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Article Citation Count: 019. Yüzyılda Osmanlı ve Rus İmparatorluklarında Yerel Yönetim Reformu: 1864 Zemstvo Kanunu ve 1864 Vilayet Nizamnamesi Üzerine Karşılaştırmalı Bir Analiz(2022) Gülseven, Aslı Yiğıt; International RelationsOsmanlı ve Rus İmparatorluklarının 19. yüzyılına damga vuran modernleşme süreci her iki devlette de kapsamlı bir reform hareketi başlatmıştı. 19. yüzyılın ortasında patlak veren Kırım Harbi neticesinde, Avrupalı devletlerin baskı ve müdahalelerinden çekinen her iki imparatorlukta da iktisadi refahın sağlanması yolunda idari düzenlemelerin ya-pılması öncelikli hedef haline gelmişti. Buradan hareketle, Osmanlı ve Rus İmparator-luklarında 19. yüzyılda etkin yönetim anlayışı çerçevesinde yerel yönetimlerde bir takım idari düzenlemeler meydana getirildi. Bir yandan yerel yönetimlerin faaliyet ve yetki alanlarının genişletilmesi anlayışı benimsenirken, diğer yandan her iki imparatorlukta da merkezi yönetimin güçlendirilmesi hedeflenmiştir. Bu çalışma, Osmanlı İmparatorlu-ğunda 1864 Vilayet Nizamnamesi ve Rus İmparatorluğunda 1864 Zemstvo Kanununun taşra örgütlenmesine getirdikleri yerel yönetim reformunu ortaya koymayı ve her iki dü-zenlemeyi tarihsel arka plan, içerik, kapsam ve etkinlik yönünden karşılaştırmalı olarak değerlendirmeyi amaçlamaktadır.Article Citation Count: 15An accurate optical gain model using adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system(Natl inst Optoelectronics, 2009) Celebi, F. V.; Altindag, T.This paper presents a single, simple, new and an accurate optical gain model based on adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) which combines the benefits of Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) and Fuzzy Inference Systems (FISs). The dynamic optical gain model results are in very good agreement with the previously published experimental findings.Article Citation Count: 15An accurate optical gain model using adaptive neurofuzzy inference system(National Institute of Optoelectronics, 2009) Çelebi,F.V.; Altindag,T.; Computer EngineeringThis paper presents a single, simple, new and an accurate optical gain model based on adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) which combines the benefits of Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) and Fuzzy Inference Systems (FISs). The dynamic optical gain model results are in very good agreement with the previously published experimental findings.Article Citation Count: 2Açık ders malzemelerine genel bakış: Türkiye Bilimler Akademisi örneği(2013) Al, Umut; Madran, Rafet OrçunBu çalışmada açık ders malzemeleri konusu genel olarak ele alınmakta, Türkiye Bilimler Akademisinin açık ders malzemeleri platformu incelenmektedir. Türkiye Bilimler Akademisi açık ders malzemeleri platformu kapsamında 22 ayrı kategoride 81 adet ders bulunmaktadır. Çalışmamızda Google Analytics aracılığıyla bu derslere ait kullanım verileri analiz edilmektedir. Makale kapsamında Türkiye Bilimler Akademisi açık ders malzemeleri platformuna ilişkin kullanım verilerinin Google Analyticsden elde edildiği ilk tarih olan 15 Ocak 2011 ile 15 Ocak 2013 arasındaki iki yıllık döneme ait veriler incelenmektedir. Buna göre araştırmamıza konu olan iki yıllık süre zarfında siteyi 315.830 kişinin ziyaret ettiği ve bu kişilerin toplamda 445.982 ziyaret gerçekleştirdiği saptanmıştır. Sitenin içeriğinin gelişmesi ve daha yaygın şekilde tanıtılması sonucunda zaman içinde siteye gösterilen ilgide artış olduğu görülmektedir. Ancak siteden ülke çapında yararlanma düzeyinin sınırlı olduğu, kullanımın belli coğrafyalarda yoğunlaştığı ve belli coğrafyalarda kullanım düzeyinin neredeyse yok denecek kadar az olduğu anlaşılmaktadır. Dünyadaki konu ile ilgili gelişmeler ve ülkemizdeki üniversite, öğrenci ve akademisyen sayıları dikkate alındığında, açık ders malzemeleri ile ilgili şimdiye kadar yapılanların sorgulanması gerekmektedir.Article Citation Count: 1Akdeniz Anlaşmaları ve Türkiye’deki\rUygulamaları(2021) Birlik, Gültekin K.; Department of Social Sciences for University wide Coursesİkinci Dünya Savaşı öncesinde yaşanan İspanya İç Savaşı’nda, revizyonist\rve anti-revizyonist blokların birbirleriyle olan mücadelesi nedeniyle\rAkdeniz’de deniz haydutluğu olayları yaşanmıştır. Ağustos 1937’de\rÇanakkale Boğazı önünde, Sovyetler Birliği’nden İspanya’daki\rCumhuriyetçilere yardım getiren iki geminin batırılmasıyla Türkiye de deniz\rhaydutluğundan etkilenmiştir. Deniz haydutluğuna karşı, Eylül 1937’de\ryapılan Nyon ve Cenevre Anlaşmalarına Türkiye de katılmış, “Akdeniz\rAnlaşmaları” kapsamında İngiliz savaş gemilerine iki liman tahsis etmiştir.