio; Aslan, Ozgur; Miskioglu, Ibrahim; Bayraktar, Emin; Mechanical EngineeringWithin the framework of the common research project, the mechanical properties and fatigue behaviour of recycled thin sheet Ti-Al-based composites reinforced with atomized scrap aluminium (AA7075) and Nb elements have been evaluated. All the thin sheet sandwich structures were produced by the hot forging process, which is a semi-solid-forming process similar to partial melting hot forging. The effect of the chemical bonds during the production of these multifunctional sandwich composite structures was analysed using 3-point bending tests under static and dynamic (fatigue) loading conditions. Additional tensile tests have been carried out to evaluate the mating effect. Interface and microstructure of these composites have also been evaluated using scanning electron microscopy.Doctoral Thesis Zırhlı Muharebe Araçlarında Kullanılan Döküm Parçaların Balistik ve Mayın Koruma Performanslarının Bilgisayar Benzetimleri ile Yüksek Başarımlı Hesaplanması(2023) Çetin, Barış; Aslan, Özgür; Mechanical EngineeringBu doktora çalışmasının temel amacı G18NiCRMo3-6 ve ADI JS 1050-6 isimli döküm malzemelerin yüksek hızlı darbe yüklerini de içeren elasto-plastik ve kırılma/kopma davranışlarını yüksek hassasiyetle tahmin edebilmektir. Bahsedilen malzemeler, zırhlı muharebe araçlarının üretiminde kullanılabilen dökümlerdir ve bu malzemeler araç üzerinde balistik ve mayın patlatması gibi ciddi tehditlerle karşılaşabilmektedirler. Bu amaçla, her iki malzeme için de ayrıntılı bir mekanik test programı oluşturulmuş, testler icra edilmiştir ve gerekli doğrulama işlemleri tamamlanmıştır. Proje kapsamındaki çalışmalarla oluşturulan malzeme modellerinin tahminleri deneysel bulgularla oldukça uyumludur. Bu çıktı, yalnızca farklı yüklemelere sahip ayrı geometrilerin sonlu elemanlar analizi (SEA) bazlı tahminlerinde değil, aynı zamanda döküm bileşenlerinin makro-mekanik performansı üzerindeki farklı kusur seviyelerinin yorumlanmasında da büyük avantajlar sağlama potansiyeline sahiptir.Article Toughening Mechanism Analysis of Recycled Rubber-Based Composites Reinforced With Glass Bubbles, Glass Fibers and Alumina Fibers(Mdpi, 2021) Kabakci, Gamze Cakir; Aslan, Ozgur; Bayraktar, Emin; Mechanical EngineeringRecycling of materials attracts considerable attention around the world due to environmental and economic concerns. Recycled rubber is one of the most commonly used recyclable materials in a number of industries, including automotive and aeronautic because of their low weight and cost efficiency. In this research, devulcanized recycled rubber-based composites are designed with glass bubble microsphere, short glass fiber, aluminum chip and fine gamma alumina fiber (gamma-Al2O3) reinforcements. After the determination of the reinforcements with matrix, bending strength and fracture characteristics of the composite are investigated by three-point bending (3PB) tests. Halpin-Tsai homogenization model is adapted to the rubber-based composites to estimate the moduli of the composites. Furthermore, the relevant toughening mechanisms for the most suitable reinforcements are analyzed and stress intensity factor, K-Ic and critical energy release rate, G(Ic) in mode I are determined by 3PB test with single edge notch specimens. In addition, 3PB tests are simulated by finite element analysis and the results are compared with the experimental results. Microstructural and fracture surfaces analysis are carried out by means of scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Mechanical test results show that the reinforcement with glass bubbles, aluminum oxide ceramic fibers and aluminum chips generally increase the fracture toughness of the composites.Conference Object Numerical Modeling of Recycled Rubber Based Composites Reinforced With Glass Fibers at High Strain Rates(Springer, 2022) K-Cakir,G.; Aslan,O.; Bayraktar,E.; Department of Basic English (Prep School); Mechanical EngineeringDue to its high impact energy absorption properties, devulcanized recycled rubber based composites can be considered as a low cost candidate material for military applications which require lightweight protection against shock waves. This work aims at modeling of low cost devulcanized recycled rubber based composite behavior at high strain rates. In that framework, we established a continuum-based material model in order to capture the macroscopic behavior of the recycled rubber based composite material and numerically reproduce the results from the basic characterization tests. The model is implemented for Finite Element Analysis Software ABAQUS/Standard as a user subroutine UMAT