Kalem, Güler

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G., Kalem
Kalem, Guler
Güler, Kalem
Guler, Kalem
Kalem G.
Kalem, Güler
K., Güler
K., Guler
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Doktor Öğretim Üyesi
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Scholarly Output




Citation Count


Supervised Theses


Scholarly Output Search Results

Now showing 1 - 6 of 6
  • Master Thesis
    Anlamsal Ağ uygulaması: Ontolojide odaklı yemek tarifi sorgulaması
    (2005) Kalem, Güler; Turhan, Çiğdem; Turhan, Çiğdem; Software Engineering
    ÖZET DİL İSTATİSTİKLERİ KULLANILARAK SÜTUN YERDEĞİŞTİRMELİ ŞİFRELEME ÇÖZÜMLEMESİ YILMAZ, Evren Gökhan Yüksek Lisans Bitirme Projesi, Uluslararası Bilgisayar Enstitüsü, Bitirme Proje Yöneticisi: Prof. Dr. Mehmet Emin DALKILIÇ Eylül 2004, 30 sayfa Bu projede, sütun yerdeğiştirmeli şifreleme yöntemi ile şifrelenmiş metnin, o metine kaynak olan dilin üciti harf istatistikleri kullanılarak çözümlemesi mcelenmiştir. Şifreli metinlerin çözümlenmesi için mevcut yöntemler incelenmiş, geliştirilen algoritmalar bilgisayar ortamında programlanmış ve kullanıcı etkileşimi ile güçlendirilmiştir. Proje kapsamında kaynak dil olarak Türkçe ve İngilizce kullanılmıştır. Geliştirilen program, metin uzunluğu 50-500, anahtar uzunluğu 5-16 karakter arasında değişen 40 İngilizce ve 40 Türkçe şifreli metnin üzerinde test edilmiş, İngilizce için % 97.5 ve Türkçe için % 97.5 başaran elde edilmiştir. Yine dil istatistiklerinden ve elde edilen test sonuçlarından yararlanılarak, yerdeğiştirmeli şifreleme çözümlemesi için otomatik olarak anahtar uzunluğu tahmin eden bir algoritma geliştirilmiş ve programa entegre edilmiştir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Sütun yerdeğiştirmeli şifreleme yöteminin çözümlemesi, dil istatistikleri, ikili harf sıklık bilgileri, otomatik anahtar uzunluğu tahmini.
  • Doctoral Thesis
    Mobil teknolojilerin kullanılmasıyla akıllı bir egzersiz planlama ve fiziksel aktivite tanıma sistemi
    (2017) Kalem, Güler; Turhan, Çiğdem; Turhan, Çiğdem; Software Engineering
    Mobil teknolojilerin kullanılmasıyla sağlık alanında akıllı rehberlik, kullanıcıların amaçları, demografik bilgileri ve sağlık durumlarına göre özel olarak tasarlanmış olan bireysel egzersiz planlarından fayda sağlamaları açısından önemli bir gelişmedir. Ayrıca, sistemin sürekli olarak fiziksel aktivitelerini izlemesiyle, kullanıcılar motive olurlar ve belirlenen günlük egzersizlerini tamamlamaya yönlendirilirler. Geliştirilen sistem, vaka tabanlı çıkarım ile kullanıcı için uygun olan kişiye özgü egzersiz programını belirler. Cep telefonunun ivmeölçer ve jiroskop özelliklerinin yardımıyla, kullanıcıların fiziksel aktiviteleri KNN (K-En Yakın Komşu) algoritması kullanılarak algılanır ve sınıflandırılır. Egzersizlerin kalan kısımları, kullanıcılar için belirlenen bireysel egzersiz rutinleri ve gerçekleştirilen aktivitelere dayanarak hesaplanır ve kullanıcıyı yönlendirmek ve teşvik etmek için mesaj olarak sunulur. Değerlendirme için, sistem kullanıcılar tarafından test edilmiş ve anket uygulanmıştır. Sonuçlar, tüm katılımcıların sistemin faydalı ve etkin olduğunu düşündüğünü göstermektedir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Mobil teknoloji, sağlık hizmeti, sınıflandırma, aktivite tanıma, akıllı sistem, vaka tabanlı çıkarım, Çok Sınıflı SVM (Destek Vektör Makineleri), KNN (K-En Yakın Komşu), LDA (Doğrusal Diskriminant Analizi)
  • Conference Object
    Citation Count: 0
    The Efficiency of Software Methodologies Used in Artificial Intelligence-Based Biomedical Projects
    (Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, 2024) Kalem, Güler; Vesek,M.C.; Yalim,H.K.; Software Engineering
    Safety critical software usage areas are increasing day by day, and biomedical software applications are one of them which is a promising and ever-evolving branch. This study is designed to investigate the efficiency of software methodologies used in artificial intelligence-based biomedical projects. To identify issues and controversies regarding the agile development of safety critical software and key features, this research compares and identifies which methodology, waterfall or agile, is more effective for safety critical systems. A literature has been reviewed with a research design of find, evaluate, extract, and comprehend the findings of the studies. Research findings show that there are central points of interest and recommendations which is extracted from literature and then combined into conceptual model in order to understand the key difficulties of agile software development in safety critical systems. The software development methodologies such as Scrum and Extreme Programming, that are agile strategies adopt an iterative and incremental approach, are deemed appropriate in the development of biomedical software projects. © 2024, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd.