\rAkdeniz Anlaşmaları gereğince, bütün karasularında denizaltı, gemi ve\ruçakların deniz haydutluğuna karşı tedbir alması gerekirken, Türkiye sadece\rÇanakkale Boğazı ile Gökçeada ve Bozcaada’nın karasularında denizaltılara\rkarşı tedbir almıştır. Türkiye’nin bu şekilde tedbir almasında deniz gücünün\rkapasitesi belirleyici olmakla birlikte, İtalya ile bir çatışma ortamı yaratmak\ristememesi de etkili olmuştur.\rAnlaşmalardan sonra deniz haydutluğu olayları Batı Akdeniz’de engellenemezken, Çanakkale Boğazı önünde ve Ege Denizi’nde bir daha\ryaşanmamıştır. Bunun nedeni, Anlaşmalarla alınan tedbirler değil, Sovyetler\rBirliği’nin İspanya’daki Cumhuriyetçilere yaptığı yardımı Boğazlar yerine,\rFransa üzerinden göndermeye başlamış olmasındandır. Türkiye, 1938\rsonunda İngiltere ile birlikte Anlaşmalardan çekilmek istemiş; ancak İngiltere\rBatı Akdeniz’de devam eden deniz haydutluğu nedeniyle bunu uygun\rgörmemiştir. Çekoslovakya ve Arnavutluk işgallerinin hemen sonrasında ise,\rTürkiye bütün imzacı devletlerden önce davranarak, 8 Nisan 1939’da\rAkdeniz Anlaşmalarından çekilmiştir. Türkiye, İkinci Dünya Savaşının\rhemen öncesinde, “ihtiyatlı ve acele” bir politika izleyerek, Akdeniz\rAnlaşmalarından kaynaklanabilecek çatışma ortamlarından sakınmak\ristemiştir.Article Citation Count: 0Alzheimer hastalığında Kallikrein-6, 7 ve potasyum kanal proteinlerinin olası rolü(2021) Bulduk, Erkut; Yıldırım, Filiz; Yıldırım, Zuhal; Surgical SciencesAmaç: Alzheimer hastalığının (AH) oluşum mekanizması kesin olarak bilinmemekle birlikte AH’dan sorumlu başlıca iki protein, senile plakların yapısındaki beta amiloid ve nörofibriler yumakların yapısındaki tau proteinidir. Hastalığa yol açan en önemli etmenlerden biri çözünür olmayan amiloid çökeltilerin oluşumu, diğeri ise artmış tau fosforillenmesidir. Kallikreinler, nöronal hasar ve işlev kaybı ile belirgin AH’nın etiyolojisinde rol oynayan, serin proteazların bir alt familyasıdır. Kallikrein (KLK)-6 ve KLK-7’nin merkezi sinir sisteminde (MSS) yüksek seviyelerde bulunan yaşa bağlı proteaz olduğu bilinmektedir. Daha once AH’ı gibi nörodejeneratif hastalıklarda yer alan hücre dışı proteinlerin proteolizine karıştığı gösterilmiştir. Bu çalışmada KLK-6 ve KLK-7’nin AH patogenezindeki olası rolünü ve potasyum kanal proteinleri arasındaki ilişkiyi araştırmayı amaçladık. Yöntem: Çalışmaya Polatlı Duatepe Devlet Hastanesinde takip edilen yaşları 65’in üzerinde olan 35 AH ve rutin tarama amacıyla nöroloji polikliniğine başvuran kognitif durumu normal olarak değerlendirilen 35 sağlıklı birey (control grubu) dahil edildi. 12 saat açlığı takiben antekübital venden alınan kan örnekleri 4°C’de 2500xg’de 10 dakika santrifüj edilerek, serum örneklerinde KLK-6 ve KLK-7 ile içeri doğru düzeltici potasyum kanalı (KCNJ3) ve iki gözenekli potasyum kanalı (KCNK9) protein düzeyleri enzim-bağımlı immunosorbent assay (ELISA) ile ölçüldü. Gruplar arasındaki fark T-test ile incelendi. p<0.05 istatistiksel olarak anlamlı kabul edildi. Bulgular: Gruplar arasında yaş ve cinsiyet açısından bir fark saptanmadı (p>0.05). Alzheimer grubu control grubu ile karşılaştırıldığında serum KLK-6 ve KLK-7 düzeyleri anlamlı olarak artarken (p<0.05), KCNJ3 ve KCNK9 protein düzeylerinde bir fark saptanmadı (p>0.05). Sonuç: Beyinde anormal protein katlanmasının ve birikmesinin önüne geçilememesinin AH’ye yol açtığı düşünülmektedir. Bu araştırmanın bulgularına göre KLK- 6 ve KLK-7 düzeyleri ile AH’nın patolojisi arasında bir ilişki saptandı.Article Citation Count: 0ANALYSING THE ALLOGRAPHIC NOTES IN THE TURKISH TRANSLATION OF AN ECOLOGICAL WORK: SILENT SPRING(Konstantin