Serçe, Fatma CemileSerce, Fatma CemileAlpaslan, Ferda NurInformation Systems Engineering2024-10-062024-10-06200809781586039240[WOS-DOI-BELIRLENECEK-546] paper presents a multi-agent module, called MODA, to provide micro-level adaptiveness in learning management systems (LMS). The adaptiveness provides uniquely identifying and monitoring of the learner's learning process according to the learner's profile. The paper covers the pedagogical framework behind the adaptation mechanism, the architecture of MODA and its agents, the protocol providing communication between MODA and LMS, and a sample application of the module to an open source learning management system, OLAT. The study also discusses the possibilities of future interests.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccessAdaptive Learning SystemsIntelligent Learning Management SystemMulti-agent SystemsDistance LearningLearner ProfileMODA: A Micro Adaptive Intelligent Learning System for Distance EducationBook PartN/AN/A14871494WOS:000269520700077