Bayraktar, Nurhan

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Nurhan, Bayraktar
B., Nurhan
Bayraktar N.
Bayraktar, Nurhan
N., Bayraktar
Nurhan Bayraktar
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Supervised Theses


Scholarly Output Search Results

Now showing 1 - 9 of 9
  • Article
    Citation Count: 5
    Nursing Care and Barriers for Prevention of Venous Thromboembolism in Total Knee and Hip Arthroplasty Patients: A Qualitative Study
    (Dove Medical Press Ltd, 2023) Bayraktar, Nurhan; Dikmen, Burcu Totur; Bayraktar, Nurhan; Abdelaliem, Sally Mohammed Farghaly; Alsenany, Samira Ahmed; Nursing
    Purpose: To determine barriers to preventing venous thromboembolism in total knee and hip arthroplasty patients by surgical nurses. Methods: This qualitative study used a phenomenological approach. The semi-structured interview questionnaire included two questions focused on nursing care practices for VTE prevention and barriers faced during VTE prophylaxis in total knee and hip arthroplasty patients. Study data were collected from 10 surgical nurses through semi-structured interviews in July 2021. Results: After analyzing the data, two main themes, five categories, and fourteen subcategories were developed. The main themes included "Nursing care" and "Barriers." Two categories were reflected in terms of nursing care: general care and mechanical prophylaxis. Regarding barriers, the analysis of the interview reflected three main categories: "lack of professional competence", "work conditions challenges", and "resistance from patients". Conclusion: Educational institutions must play a critical role in preparing surgical nurses by establishing clinical nurse specialist programs and post-graduate diplomas programs that sufficiently prepare nurses for clinical settings.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 4
    Compliance of non-pharmacological preventive practice of venous thromboembolism among Jordanian nurses
    (Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2022) Bayraktar, Nurhan; Bayraktar, Nurhan; Nashwan, Abdulqadir J.; Al-Bsheish, Mohammad; AlSyouf, Adi; Jarrar, Mu'taman; Nursing
    Many practices, such as non-pharmacological preventive practices, have demonstrated significant improvement and reduced the venous thromboembolism incidence. This study aims at investigating the compliance with non-pharmacological preventive practice of venous thromboembolism guidelines among Jordanian intensive care and medical and surgical nurses. Descriptive and cross-sectional with the non-participant observational design was used. This study recruited 271 registered nurses in adult medical-surgical units and intensive care units of 12 different government hospitals in Jordan's middle and north regions. The observational checklist included 10 preventive practices based on the non-pharmacological preventive of venous thromboembolism guidelines. In the observational checklist, the highest score was 20, and the lowest was 0. If the nurse received equal to or higher than (>14) score were classified as sufficient compliance, while insufficient compliance was (<= 14) score. The observations period started from September 2019 until March 2020. The participants' overall mean venous thromboembolism compliance score was insufficient compliance (10.6 +/- 1.6). The majority of nurses were classified as insufficient compliance 67%. "Doing foot exercise and early ambulation 2 times per day 50.3%" and "checked the integrity of the patient's skin at regular intervals 50.0%" were the highest practices done rightly and completely by half of the participants. The participants who had a bachelor of nursing degree, staff nurse, and works in the intensive care unit, are less experienced and have no previous venous thromboembolism education reported low venous thromboembolism compliance. This study presents expanded compliance regarding venous thromboembolism preventive practices among Jordanian intensive care and medical & surgical nurses, so the policymakers need to develop an initiative to improve nurses' compliance.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 0
    Evaluation of Patient Safety Culture of Nurses in Northern Cyprus
    (Galenos Publ House, 2022) Bayraktar, Nurhan; Dikmen, Burcu Totur; Bayraktar, Nurhan; Dal Yilmaz, Uemran; Aydin, Nida; Nursing
    BACKGROUND/AIMS: Patient safety culture is the outcome of values, perceptions, attitudes, skills and behaviors of an individual or group that determine the style, competence and promises of an institution in health and safety management. Nurses play an important role in improving quality in health care through initiatives and strategies for patient safety. This study was conducted to evaluate patient safety culture in nurses working in a university hospital in Northern Cyprus.MATERIALS AND METHODS: This survey was planned as a cross-sectional descriptive study and 130 nurses were included in the sampling. The survey data were collected using the Personal Information Form and the Patient Safety Culture Scale (PSCS).RESULTS: In this study, the total mean score of the nurses from the PSCS was 2.82 +/- 0.44. The mean scores of the nurses' subscales related to PSCS were determined as follows: 2.88 +/- 0.54 in the "care environment", 2.83 +/- 0.56 in the "employee behavior", 2.83 +/- 0.59 in the "employee training", 2.81 +/- 0.50 in the "management and leadership", and 2.68 +/- 0.54 in the "unexpected incident and error reporting" subscales. The total Cronbach's alpha reliability coefficient of the scale was 0.963 and between 0.807-0.963 for the subscales.CONCLUSION: It was determined that the nurses' PSCS scores were above the average level. Developing a patient safety culture in institutions is important for quality improvements which are rapidly advancing in healthcare services nowadays.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 0