Preslavsky University of Shumen, 2024) Hastürkoǧlu,G.; English Translation and InterpretationParatextual elements play a crucial role in original and translated works, serving as a bridge between the creators and the recipients of the works. Analysing these elements can provide a deeper understanding of the motives of the authors, publishers, and translators. This study aims to investigate the allographic notes, specifically the translator's notes, in the Turkish translation of Silent Spring, a work that raises awareness about environmental impacts of DDT on ecology. The study also seeks to reveal, in such an ecological context, the translator's approach and motives in using footnotes categorized as factual and interpretive notes and their functions. The qualitative analysis indicates that the factual notes outnumber the interpretive notes and the main function of the translator's notes is to provide definitional and explanatory information about the ecology-related terminology which is in line with the genre of the text and the characteristics of the target readers. © 2023 Gökçen Hastürkoglu.Article Citation Count: 0An analysis of a special talent examination and the matter of quality;(T.C. Milli Egitim Bakanligi, 2017) Ünver,E.; Textile and Fashion DesignAlthough there is an evaluation system, prepared by The Council of Higher Education, concerning special talent examinations, there are several differences in application. Changing grade rates, accepted in the current program, most universities' preselection systems, and some universities' enrolling all students or considering only special talent examinations are some of the basic differences. Data, gained through the analysis of the special talent examination, held at AU, a private university, reveal the matter of quality clearly. In the two dimensional matrix analysis of data in the 2015-2016 Academic Year special talent examination, it has been discovered that the results are parallel to the previous years' grades, no precautions have been taken to solve the quality matter and the same problem has been experienced in most private universities which sustain themselves with student tuitions, and have been holding ranking examinations instead of special talent examinations to fill their quota. The aim of this study is to provide the reader with numerical data for the analysis of the talent examination, in which The Council of Higher Education's evaluation system has been applied, by means of such scores of the candidates as the University Entrance Examination Grade, High School Grade Point Average, Special Talent Examination Grade, and the Placement Grade. The results show that students who do not have the competency required by the field of art and who are not able to develop desired behaviours in the field are enrolled at fine arts or art education departments.Article Citation Count: 1APPLICATIONS OF NON-UNIQUE FIXED POINT THEOREM OF CIRIC TO NONLINEAR INTEGRAL EQUATIONS(Department of Mathematics and Computer Sciences, University of Prishtina, 2019) Sevіnіk-Adigіüzel,R.; Karapinar,E.; Erhan,I.; MathematicsIn this paper we discuss the application of the non-unique fixed point theorem of Cirić to nonlinear Fredholm integral equations. We establish an existence theorem for the solutions of such integral equations and apply the theorem to particular examples. © 2019 Universiteti i Prishtinës, Prishtinë, Kosovë.Article Citation Count: 0APPLICATIONS OF NON-UNIQUE FIXED POINT THEOREM OF CIRIC TO NONLINEAR INTEGRAL EQUATIONS(int Center Scientific Research & Studies, 2019) Sevinik-Adiguzel, Rezan; Karapinar, Erdal; Erhan, Inci M.; MathematicsIn this paper we discuss the application of the non-unique fixed point theorem of Ciric to nonlinear Fredholm integral equations. We establish an existence theorem for the solutions of such integral equations and apply the theorem to particular examples.Book Part Citation Count: 0Approximation of Discontinuous Functions by q-Bernstein Polynomials(Springer international Publishing Ag, 2016) Ostrovska, Sofia; Ozban, Ahmet Yasar; MathematicsThis chapter presents an overview of the