Saraç Oymak, Yasemin

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Name Variants
Y.,Saraç Oymak
S., Yasemin
Saraç Oymak, Yasemin
Y., Sarac Oymak
Sarac Oymak,Yasemin
Yasemin, Sarac Oymak
Yasemin, Saraç Oymak
Y., Saraç Oymak
Y.,Sarac Oymak
S. O. Yasemin
Yasemin Saraç Oymak
Sarac Oymak, Yasemin
Sarac Oymak,Y.
Saraç Oymak,Y.
Oymak, Yasemin Saraç
Sarac, Y.
Sarac, Yasemin
Job Title
Profesör Doktor
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Supervised Theses


Scholarly Output Search Results

Now showing 1 - 10 of 42
  • Article
    Investigations of Λ States With Spin-Parity 3 ± 2
    (Amer Physical Soc, 2024) Azizi, K.; Sarac, Y.; Sundu, H.; Physics Group
    The present study provides spectroscopic investigations of spin-32 A baryons with both positive and negative parities. The analysis mainly focuses on three states, namely 1P, 2P, and 2S, and corresponding masses are calculated using the QCD sum rule method. To implement the method, we apply two types of interpolating currents with octet and singlet quantum numbers and compare the corresponding results with the reported masses of experimentally observed states. From the comparisons, it is extracted that the results of interpolating current with octet quantum numbers are in good agreement with the experimentally measured masses. The masses obtained with this interpolating current are m = 1513.64 +/- 8.76 MeV for 1P state with JP = 3 -, m' = 1687.91 +/- 0.31 MeV for 2P state with JP = 3 - and m = 1882.37 +/- 11.95 MeV for 2S state with JP = 3 + and they are consistent with the experimental masses of A(1520), A(1690), and A(1890), respectively, which confirm their spin-parity quantum numbers. Besides, we calculate the corresponding current coupling constants, which are utilized as inputs in the calculations of different form factors defining the widths of the states under study.
  • Article
    Investigation of Λ (1405)as a molecular pentaquark state
    (Springer, 2024) Azizi, K.; Sarac, Y.; Sundu, H.; Physics Group
    Lambda ( 1405 ) is one of the interesting particles with its unclear structure and distinct properties. It has a light mass compared to its non-strange counterpart, despite the strange quark it carries. This situation puts the investigation of this resonance among the hot topics in hadron physics and collects attention to clarify its properties. In this study, we focus on the calculation of the mass and residue of the Lambda ( 1405 ) resonance within the framework of QCD sum rules. We assign a structure in the form of a molecular pentaquark composed from admixture of K - meson-neutron. Using an interpolating current in this form, the masses and the current coupling constant are attained as m = 1406 +/- 128 MeV and lambda = ( 3.35 +/- 0.35 ) x 10( - 5) GeV 6 for q and m = 1402 +/- 141 MeV and lambda = ( 4.08 +/- 1.08 ) x 10( - 5) GeV 6 for I Lorentz structures entering the calculations, respectively. The obtained mass values agree well with the experimental data supporting the plausibility of the considered structure.
  • Article
    x(3872) and Its Heavy Quark Spin Symmetry Partners in Qcd Sum Rules
    (Springer, 2018) Mutuk, Halil; Sarac, Yasemin; Gumus, Hasan; Ozpineci, Altug; Physics Group
    X(3872) presents many surprises after its discovery more than ten years ago. Understanding its properties is crucial to understand the spectrum of possible exotic mesons. In this work, X(3872) meson and its heavy quark spin symmetry (HQSS) partners (including the mesons in the bottom sector) are studied within the QCD Sum Rules approach using a current motivated by the molecular picture of X(3872). We predict four heavy partners to X(3872) and bottomonium with the masses and J(PC) quantum numbers. Obtained results are in good agreement with the previous studies and available experimental data within errors.
  • Article
    Analysis of the strong D2* (2460)0D+ π- and Ds2*(2573)+D+ K0 transitions via QCD sum rules
    (Springer, 2014) Azizi, K.; Sarac, Y.; Sundu, H.; Physics Group
    The strong D-2* (2460)(0) -> D+ pi(-) and D-s2* (2573)(+) -> D+ K-0 transitions are analyzed via three-point QCD sum rules. First we calculate the corresponding strong coupling constants g(D2)*D pi and g(Ds2)*DK. Then we use them to calculate the corresponding decay widths and branching ratios. Making use of the existing experimental data on the ratio of the decay width in the pseudoscalar D channel to that of the vector D* channel, finally, we estimate the decay width and branching ratio of the strong D-2(*) (2460)(0) -> D*(2010)(+)pi(-) transition.
  • Article
    Λb< State Newly Observed by Lhcb
    (Amer Physical Soc, 2020) Azizi, K.; Sarac, Y.; Sundu, H.; Physics Group
    We study the bottom Lambda(b)(6146)(0) baryon, newly discovered by the LHCb Collaboration. By adopting an interpolating current of (L-rho, L-lambda) = (0, 2) type and D-wave nature with spin-parity quantum numbers J(P) = 3/2(+) for this heavy bottom baryon, we calculate its mass and residue. Using these spectroscopic parameters, we also investigate its dominant decays Lambda(b)(6146)(0) -> Sigma(b)pi and Lambda(b)(6146)(0) -> Sigma(*)(b)pi and estimate the width of Lambda(b)(6146)(0) obtained via these channels. The obtained mass, m(Lambda b) = (6144 +/- 68) MeV is in accord nicely with the experimental data. The width obtained via the dominant channels is also consistent with the experimental data of LHCb collaboration. We calculate the spectroscopic parameters and the same decay channels for the c-partner of Lambda(b)(6146)(0) state, namely Lambda(c)(2860)(+), as well. We compare the obtained results with the existing theoretical predictions as well as experimental data. The results indicate that the state Lambda(b)(6146)(0) and its charmed-partner Lambda(c)(2860)(+) can be considered as 1D-wave baryons with J(P) = 3/2(+).
