Özkan, Barış

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Ozkan, Baris
Barış, Özkan
Özkan, Barış
B., Ozkan
Baris, Ozkan
O., Baris
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Doktor Öğretim Üyesi
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Supervised Theses


Scholarly Output Search Results

Now showing 1 - 7 of 7
  • Master Thesis
    Çok katmanlı nesne-ilişkisel eşleme mimarisi için otomatik fonksiyonel büyüklük ölçümü
    (2015) Özkan, Barış; Özkan, Barış; Information Systems Engineering
    Fonksiyonel Büyüklük Ölçüm metodları jenerik metodlardır ve ölçüm tutarlılığının ve objektifliğinin artırılması amacıyla kullanılan spesifik yazılım ayarları için ek kurallar ve konseptsel eşleme metodları gerektirirler. Belirli mimari stiller için kullanımda olan çeşitli standardizasyon tanımları yapılmış olsa da, objektiflik ve tutarlılığı artırmak için hala yapılabilecek iyileştirmeler bulunmaktadır. Bu iyileştirmeler, otomasyon metodu kullanılarak ölçümcü hatalarının, zaman/efor miktarının ve yazılım geliştirme ortamına bağımlılığın azaltılması ile sağlanabilir. Bu çalışmada, Üç-Katmanlı Nesne İlişkisel Eşleme Mimarisi kullanan iş yazılımları için bir yaklaşım oluşturulmuş, prototip bir araç tasarlanmış ve bu araç yardımı ile bulunan sonuçlar, yaklaşımın doğrulanması için deneysel çalışmalarla sunulmuştur.
  • Conference Object
    Citation Count: 2
    On the Seven Misconceptions about Functional Size Measurement
    (Ieee, 2016) Özkan, Barış; Demirors, Onur; Information Systems Engineering
    Among the various approaches to software size measurement, Functional Size Measurement has been widely recognized for its usability in early phases of software development cycles and its independence from implementation language, development method and technology. Starting from its introduction with the original Function Point Analysis method in 1979, functional size has been a favored input to estimation and productivity models. As a result of the search for solutions to emerging measurement needs and the advancements in the discipline of software measurement, FSM concepts have been redefined and measurement methods have matured with notable contributions from the ISO standardization process. Despite the progress towards an unambiguously defined and versatile measure in software engineering, several misconceptions about FSM in software community keep on leading to misuse of functional size and unproductive measurement practices. While such misperceptions results in disappointment and wasted resources, an important consequence is the disinterest in FSM. In this paper, we elaborate seven misconceptions in FSM. We review functional size and FSM by discussing the misconceptions. Our purpose is to give a state-of-the-art presentation of functional size and to guide software practitioners and researchers in applying FSM principles properly in their practices and software engineering methods and models.
  • Conference Object
    Citation Count: 7
    A proposal on requirements for COSMIC FSM automation from source code
    (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2017) Özkan, Barış; Ozkan,B.; Icoz,G.C.; Information Systems Engineering
    Automation of functional size measurement (FSM) process has increasingly gained importance since manual measurement is time-consuming, costly, and sometimes errorprone. There exist studies that automate measurement from different software artifacts such as requirements specifications, design models, and software code. In this study we review and compare four studies that we have carried out in recent years to automate COSMIC FSM from software code. Based on the comparison and the lessons learned, we derive an operational scenario for automated FSM from software code and propose a set of requirements that need to be considered in automation. We think the proposal will be helpful not only for our future studies and also for future work of interested researchers. © 2016 IEEE.
  • Conference Object
    Citation Count: 8
    On the seven misconceptions about functional size measurement
    (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2017) Özkan, Barış; Demirors,O.; Information Systems Engineering
    Among the various approaches to software size measurement, Functional Size Measurement has been widely recognized for its usability in early phases of software development cycles and its independence from implementation language, development method and technology. Starting from its introduction with the original Function Point Analysis method in 1979, functional size has been a favored input to estimation and productivity models. As a result of the search for solutions to emerging measurement needs and the advancements in the discipline of software measurement, FSM concepts have been redefined and measurement methods have matured with notable contributions from the ISO standardization process. Despite the progress towards an unambiguously defined and versatile measure in software engineering, several misconceptions about FSM in software community keep on leading to misuse of functional size and unproductive measurement practices. While such misperceptions results in disappointment and wasted resources, an important consequence is the disinterest in FSM. In this paper, we elaborate seven misconceptions in FSM. We review functional size and FSM by discussing the misconceptions. Our purpose is to give a state-of-the-art presentation of functional size and to guide software practitioners and researchers in applying FSM principles properly in their practices and software engineering methods and models. © 2016 IEEE.
