Yeşil, Sertan

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Name Variants
Sertan Yeşil
Yesil, Sertan
Sertan, Yeşil
S., Yesil
Yeil S.
Sertan, Yesil
S., Yeşil
Yeşil, Sertan
Y., Sertan
Job Title
Doktor Öğretim Üyesi
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Scholarly Output




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Supervised Theses


Scholarly Output Search Results

Now showing 1 - 2 of 2
  • Conference Object
    Gezgin & Gezgin-2: Adaptive Real-time İmage Processing Subsystems For Earth Observing Small Satellites
    (2006) Ismailoǧlu,N.; Benderli,O.; Yeşil,S.; Sever,R.; Okcan,B.; Şengül,O.; Öktem,R.; Chemical Engineering
    GEZGİN and GEZGİN-2 are real-time multi-spectral image processing subsystems developed for BİLSAT-1 and RASAT satellites respectively, the first two earth observing small satellites of Turkey, Main functionality of these subsystems is to compress in real-time multi-spectral images received concurrently from imagers, using JPEG2000 Image Compression algorithm. The compression features are controlled through user-supplied parameters uploaded in-orbit, so that the compression rate could be adapted to bandwidth, image quality and other mission requirements. GEZGİN employs both reconfigurable hardware and a DSP processor for image processing, where as the more advanced GEZGİN-2 contains full integration of the JPEG2000 processing path plus other image pre-processing features on reconfigurable hardware, hence offering increased performance and full re-configurability in orbit. Both systems demonstrate space-tailored architectures for implementing image processing functions where adaptability becomes the crucial issue determining robustness, flexibility and survivability of the system. © 2006 IEEE.
  • Conference Object
    Gezgi̇n-2: an Advanced Image Processing Subsystem for Earth-Observing Small Satellites
    (2005) Ismailoǧlu,N.; Benderli,O.; Yeşil,S.; Sever,R.; Okcan,B.; Öktem,R.; Chemical Engineering
    GEZGİN-2 is a real-time image processing subsystem, currently being developed for RASAT, the second small satellite to be launched by TÜBİTAK-BİLTEN, in 2007. It is an advanced version of the GEZCİN payload, implementing JPEG 2000 image compression algorithm and currently flying on the BİLSAT-1 satellite. The main enhancements in GEZGİN-2 are the integration of the full processing path of JPEG 2000 algorithm in a single Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) for increased processing performance and high speed data links complying with the ESA Spacewire standard, for data transfer at a rate of 100 Mbps. In addition to JPEG2000, GEZGIN-2 facilitates image pre-processing for cloud/sea detection and image/data encryption implemented on a daughter-board called GÖLGE. As in GEZGİN, GEZGİN-2 allows for adjustment of compression ratio for different mission times by means of run-time supplied parameters and full reconfigurability in orbit. © 2005 IEEE.