Benli, TolgaBenli,T.Erol,I.Medeni,I˙.T.Medeni,T.Khan,M.A.Business2024-07-052024-07-0520230978-100380661-5978-103239903-410.4324/9781003351917-32-s2.0-85178570984 food and agricultural supply chains (F&ASCs) are made up of the operations and stakeholders involved in food production, processing, storage, trading, distribution, and consumption. It is argued that F&ASCs have various challenges that have a negative impact on supply chain bottom lines. It is also argued that blockchain technology (BcT), one of the disruptive technologies, is a remedy that enables open information sharing on a business network in F&ASCs to address those challenges. BcT helps to ensure real-time business transactions, thereby enhancing the effectiveness of supply chain networks. This chapter aims to provide a general discussion on how BcT can be used in the context of F&ASCs by drawing attention to the issues addressed by the most recent studies in the literature. To this end, the challenges to the traditional F&ASCs and how BcT responds to these challenges are discussed first. Then, the methods used in these studies are also clustered. Finally, future research opportunities are provided. © 2024 selection and editorial matter, Irem Onder and Fulya Acikgoz; individual chapters, the contributors.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccess[No Keyword Available]EXPLORING BLOCKCHAIN IN FOOD AND AGRICULTURAL SUPPLY CHAINSBook Part1536