  • Conference Object
    Citation Count: 0
    PL FSM: An Approach and a Tool for the Application of FSM in SPL Environments
    (Ieee, 2015) Özkan, Barış; Ozkan, Baris; Demirors, Onur; Information Systems Engineering
    In order to develop cost-efficient software it is crucial to measure the accurate software size. However; measuring the software size has up to now been almost entirely a manual process and, as such, is both time-consuming and prone to human error which can end up with time and money loss. Automation of this process is a must for the software developing companies to improve the quality of project and budget planning. This paper introduces a mapping between COSMIC concept elements and UML conceptual elements and an automation tool in order to capture the information needed for functional software size measurement from UML diagrams in a component based software product line environment (CBPL) that are structured in accordance with the interface based design (IbD) method. The mapping and the tool combined is called PL FSM. The results obtained by manual measurement and automated measurement are compared and the results are observed to be close. As a result of this study, PL FSM approach is validated in CBPL environment at the design stage of software development process. The case studies have been carried out in embedded systems domain.
  • Review
    Citation Count: 130
    Challenges and best practices in industry-academia collaborations in software engineering: A systematic literature review
    (Elsevier, 2016) Garousi, Vahid; Özkan, Barış; Ozkan, Baris; Information Systems Engineering; Software Engineering
    Context: The global software industry and the software engineering (SE) academia are two large communities. However, unfortunately, the level of joint industry-academia collaborations in SE is still relatively very low, compared to the amount of activity in each of the two communities. It seems that the two 'camps' show only limited interest/motivation to collaborate with one other. Many researchers and practitioners have written about the challenges, success patterns (what to do, i.e., how to collaborate) and anti-patterns (what not do do) for industry-academia collaborations. Objective: To identify (a) the challenges to avoid risks to the collaboration by being aware of the challenges, (b) the best practices to provide an inventory of practices (patterns) allowing for an informed choice of practices to use when planning and conducting collaborative projects. Method: A systematic review has been conducted. Synthesis has been done using grounded-theory based coding procedures. Results: Through thematic analysis we identified 10 challenge themes and 17 best practice themes. A key outcome was the inventory of best practices, the most common ones recommended in different contexts were to hold regular workshops and seminars with industry, assure continuous learning from industry and academic sides, ensure management engagement, the need for a champion, basing research on real world problems, showing explicit benefits to the industry partner, be agile during the collaboration, and the co-location of the researcher on the industry side. Conclusion: Given the importance of industry-academia collaboration to conduct research of high practical relevance we provide a synthesis of challenges and best practices, which can be used by researchers and practitioners to make informed decisions on how to structure their collaborations. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
  • Conference Object
    Citation Count: 2
    A Proposal on Requirements for COSMIC FSM Automation from Source Code
    (Ieee, 2016) Özkan, Barış; Ozkan, Baris; Icoz, Gonca Canan; Information Systems Engineering
    Automation of functional size measurement (FSM) process has increasingly gained importance since manual measurement is time-consuming, costly, and sometimes error-prone. There exist studies that automate measurement from different software artifacts such as requirements specifications, design models, and software code. In this study we review and compare four studies that we have carried out in recent years to automate COSMIC FSM from software code. Based on the comparison and the lessons learned, we derive an operational scenario for automated FSM from software code and propose a set of requirements that need to be considered in automation. We think the proposal will be helpful not only for our future studies and also for future work of interested researchers.