  • Conference Object
    Citation Count: 17
    Mobile Technology Applications in the Healthcare Industry for Disease Management and Wellness
    (Elsevier Science Bv, 2015) Kalem, Güler; Turhan, Çiğdem; Software Engineering
    Technology is an unavoidable fact of today's life. Attractive advantages of wireless technology accelerated the rapid development of mobile applications. With the increase of the usage of mobile devices in the recent years, new solutions come to mind including mobile technologies to fulfill requirements or suggest better solutions in the vast area of medical informatics to the existing ones. Augmentation in the area of wireless technology positively affects the medical applications. In the healthcare industry, mobile applications provide better personalized health care, disease management and services to patients and their relatives, as well as a better and flexible way of communicating with physicians, patients and medical suppliers. It is obvious that the applications using mobile technologies has the potential to bring better conditions both for the patients for their disease management and for the humanity for checking their self wellness. In this paper, the current mobile technology utilized in healthcare such as relapse prevention in schizophrenia, aged people's care and wellness, diagnosis and management of attention-deficit etc. is reviewed in detail outlining the current mobile technologies and wireless revolution of today and examining some of the outstanding applications using these technologies in the clinical area. The results of this study can provide clues to researchers to further the mobile technology in healthcare. (C) 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).
  • Article
    Citation Count: 5
    The Effect of Social Media User Behaviors on Security and Privacy Threats
    (Ieee-inst Electrical Electronics Engineers inc, 2022) Kalem, Güler; Kalem, Guler; Boluk, Pinar Sarisaray; Software Engineering
    The number of online social network (OSN) users is increasing daily and attacks and threats against over the time spent on online networks has been increasing equally. Attacks against OSN users exploit not only system vulnerabilities but also user-induced vulnerabilities, which naturally affect the hacker's attack strategy as well. This study is designed to investigate the effect of social media user behaviors on their vulnerability level in terms of security and privacy. The study was conducted survey methods, which was applied to social media users in two countries - Turkey and Iraq. This study documents and analyzes the behaviors of 700 OSN users in two countries. This study examines the behaviors of social media users from two nationalities, investigating whether there is a relationship between social media users' behaviors and security and privacy threats. Research findings demonstrate that there is a significant relationship between OSN users' behaviors and their attitudes towards security and privacy. Additionally, Turkish social media users pay more attention to their behaviors in terms of privacy and security awareness than Iraq users.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 0
    Digital Solutions for Disaster Management: Analyzing the Impact of the February 2023 Earthquake in Türkiye
    (2024) Kalem, Güler; Kalem, Güler; Nazlıoğlu, Selma; Yazıcı, Ali; Software Engineering
    This research investigates the involvement of information technologies, including communication platforms and social media solutions, in managing earthquake disasters, specifically focusing on the February 2023 earthquake in Türkiye. In order to achieve this, a comparative framework is constructed, which incorporates four main categories, namely goal, providers, target phase, and platform. The data is gathered from diverse sources, and a total of 130 solutions are identified immediately following the February 2023 earthquake in Türkiye. After conducting a thorough examination of these solutions and removing any duplicates and irrelevant options, the final dataset comprises 89 unique solutions sourced from 82 providers. According to the study's findings, the solutions employed in mitigation and preparedness phases prioritize proactive measures and planning, while the ones in response phase witnesses a significant increase in activities related to aid campaigns, emergency response, information dissemination, and support services. The solutions in recovery phase further intensifies support services to aid affected communities. Web-based platforms are predominantly used during different phases of disaster management, with mobile platforms playing a crucial role in communication and on-the-ground activities. Private organizations exhibit strong involvement in developing IT platforms, while public entities and NGOs contribute to a lesser extent.