Kibar, SedaKorkusuz,S.Kilic,R.T.Korkusuz, SüleymanAritan,S.Ozgoren,N.Sozay,S.Kibar,S.Yosmaoglu,H.B.Chemical Engineering2024-09-102024-09-10202218750-731510.7547/21-121 Lateral ankle sprain is an injury that often occurs during sports or daily life activ-ities. Athletic tape and kinesiology tape applications are among the external support treatment options especially for athletes to support the ankle and protect it from recurrent sprains. We sought to compare the kinematic stabilization effects of different ankle taping applications on the ankle joint during drop landing in individuals with a history of unilateral lateral ankle injury. Methods: In this randomized controlled study, 30 volunteers with unilateral ankle injury were evaluated. The participants were asked to land on one leg on the involved side and the contralateral side from a 30-cm-high platform. The same practice was repeated after apply-ing kinesiology tape and rigid tape to the injured foot. Kinematic analysis of the foot and ankle was performed by recording three-dimensional spatial position information at a speed of 240 frames per second using infrared cameras. Results: The highest inversion angles of the involved foot at initial contact and 150 msec after initial contact were higher than those of the uninvolved side (P = .03 and P = .04, respec-tively). There was no significant difference in ankle kinematic values in the involved foot among kinesiology taping, athletic taping, and no taping applications (P = .74). Conclusions: People with lateral ankle sprains show reduced inversion during landing. There were no significant differences among kinesiology taping, athletic taping, and no taping on the injured foot in terms of ankle kinematics. Care should be taken when using taping materials as protective measures for sports activities. © 2022, American Podiatric Medical Association. All rights reserved.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccess[No Keyword Available]Comparison of the Effectiveness of Kinesiology Taping and Rigid Taping on Ankle Kinematics During Drop Landing in Individuals with Lateral Ankle InjuryArticleQ4Q3112636525327