Bor, Özgür

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Özgür, Bor
O., Bor
Ozgur, Bor
Bor, Özgür
B., Ozgur
Bor, Ozgur
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Doçent Doktor
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Supervised Theses


Scholarly Output Search Results

Now showing 1 - 5 of 5
  • Article
    Citation Count: 2
    The effects of energy-intensive meat production on CO2 emissions: evidence from extended environmental Kuznets framework
    (Springer Heidelberg, 2022) Omay, Tolga; Omay, Tolga; Bor, Özgür; Aktan, Ceyda; Economics
    This study documents the positive relationship between meat production and CO2 emissions by utilizing the environmental Kuznets framework. Relationships between energy consumption, economic growth, meat production, and the levels of CO2 are tested using 6 different variables (CO2 emissions, GDP, energy consumption, forest area, total meat, and total livestock). Data for the study is related to the G7 countries and covers the period between 1961 and 2016. The analysis of the data is then conducted using a panel threshold model. Moreover, the extended EKC model does not only consider the income as the state variable but also examines the nonlinear structure inherited in other explanatory variables as a state variable. In this way, we have seen the nonlinear effects of other variables' evolution over time on carbon emission. The overall results indicate that the production of meat significantly increases CO2 emissions.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 0
    Using threshold co-integration to estimate asymmetric price transmission in the Turkish milk market
    (Bononia Univ Press, 2021) Bor, Özgür; Tuncay, Berna; Economics
    We investigate the price dynamics between retail milk price and raw milk price in the Turkish fluid milk market. The study uses monthly fluid milk prices for 14 years between January 2003 and December 2016. We analyze the price adjustment in the fluid milk market through an asymmetric error correction model with threshold co-integration. We find that the transmission between the two prices has been asymmetric in both the long term and short term period. Differences between the farm milk prices and retail milk prices may exist due to marketing costs across the supply chain and pricing policies associated with the market structure. Results of the long-run analysis indicate a significant market power in the fluid milk market. Therefore, in this asymmetric case, the deviations are likely to be the reason for the market power of the processors/retailers and the reason for the oligopolistic market structure in the sector.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 2
    Sport Academics' Awareness and Knowledge of Sustainability in Higher Education in Turkiye
    (Mdpi, 2023) Tosun, Burcu; Tosun, Burcu; Bor, Özgür; Eler, Nebahat; Business; Economics
    It is widely accepted that sport plays a critical role in the achievement of sustainable development goals. The sport colleges, faculties, and universities that have undertaken the role to educate students, future trainers, educators, managers, and academic staff naturally have a significant impact on increasing awareness regarding sustainability issues. Therefore, in this study, the awareness, perception, and knowledge of the academic staff working in sport faculties and the factors affecting them are analyzed. For this purpose, a survey including a total of 19 questions is designed to measure the level of awareness regarding sustainable development, and it is answered by 366 faculty members in all 75 sport faculties in Turkiye. The results of the study point out that the vast majority of sport academics at universities have a common, general understanding of sustainability, but insufficient awareness of sustainable development goals and the relationship between sport and sustainable development. Furthermore, recognition and awareness regarding sustainable development seem to be limited at the institutional level. However, the results also imply that a great majority of the respondents are aware of the importance of sustainability and consider it necessary to improve themselves and their courses accordingly. Therefore, including sustainability issues in the curriculum, increasing awareness in all layers of institutions, and implementing sustainability in the entire higher education system with projects, seminars, and on-campus events are recommended.
  • Master Thesis
    Türkiye'de kurumsal portföy yönetimi
    (2011) Bor, Özgür; Bor, Özgür; Economics
    Bu çalışmanın amacı, Türkiye'de kurumsal portföy yönetimi görevini üstlenen kurumsal yatırımcıların, sermaye piyasasındaki etkinlik düzeyini ve ülkemizdeki mevcut durumunu ortaya koymaktır.Bu kapsamda, öncelikle kurumsal portföy yönetiminde kurumsal yönetimin işlevi ve kurumsal yönetim ilkelerinin yatırımcının sermaye piyasalarına olan güven duygusunu sağlamadaki etkinliği açıklığa kavuşturulmaya çalışılmıştır. Araştırmanın konusu gereği, kurumsal yatırımcı türleri detaylı bir şekilde anlatılmış, sayısal olarak mevcut durumları ve portföy büyüklükleri tablo ve grafikler yardımıyla incelenmiştir. Kurumsal yatırımcıların yıllar itibariyle gelişmekte olduğu, ancak sermaye piyasasında yeterli derinliğe ve beklenilen seviyeye ulaşamadığı sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. Kurumsal yatırımcıların sermaye piyasasındaki etkinliklerinin artırılması için yatırımcı güveninin sağlanması yolunda sermaye piyasasında şeffaflığın daha da artırılması, yatırımcı haklarının korunması için kurumsal yönetim ilkelerine uyumun, denetim ve gözetimi artırıcı hukuki alt yapı ile desteklenmesi gerekmektedir.Anahtar Sözcükler1.Sermaye Piyasası2.Kurumsal Portföy3.Kurumsal Yönetim4.Kurumsal Yönetim İlkeleri5.Kurumsal Yatırımcı
  • Article
    Citation Count: 0
    Using threshold co-integration to estimate asymmetric price transmission in the turkish milk market
    (Bononia University Press, 2021) Bor, Özgür; Tuncay,B.; Economics
    We investigate the price dynamics between retail milk price and raw milk price in the Turkish fluid milk market. The study uses monthly fluid milk prices for 14 years between January 2003 and December 2016. We analyze the price adjustment in the fluid milk market through an asymmetric error correction model with threshold co-integration. We find that the transmission between the two prices has been asymmetric in both the long term and short term period. Differences between the farm milk prices and retail milk prices may exist due to marketing costs across the supply chain and pricing policies associated with the market structure. Results of the long-run analysis indicate a significant market power in the fluid milk market. Therefore, in this asymmetric case, the deviations are likely to be the reason for the market power of the processors/retailers and the reason for the oligopolistic market structure in the sector. © 2021, Bononia University Press. All rights reserved.