for implicit nonlinear finite element calculations in order to simulate the behavior of several RVEs representing the microstructure of the composite and it is behavior at high strain rates. © 2022, The Society for Experimental Mechanics.Article A Large-Deformation Gradient Damage Model for Single Crystals Based on Microdamage Theory(Mdpi, 2020) Aslan, Ozgur; Bayraktar, Emin; Mechanical EngineeringThis work aims at the unification of the thermodynamically consistent representation of the micromorphic theory and the microdamage approach for the purpose of modeling crack growth and damage regularization in crystalline solids. In contrast to the thermodynamical representation of the microdamage theory, micromorphic contribution to flow resistance is defined in a dual fashion as energetic and dissipative in character, in order to bring certain clarity and consistency to the modeling aspects. The approach is further extended for large deformations and numerically implemented in a commercial finite element software. Specific numerical model problems are presented in order to demonstrate the ability of the approach to regularize anisotropic damage fields for large deformations and eliminate mesh dependency.Book Part Design of Recycled Aluminium (AA7075)-Based Composites Reinforced with Nano Filler NiAl Intermetallic and Nano Niobium Powder Produced with Vacuum Arc Melting for Aeronautical Applications(CRC Press, 2023) Kasar,C.; Aslan,O.; Gatamorta,F.; Miskioglu,I.; Bayraktar,E.; Department of Basic English (Prep School); Mechanical EngineeringIn the frame of the common research project, the mechanical properties of recycled gas atomized scrap aluminium (AA 7075)-based composites reinforced with nano filler NiAl intermetallic and niobium (Nb) elements have been evaluated. Firstly, the mixture was homogenized by means of a ball milling process for 4 hours. After cold compaction of the compositions, the final specimens have been produced with “vacuum arc melting” for aeronautical applications. Static and dynamic compression tests have been conducted. Additional tensile tests have also been carried out. Experimental results were compared with a finite element method. The interface and microstructure of these composites have also been evaluated by a scanning electron microscopy. © 2024 selection and editorial matter, N. M. Nurazzi, E. Bayraktar, M. N. F. Norrrahim, H. A. Aisyah, N. Abdullah, and M. R. M. Asyraf; individual chapters, the contributors.Conference Object Toughening Mechanism of Silicon Whiskers and Alumina Fibres (γ-Al2o3) Reinforced Ni-Al Matrix Composites Through “sintering + Forging”(Springer, 2023) Miskioglu,I.; Zambelis,G.; Gatamorta,F.; Aslan,O.; Bayraktar,E.; Department of Basic English (Prep School); Mechanical EngineeringIn this study, the microstructural formation and static/dynamic compression behaviour of recycled Ni-Al-Cu matrix hybrid composites reinforced with silicon whiskers and alumina (Al2O3) fibres will be studied. It is intended to be an alternative to traditional alloys/composites used in the aeronautical industry. These composites generally are produced using by combined “sintering + forging” processes. The static and dynamic properties will be evaluated in detail, considering the relevant scanning electron microscopy (SEM) microstructures (including the distribution of reinforcement elements). © 2023, The Society for Experimental Mechanics, Inc.Conference Object Numerical Modeling of Hydrogen Diffusion in Metals Accounting for Large Deformations(Pergamon-elsevier Science Ltd, 2015) Aslan, Ozgur; Mechanical EngineeringWhile the deleterious effects of hydrogen on metals and alloys are well known, the precise role of hydrogen in the underlying microscopic mechanisms is still not well understood and as of yet, the modeling attempts on hydrogen embrittlement and hydrogen induced cracking have not led to a proper method for life-time prediction. This work aims at the development of a robust numerical strategy in order to solve the non-linear coupled problem presented in the work of Anand [1]. The numerical implementation is performed for finite element method and the analysis are done to address the issue of hydrogen transport and hydrogen-embrittlement-related failures in metals. Specifically, problems related to the mechanism of hydrogen enhanced localized plasticity (HELP) is studied and macroscale shear localization phenomenon resulting from hydrogen induced material softening is considered at the phenomenological level. Copyright (C) 2015, Hydrogen Energy Publications, LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
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