Saraç Oymak, YaseminAzizi, K.Sarac, Y.Sundu, H.Physics Group2024-07-052024-07-05202332470-00102470-002910.1103/PhysRevD.108.0740102-s2.0-85178315133 recently observed strange pentaquark candidate, P Lambda yso4338 thorn 0, is investigated to provide information about its nature and substructure. To this end, its mass and width through the decay channels P Lambda yso4338 thorn 0 -> J=y Lambda and P Lambda yso4338 thorn 0 -> ric Lambda are calculated by applying two- and three-point QCD sum rules, respectively. The state is considered as a Xi c D over bar meson-baryon molecular structure with spin-parity quantum numbers JP 1/4 1 -. The obtained mass, mP Lambda 2 yso4338 thorn 0 1/4 4338 130 MeV, and width, Gamma P Lambda yso4338 thorn 0 1/4 10.40 1.93 MeV, are consistent with the experimental data within the presented uncertainties. This allows us to assign a Xi c D over bar molecular structure of JP 1/4 1 - for the P Lambda yso4338 thorn 0 state.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess[No Keyword Available]Investigation of the strange pentaquark candidate PΛψsð4338þ0 recently observed by LHCbArticleQ1Q11087WOS:001128625000005