results related to the q-Bernstein polynomials with q > 1 attached to discontinuous functions on [0, 1]. It is emphasized that the singularities of such functions located on the set Jq : = {0} boolean OR {q-l}(l=0, infinity), q > 1 are definitive for the investigation of the convergence properties of their q-Bernstein polynomials.Book Part Citation Count: 0Architectural Competitions in a Maturing Milieu: Mapping the Agency of Actors(Springer, 2023) Bican,N.B.; Guneri,G.; ArchitectureThe last three decades, overwhelmed with capitalist competitive urbanisms, have witnessed a renewal of interest in the relationship between urban form and “the right to just cities,” mainly upon discussions over diversity and participation. The same period also witnessed the triumph of architectural competitions both as effectual tools of agonism and as potential means of cultivating participatory cultures in the production of urban space. Recent discussions, hereof, suggest that competitions’ agonistic vocations counteracted the pluralist. To solidify this critical rhetoric, withal, there is insufficient research on power dynamics, structures, and implications of competitions. Herein, this study, in its broadest sense, investigates the potency of architectural competitions in allocating spatial, social, political, and economic resources and capacities. The work critically and creatively maps the dynamics and structures of competitions and further testifies (potential) agencies of multifarious actors among these, specifically delving into the emergent local governance structures of two cities from a developing country: Istanbul and Ankara. With divergent spatial development histories and trajectories, the two become complementary cases, novel local governance models of which fundamentally operationalize architectural competitions as means of commoning and register a radical paradigm shift. From a critical and comparative framework, the research reviews literature and relevant data and relies on semi-structured interviews with local government officials, city councilors, competition organizers, jurors, and critics. The findings highlight repressive processual components and potential means and methods of cultivating public agency and a solid and longstanding tradition of public participation in urban space production via architectural competitions. © The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2023.Article Citation Count: 12ASSESSING COGNITIVE COMPLEXITY IN JAVA-BASED OBJECT-ORIENTED SYSTEMS: METRICS AND TOOL SUPPORT(Slovak Acad Sciences inst informatics, 2016) Crasso, Marco; Mateos, Cristian; Zunino, Alejandro; Misra, Sanjay; Polvorin, Pablo; Computer EngineeringSoftware cognitive complexity refers to how demanding the mental process of performing tasks such as coding, testing, debugging, or modifying source code is. Achieving low levels of cognitive complexity is crucial for ensuring high levels of software maintainability, which is one of the most rewardful software quality attributes. Therefore, in order to control and ensure software maintainability, it is first necessary to accurately quantify software cognitive complexity. In this line, this paper presents a software metric to assess cognitive complexity in Object Oriented (OO) systems, and particularly those developed in the Java language, which is very popular among OO programming languages. The proposed metric is based on a characterization of basic control structures present in Java systems. Several algorithms to compute the metric and their materialization in the Eclipse IDE are also introduced. Finally, a theoretical validation of the metric against a framework specially designed to validate software complexity metrics is presented, and the applicability of the tool is shown by illustrating the metric in the context of ten real world Java projects and relevant metrics from the well-known Chidamber-Kemerer metric suite.Article Citation Count: 14Assessing cognitive complexity in Java-based Object-Oriented systems: Metrics and tool support(Slovak Academy of Sciences, 2016) Crasso,M.; Mateos,C.; Zunino,A.; Misra,S.; Polvorín,P.; Computer