Arıkan, Kutluk BilgeArıkan, Kutluk BilgeZadeh, Hassan Gol MohammadTurgut, Ali EmreZinnuroğlu, MuratBayer, GözdeGünendi, ZaferCengiz, BülentDepartment of Mechatronics Engineering2024-07-052024-07-05201901300-01441303-616510.3906/sag-1812-1432-s2.0-85071351166, Ali Emre/0000-0002-9837-1007; Cengiz, Bulent/0000-0002-1688-9516; Bayer, Gozde/0000-0002-0986-7781; ZINNUROGLU, MURAT/0000-0003-1077-6753Background/aim: This study aims to explore the mirror neuron system (MNS) involvement using mu (8–12 Hz)/beta (15–25 Hz) bandsuppression in an action observation-execution paradigm.Materials and methods: Electrophysiological (EEG) data from 16 electrodes were recorded while 8 participants observed video clips ofa hand squeezing a spring. Specifically, the effect of anticipated execution on observation was studied. For this purpose, a fully actuatedfinger exoskeleton robot was utilized to synchronize observation and execution and to control the execution condition for the participants. Anticipatory effect was created with a randomized robot accompany session.Results: The results showed that the observational condition (with or without anticipation) interacted with hemisphere at central channels near somatosensory cortex. Additionally, we explored the response of MNS on the kinetics features of visual stimuli (hard or softspring).Conclusion: The results showed an interaction effect of kinetics features and hemisphere at frontal channels corresponding nearly tothe ventral premotor cortex area of the brain. The activation of mirror neurons in this area plays a crucial role in observational learning.Based on our results, we propose that specific type of visual stimuli can be combined with the functional abilities of the MNS in the action observation based treatment of hand motor dysfunction of stroke patients to have a positive additional impact.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessCerrahiAnticipatory effect of execution on observation: an approach using ExoPinch finger robotArticleQ3Q149410541067WOS:00048036000001331293146336401