Yıldız, Melih

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Melih, Yıldız
Y., Melih
Melih, Yildiz
Yildiz, Melih
M., Yildiz
Yıldız, Melih
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Doktor Öğretim Üyesi
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Scholarly Output




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Supervised Theses


Scholarly Output Search Results

Now showing 1 - 4 of 4
  • Book Part
    Citation Count: 2
    Advantages and future of electric propulsion in UAVs
    (Springer International Publishing, 2017) Yıldız, Melih; Karakoç,T.H.; Airframe and Powerplant Maintenance
    [No abstract available]
  • Review
    Citation Count: 0
    (2020) Yıldız, Melih; Mutlu, Savaş; Aviation Management; Airframe and Powerplant Maintenance
    Havacılık sektörü, her yıl gösterdiği yüksek büyüme oranları yanı sıra, çevre vesağlık sorunlarına neden olan emisyonları azaltmak ve akaryakıt ile işletmemaliyelerini düşürmek için gayret göstermektedir. Bu çabaların ortak paydasındabulunan tahrik sistemlerinde elektrik enerjisi kullanımı giderek ilgi çekmektedir.Bir yandan da yetkili otoritelerin elektrikli araç kullanımı konusundaki yaklaşımısonucu, havacılık ekosisteminin önemli unsurlarından biri olan yer hizmetlerindekullanılan teçhizatın da elektrikli alternatifleri gündeme gelmiştir. Bu araştırmada,yer hizmetlerinde kullanılan teçhizatın elektrikli olmasındaki faydalar ile birliktesöz konusu teçhizatın kısıtları ve konu hakkındaki öneriler ortaya konulmuştur.Araştırma nitel olarak gerçekleştirilmiş ve ikincil verilerden faydalanılmıştır.Araştırmada dünyada bu alanda yapılmış uygulama çalışmalarından elde edilendeneyim ve modelleme çalışmaları sonuçları analiz edilmiş, bu alandaki genel eğilimortaya konulmuştur. Ülkemizde önde gelen firmalardan birisinin mevcut elektrikliyer hizmetleri teçhizatı kullanım oranları değerlendirilmiştir. Ülkemiz elektrikli yerhizmetleri teçhizatı kullanımının incelenen ülkeler ortalamasında olduğugörülmüştür. Çalışma sonucunda elektrikli yer hizmetleri teçhizatınınyaygınlaşması için gerekli şartlar belirlenmiş ve öneriler oluşturulmuştur.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 1
    Solar energy for the airport ground support equipment - a quantitative study
    (Emerald Group Publishing Ltd, 2023) Yıldız, Melih; Mutlu, Savaş; Nagy, Andras; Kale, Utku; Aviation Management; Airframe and Powerplant Maintenance
    PurposeThis paper aims to evaluate the hypothetical situation in a resembling airport to Esenboga Airport and analyzes the condition of all ground support equipment (GSE) equipment to be supplied by electricity produced by solar panels mounted on the rooftop of the terminal building. The case is discussed using environmental emissions and economic feasibility. The results of the resembling case can be generalized to all airports for the reduction of emissions caused by ground operations of aviation. Design/methodology/approachGSE fleet data which has been prepared by TGS operated in the Esenboga Airport have been used to calculate emissions, and equivalent electricity consumption. A hypothetical solar panel construction on the rooftop of the terminal building and also the electricity production case was analyzed. Based on the calculations, both fuel and electricity use cases are compared by means of emissions and production costs using real data. FindingsThe electricity production and transmission pose a high value of emissions. Thus, electrification of GSE in the airport need a new approach such as producing the electric energy in the site. This research analyzes the case that the electricity is produced on the rooftop of terminal building and consumed by the GSE fleet. The authors discussed that it is both feasible and possible to electrify all the GSE except a shortage of two cold months with high fuel demand by using electric storage options. Practical implicationsGround handling is performed by using GSE which is historically powered by diesel and such internal combustion engines which are well known for their high emission rates. As most of the airports reside in populated areas, GSE emissions need to be evaluated for reduction. However the electric energy could be an alternative for GSE emissions reduction Originality/valueAviation is a system of many subsystems in which the performance of each unit plays a crucial role in the final success of the system. Concerns on environmental protection make the aviation industry focus on reducing emissions produced during operations. Although aircraft emissions are widely discussed in the literature, ground handling systems which are an integral part of the whole aviation system, also need to be studied regarding the environmental issues. Besides, the European Union has set out targets of reducing emissions at the airports during ground operations to zero. This paper discusses the possibility of the target by comparing various scenarios
  • Article
    Citation Count: 5
    Experimental Investigation of Communication Performance of Drones Used for Autonomous Car Track Tests
    (Mdpi, 2021) Yıldız, Melih; Bilgiç, Burcu; Kale, Utku; Rohacs, Daniel; Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering; Airframe and Powerplant Maintenance
    Autonomous Vehicles (AVs) represent an emerging and disruptive technology that provides a great opportunity for future transport not only to have a positive social and environmental impact but also traffic safety. AV use in daily life has been extensively studied in the literature in various dimensions, however; it is time for AVs to go further which is another technological aspect of communication. Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) technology is an emerging issue that is expected to be a mutual part of AVs and transportation safety in the near future. V2V is widely discussed by its deployment possibilities not only by means of communication, even to be used as an energy transfer medium. ZalaZONE Proving Ground is a 265-hectare high-tech test track for conventional, electric as well as connected, assisted, and automated vehicles. This paper investigates the use of drones for tracking the cars on the test track. The drones are planned to work as an uplink for the data collected by the onboard sensors of the car. The car is expected to communicate with the drone which is flying in coordination. For the communication 868 MHz is selected to be used between the car and the drone. The test is performed to simulate different flight altitudes of drones. The signal strength of the communication is analyzed, and a model is developed which can be used for the future planning of the test track applications.