EngineeringSoftware cognitive complexity refers to how demanding the mental process of performing tasks such as coding, testing, debugging, or modifying source code is. Achieving low levels of cognitive complexity is crucial for ensuring high levels of software maintainability, which is one of the most rewardful software quality attributes. Therefore, in order to control and ensure software maintainability, it is first necessary to accurately quantify software cognitive complexity. In this line, this paper presents a software metric to assess cognitive complexity in Object-Oriented (OO) systems, and particularly those developed in the Java language, which is very popular among OO programming languages. The proposed metric is based on a characterization of basic control structures present in Java systems. Several algorithms to compute the metric and their materialization in the Eclipse IDE are also introduced. Finally, a theoretical validation of the metric against a framework specially designed to validate software complexity metrics is presented, and the applicability of the tool is shown by illustrating the metric in the context of ten real world Java projects and relevant metrics from the well-known Chidamber-Kemerer metric suite.Article Citation Count: 1Assessing the role of style in literary translation(Ovidius University, 2017) Aksoy,N.B.; English Translation and InterpretationLiterary translation and its characteristics have been a point of attraction in literary and academic circles for so many years. It has been generally accepted that since style is the most distinguishing element of a literary text, its recreation in translation is of utmost importance. Hence, in order to understand the hows and whys of literary translation, a sound and definite description of what a literary text is, is needed as a first step. A source text of literature does not have the same qualities as those of its translated version since the translation carries in itself the shadows of both the source and the target linguistic and literary elements. In order to overcome the challenges of literary translation then, it is a prerequisite for the translator to be a very good reader of literature in order to fully grasp all the literary, stylistic and cultural qualities of the source text, with all its intended meanings and effects. © 2017 Ovidius University. All rights reserved.Article Citation Count: 10AN ASSESSMENT OF THE SOFTWARE ENGINEERING CURRICULUM IN TURKISH UNIVERSITIES: IEEE/ACM GUIDELINES PERSPECTIVE(Fac Teacher Education, 2011) Mishra, Alok; Yazici, Ali; Software EngineeringSoftware engineering (SE) education has been emerging as an independent and mature discipline. Accordingly, various studies are being done to provide guidelines for SE education curriculum design. This paper presents software engineering education evolvement in Turkey, present SE education scenario in different universities along with the significance of software technology parks in relevance to software engineering education. The objective of this paper is to provide an assessment of SE curriculum in Turkish Universities with respect to IEEE/ACM guidelines given in SEEK (2004). This study will provide a guideline to universities conducting an SE programme at undergraduate level to align their course curriculum with IEEE/ACM guidelines (SEEK, 2004).Article Citation Count: 16An assessment of the software engineering curriculum in Turkish universities: IEEE/ACM guidelines perspective;(FACTEACHEREDUCATION, 2011) Mishra,A.; Yazici,A.; Software EngineeringSoftware engineering (SE) education has been emerging as an independent and mature discipline. Accordingly, various studies are being done to provide guidelines for SE education curriculum design. This paper presents software engineering education evolvement in Turkey, present SE education scenario in different universities along with the significance of software technology parks in relevance to software engineering education. The objective of this paper is to provide an assessment of SE curriculum in Turkish Universities with respect to