  • Article
    Investigation of Full-Charm and Full-Bottom Pentaquark States
    (Springer, 2024) Azizi, K.; Sarac, Y.; Sundu, H.; Physics Group
    The continuous advancement of experimental techniques and investigations has led to observations of various exotic states in particle physics. Each addition to this family of states not only raises expectations for future discoveries but also focuses attention on such potential new states. Building upon this motivation and inspired by recent observations of various traditional and exotic particles containing an increased number of heavy quarks, our study provides a spectroscopic search for potential pentaquark states with spin-parity 32-\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$$\frac{3}{2}<^>-$$\end{document} and composed entirely of charm or bottom quarks. We predict the masses for full-charm and full-bottom pentaquark states as m=7628 +/- 112\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$$m = 7628 \pm 112$$\end{document} MeV and m=21,982 +/- 144\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$$m = 21,982 \pm 144$$\end{document} MeV, respectively. We also compute the current couplings of these states to vacuum, which are main inputs in investigations of their various possible decays.
  • Article
    Investigation of the Strange Pentaquark Candidate Pλψsð4338þ0 Recently Observed by Lhcb
    (Amer Physical Soc, 2023) Azizi, K.; Sarac, Y.; Sundu, H.; Physics Group
    The recently observed strange pentaquark candidate, P Lambda yso4338 thorn 0, is investigated to provide information about its nature and substructure. To this end, its mass and width through the decay channels P Lambda yso4338 thorn 0 -> J=y Lambda and P Lambda yso4338 thorn 0 -> ric Lambda are calculated by applying two- and three-point QCD sum rules, respectively. The state is considered as a Xi c D over bar meson-baryon molecular structure with spin-parity quantum numbers JP 1/4 1 -. The obtained mass, mP Lambda 2 yso4338 thorn 0 1/4 4338 130 MeV, and width, Gamma P Lambda yso4338 thorn 0 1/4 10.40 1.93 MeV, are consistent with the experimental data within the presented uncertainties. This allows us to assign a Xi c D over bar molecular structure of JP 1/4 1 - for the P Lambda yso4338 thorn 0 state.
  • Article
    Fcnc Transitions of Λb,c< To Nucleon in Sm
    (Iop Publishing Ltd, 2010) Azizi, K.; Bayar, M.; Sarac, Y.; Sundu, H.; Physics Group
    We provide a comprehensive study of semileptonic flavor-changing neutral current transitions for Lambda(b) -> nl(+) l(-) and Lambda(c) -> pl(+) l(-) in the context of light cone QCD sum rules. Using the most general form of the interpolating current for Lambda(b),(c), as well as nucleon distribution amplitudes, we calculate all 12 form factors entering the calculations in full theory. We obtain the order of heavy quark effective theory violation and argue that the Lambda(b) -> nl(+) l(-) case can be studied at LHC, but the other one has a very small branching ratio.
  • Article
    Reanalysis of rare radiative Ξb- → Ξ-γ decay in QCD
    (Amer Physical Soc, 2024) Aliev, T. M.; Ozpineci, A.; Sarac, Y.; Physics Group
    The upper limit of the branching ratio of the rare Xi(-)(b) ->Xi(-)gamma decay is obtained as BRo (Xi(-)(b) ->Xi(-)gamma) < 1.3 x 10(-4) by the LHCb. In the present work we study this decay within the light cone QCD sum rules employing the Xi b distribution amplitudes. At the first stage, the form factors entering the Xi(-)(b) ->Xi(-)gamma decay are obtained. Next, using the results for the form factors the corresponding branching ratio for this decay is estimated to be BR (Xi(-)(b) ->Xi(-)gamma) = (4.8 +/- 1.3)x 10(-5). This value lies below the upper limit established by the LHCb collaboration. Our finding for the branching ratio is also compared with the results of the other theoretical approaches existing in the literature.
  • Article
    Investigation of pcs< Pentaquark Via Its Strong Decay To Λj/<
    (Amer Physical Soc, 2021) Azizi, K.; Sarac, Y.; Sundu, H.; Physics Group
    Recently the observation of a new pentaquark state, the hidden-charmed strange P-cs(4459)(0), was reported by the LHCb Collaboration. The spin-parity quantum numbers of this state were not determined as a result of insufficient statistics. To shed light on its quantum numbers, we investigate its decay, P-cs(4459)(0) -> J/Psi Lambda, the mode that this state has been observed, within the QCD sum rule framework. We obtain the width of this decay assigning the spin-parity quantum numbers of the P-cs(4459)(0) state as J(P) = 1-/2 and its substructure as diquark-diquark-antiquark. To this end, we first calculate the strong coupling constants defining the considered decay and then use them in the width calculations. The obtained width is consistent with the experimental observation, confirming the quantum numbers J(P) = 1-/2 and compact pentaquark nature for the P-cs(4459)(0) state.