    Predictors of Non-invasive Ventilation Failure and Associated Factors Among the COVID-19 Patients Admitted to Intensive Care Unit
    (Brieflands, 2023) Bayraktar, Nurhan; Bayraktar,N.; Mohammadi,M.; Nursing
    Background: Non-invasive ventilation (NIV) is a method of oxygenation supply that utilizes a face mask and eliminates the need for an endotracheal airway. Non-invasive ventilation failure is defined as the necessity for endotracheal intubation or death during the NIV trial. Objectives: This study aimed to identify the predictors and associated factors of NIV failure in coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) patients admitted to an intensive care unit (ICU). Methods: This retrospective, longitudinal cohort study utilized electronic medical records of COVID-19 patients admitted to the ICU. A total of 150 patients were included in the study. Patient demographics, medical history, laboratory tests, partial pressure of carbon dioxide (PCO2), oxygen saturation (SpO2), heart rate, acidosis, consciousness, oxygenation, and respiratory rate (HACOR score), and the ratio of oxygen saturation (ROX) index (the SpO2/fraction of inspired oxygen [FIO2] to respiratory rate [SF] ratio) were recorded. Non-invasive ventilation failure was determined based on the need for endotracheal intubation or cardiac-respiratory arrest while on NIV. Statistical analysis was conducted using SPSS software (version 26). Results: Of the patients, 55.3% were male (mean age: 55.9 years), with an NIV failure rate of 67.3%, a mortality rate of 66.7%, and 3.3% of patients requiring tracheostomy after NIV failure. The ROX index consistently decreased over time, and an increase in the HACOR score and PCO2 after 6 hours of commencing NIV were the predictors of NIV failure. Additionally, higher levels of lactate dehydrogenase, lower SF ratios, and higher APACHE scores upon ICU admission were significantly associated with NIV failure. Notably, the erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) as an inflammatory index, SF ratio upon ICU admission, HACOR score, ROX index, and PCO2 after 12 hours were significant predictors of in-hospital mortality in patients receiving NIV. Conclusions: The ROX index, HACOR scale, and PCO2 are significant predictors of both NIV failure and in-hospital mortality. © 2023, Varpaei et al.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 0
    Outcomes of Pain Management Among Postoperative Patients: A Cross-sectional Study
    (Elsevier Science inc, 2024) Bayraktar, Nurhan; Akire, Sandra Chirota; Bayraktar, Nurhan; Nursing
    Purpose: Postoperative pain management has always been a significant challenge for both hospital staff and surgical patients. Determination of pain management outcomes among surgically treated patients may help develop pain management strategies, improve health services that would yield better outcomes, and increase patient satisfaction. This study aimed to assess the outcomes of pain management among postoperative patients. Design: The study was a descriptive cross-sectional study. Methods: The research was performed on postoperative patients at two university hospitals in North Cyprus from July to September 2019. The study sample consisted of 90 patients from both hospitals. The Turkish Version of the revised American Pain Society Patient Outcome Questionnaire (APS-POQ-R-TR) was used for data collection. The Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology (STROBE) checklist was used to report the present study. Findings: This study showed that the overall mean for pain severity and the worst pain experienced by patients after 24 hours was slightly higher than medium. Examination of interference of the pain with functions demonstrated that patients experienced problems with physical activities and sleeping. The most experienced side effects were nausea and drowsiness, and the most common emotions were anxiety and helplessness during the postsurgery period. The satisfaction rate of the patients with postoperative pain management was relatively high. Conclusions: A holistic approach with evidence-based practices is crucial for adequate postoperative pain management. The recommendations include the development of individual pain outcome strategies to improve overall satisfaction with pain management among postoperative patients. (c) 2024 American Society of PeriAnesthesia Nurses. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 13
    Effectiveness of game-based virtual reality phone application and online education on knowledge, attitude and compliance of standard precautions among nursing students
    (Public Library Science, 2022) Bayraktar, Nurhan; Bayraktar, Nurhan; Al-Bsheish, Mohammad; AlSyouf, Adi; Aldhmadi, Badr K.; Jarrar, Mu'taman; Alkhazali, Moath; Nursing