IEEE/ACM guidelines given in SEEK (2004). This study will provide a guideline to universities conducting an SE programme at undergraduate level to align their course curriculum with IEEE/ACM guidelines (SEEK, 2004).Article Citation Count: 0Association between Rutherford Classification and CHA2DS2-VASc, CHADS2 and ASCVD Scores in Peripheral Artery Disease Patients(Bmc, 2020) Karaduman, Bilge Duran; Ayhan, Huseyin; Keles, Telat; Bozkurt, EnginBackground and Aim: The classification system is important in assessing the severity of Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD) and making the treatment decision. However, classification systems may not be sufficient and scoring systems developed to predict cardiovascular and cerebrovascular events can also be useful to assess the severity of PAD. In this study, our aim was to investigate the association of the Rutherford classification and CHADS(2), CHA(2)DS(2)-VASc and ASCVD scores in PAD patients. Method: A total of 65 consecutive patients with PAD (males 92.3%, mean age 63.0 +/- 9.2 years), who underwent percutaneous peripheral intervention were included in our retrospective study. Results: There were 16 patients in Category 2, 31 patients in Category 3, and 10 patients in Category 4 and eight patients in Category 5. The CHADS(2), CHA(2)DS(2)-VASc and ASCVD scores were found to be significantly different among the Rutherford categories and between each other. From Category 1 to 5, CHADS(2), CHA(2)DS(2)-VASc and ASCVD scores were significantly increased. When we grouped the scores as CHADS 2 <2 and <2 and CHA(2)DS(2)-VASc<4 and >= 4, it was determined that as the category increased the score group also increased. There was significantly correlation between CHADS(2), CHA(2)DS(2)-VASc and ASCVD scores with the Rutherford categories in correlation analyses. Conclusion: As far as we know, in this study which is the first study about the association of Rutherford classification and scoring systems, the major finding of the present study is that the CHADS(2), CHA(2)DS(2)-VASc and ASCVD scores was independently correlated with the severity of Rutherford Category in patients with PAD. (C) 2020 Association for Research into Arterial Structure and Physiology. Publishing services by Atlantis Press International B.V.Conference Object Citation Count: 0Asymmetric Effects of Credit Growth on the Current Account Balance: Panel Data Evidence(Springer Science and Business Media B.V., 2019) Ekinci,M.F.; Omay,T.; EconomicsExpanding current account balances (both surpluses and deficits) prior to the global economic crisis dominated academic and policy debates over the past decade. Understanding the role of credit growth on the current account balance has become a priority particularly with the rebalancing experience in the post-crisis period. In this study, we adopt a comprehensive framework by constructing an empirical model that accommodates asymmetric adjustments of current account balance to the changes in the total and household credit growth. We consider the asymmetric effects in two dimensions. When we discriminate between credit expansion and contraction episodes, our results show that credit growth has a stronger negative impact on the current account balance during credit expansion periods. Furthermore, negative effects of total and household credit growth on the current account balance are more pronounced during current account deficit episodes. © 2019, Springer Nature Switzerland AG.Article Citation Count: 0Automatic Boundedness of Adjointable Operators on Barreled VH-Spaces(Springer Basel Ag, 2022) Ay, Serdar; MathematicsWe consider the space of adjointable operators on barreled VH (Vector Hilbert) spaces and show that such operators are automatically bounded. This generalizes the well known corresponding result for locally Hilbert C*-modules. We pick a consequence of this result in the dilation theory of VH-spaces and show that, when barreled VH-spaces are considered, a certain boundedness condition for the existence of VH-space linearisations, equivalently, of reproducing kernel VH-spaces, is automatically satisfied.