Browsing by Author "Aliew, Fuad"
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Master Thesis Dc Motor Sistemine Uygulanan Pıd Kontrolün ve Yazılım Hesaplama Methodlarının Karşılaştırılması(2014) A.darbi, Fathi Mohamed; Aliew, Fuad; Department of Mechatronics EngineeringBu araştırma, DC motorun farklı kontrol parametreleri için; yazılım hesaplama tekniklerini ve avantajlarının optimal PID kontrolcü parametrelerini karşılaştıracaktır. Araştırma yaklaşımı; kolay uygulama, kararlı yakınsama karakteristiği ve iyi hesaplama verimliliğinin dahil olduğu üst düzey özellikleri içerir. Bulanık kümeler, yapay sinir ağları ve genetik algoritmalar gibi PID kontrolcü tasarım methodları, akıllı ayarlama teknikleri ile analiz edilecek ve karşılaştırılacaktır. Basamak tepkisinin karakteristiğinin geliştirilmesi, yazılım hesaplama yöntemleri için daha verimlidir. Örneğin, DC motorun pozisyon kontrolünde; kararlı hal hataları, yükselme zamanı, ayarlama zamanı ve maksimum sapmanın düşürülmesidir.Conference Object Orientation Techniques of Multi-Robot System With Swarm Intelligence(2013) Aliew,F.; Kaplan,F.; Kale,S.A.; Department of Mechatronics EngineeringThis article describes a part of soft computing based architecture for controlling and navigation of mobile robots. The fuzzy control system outlined in here is designed for steering and speed control. In order to make the system self learning, a neural network technology and design neuro - fuzzy navigation system is used, which would lead a mobile robot from one goal to another. As an outcome, a robust and flexible robot navigation system is obtained.Article Temperature Control of an Electrical Heater by Using Fuzzy Logic(2011) Aliew,F.; Department of Mechatronics EngineeringThis project will be done in collaboration with Friedrich Schultze Company, Siegen, Germany. The aim of the project was to develop the intelligent switcher for industrial heaters to detect the interfacing object placed on a ribbed radiator and to fulfil the standard EN60335-2-30. The focal point of this work contained an intelligent algorithm and basic electronic design for sensing temperature inorder to ensure safe working of an electric heater. The fuzzy logic technique will be used to develop the intelligent "switch off" algorithm. The tests were performed by different types of heaters.Article White Blood Cells Classifications by SURF Image Matching, PCA and Dendrogram(Allied Acad, 2015) Nazlibilek, Sedat; Karacor, Deniz; Erturk, Korhan Levent; Sengul, Gokhan; Ercan, Tuncay; Aliew, Fuad; Department of Mechatronics Engineering; Information Systems Engineering; Computer Engineering; Department of Mechatronics Engineering; Information Systems Engineering; Computer EngineeringDetermination and classification of white blood cells are very important for diagnosing many diseases. The number of white blood cells and morphological changes or blasts of them provide valuable information for the positive results of the diseases such as Acute Lymphocytic Leucomia (ALL). Recognition and classification of white cells as basophils, lymphocytes, neutrophils, monocytes and eosinophils also give additional information for the diagnosis of many diseases. We are developing an automatic process for counting, size determination and classification of white blood cells. In this paper, we give the results of the classification process for which we experienced a study with hundreds of images of white blood cells. This process will help to diagnose especially ALL disease in a fast and automatic way. Three methods are used for classification of five types of white blood cells. The first one is a new algorithm utilizing image matching for classification that is called the Speed-Up Robust Feature detector (SURF). The second one is the PCA that gives the advantage of dimension reduction. The third is the classification tree called dendrogram following the PCA. Satisfactory results are obtained by two techniques.