    Game-based virtual reality phone applications can create a realistic environment to prepare for clinical applications and improve students' knowledge of and compliance with standard precautions. An experimental study was performed among 126 nursing students' from the third and fourth nursing levels to determine the effect of online education and game-based virtual reality phone applications related to standard precautions. Students were divided randomly into two groups; the experimental group used online education and game-based virtual reality phone applications, while the control group used traditional education. The study was performed between July and August 2019 to prevent clashes with lectures and midterm and final examinations. A tool package including knowledge, attitude, and compliance with standard precautions was used in pre-and post-tests among nursing students. The results showed that the knowledge of, attitudes towards, and compliance with standard precautions differed between the two groups. The performance of the experimental group of nursing students significantly improved with online instruction and game-based virtual reality phone applications. This study demonstrated the effectiveness of online education and game-based virtual reality phone application among nursing students.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 0
    Lomber Disk Hernisi Ameliyatı Olan Hastalar İçin Geliştirilen Hasta Güvenliği Öğretim Planının Hastaların Günlük Yaşam Aktiviteleri ve Yaşam Kalitesi Üzerine Etkisi
    (2024) Bayraktar, Nurhan; Bayraktar, Nurhan; Nursing
    Amaç: Araştırmanın amacı; lomber disk hernisi cerrahisi için başvuran hastalara uygulanan hasta güvenliği öğretim planının, günlük yaşam aktivitesi ve yaşam kalitesine etkisini değerlendirmektir. Gereç ve Yöntemler: Araştırmanın türü ön – son test düzeninde yarı deneysel tasarımdır. Evreni, Ankara Üniversitesi İbn-i Sina Hastanesi Beyin Cerrrahisi servisine Lomber Disk Hernisi ameliyatı için kabul edilen hastalar oluşturmuştur Örneklemi 60 hasta oluşturmuştur. Deney ve kontrol grubunda 30 hasta yer almıştır. Veri toplama aracı olarak; Kişisel Bilgi Formu, Bilgi Düzeyi Belirleme Formu, Günlük Yaşam Aktiviteleri Formu ve SF-36 Yaşam Kalitesi Ölçeği kullanılmıştır. Deney grubuna “Hasta Güvenliği Öğretim Planı” uygulanmıştır. Kontrol grubu rutin hemşirelik bakımını almışlardır. Analizde sayı ve yüzde, Kolmogrov-Smirnov, ki-kare ve Mann-Whitney U testi kullanılmıştır.. Bulgular: Tanıtıcı özellikler deney ve kontrol gurubunda benzer bulunmuştur. Deney grubunun bilgi ve günlük yaşam aktiviteleri puan ortancaları istatistiksel olarak anlamlı düzeyde yüksek olduğu belirlenmiştir (p0,05). Sonuç: Hasta güvenliği öğretim planı lomber disk hernisi cerrahisi geçirenlerin bilgilerini ve günlük yaşam aktivitelerini olumlu yönde geliştirirken, yaşam kaliteleri üzerinde olumlu bir etki oluşturmamıştır. Lomber disk hernisi tanısı konan bireylere yönelik olarak hazırlanan öğretim planının yaşam kalitesi içeriğinin güncellenerek ve aralıklı izlemler yapılarak kliniklerde kullanımı önerilmektedir.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 1
    A qualitative study of medical-surgical intensive care unit nurses’ experiences in caring for critical patients; ; [Un estudio cualitativo sobre las experiencias de enfermeros de una unidad de cuidados intensivos médico-quirúrgicos en la atención al paciente crítico]
    (Escola de Enfermagem de Universidade de Sao Paulo, 2022) Bayraktar, Nurhan; Bayraktar,N.; Yılmaz,Ü.D.; Nursing
    Objective: To describe the meaning attributed to nurses’ clinical experience in a medicalsurgical intensive care unit in Northern Cyprus. Method: The qualitative study was conducted in two medical-surgical intensive care units at a university hospital. Data were collected through in-depth interviews with 17 nurses. Giorgi’s descriptive phenomenological approach was used to analyze nurses’ experiences. The consolidated criteria for reporting a qualitative research checklist were followed in this study. Results: The data analysis led to the extraction of the 5 themes and 19 subthemes. The themes identified for the study were competence, the emotional universe, stress resources, the meaning of nursing care, and profoundly affecting events. The study results show that the nurses expressed that having gained much experience in intensive care units and working there has contributed significantly to their professional development. Conclusion: It was indicated that the nurses had meaningful, caring experiences in intensive care units, which were perceived, however, as stressful experiences as well. The study has important implications for nurses, faculty members, and administrators to gain positive care experiences in terms of intensive care units. © This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 0
    A qualitative study of medical-surgical intensive care unit nurses' experiences in caring for critical patients
    (Univ Sao Paolo, 2022) Bayraktar, Nurhan; Bayraktar, Nurhan; Yilmaz, Uemran Dal; Nursing
    Objective: To describe the meaning attributed to nurses' clinical experience in a medical -surgical intensive care unit in Northern Cyprus. Method: The qualitative study was conducted in two medical-surgical intensive care units at a university hospital. Data were collected through in-depth interviews with 17 nurses. Giorgi's descriptive phenomenological approach was used to analyze nurses' experiences. The consolidated criteria for reporting a qualitative research checklist were followed in this study. Results: The data analysis led to the extraction of the 5 themes and 19 subthemes. The themes identified for the study were competence, the emotional universe, stress resources, the meaning of nursing care, and profoundly affecting events. The study results show that the nurses expressed that having gained much experience in intensive care units and working there has contributed significantly to their professional development. Conclusion: It was indicated that the nurses had meaningful, caring experiences in intensive care units, which were perceived, however, as stressful experiences as well. The study has important implications for nurses, faculty members, and administrators to gain positive care experiences in terms of intensive care units.