Akman, İbrahimErten, MuratAkman, Kamil İbrahimGaylani, Nadir AhmedComputer Engineering2024-07-072024-07-072005https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14411/4782Internet was initially designed to transfer data, but later it became common to use itfor multimedia applications like VoIP, and with the increase of users, available Internetglobal addresses became limited which led to the use of NAT (Network AddressTranslation). In addition to that users started to move around while connected to theInternetThis affects the P2P applications like VoIP. In this work we have studied the effectof NAT and mobility on VoIP, and we proposed a solution that can be used in thepresence of NATs with the mobile nodes using SIP signaling. Our solution shows thatlocation servers are not necessary when the mobile node moves to a new locationKeywords: VoIP,NAT,SIP,MobilityenBilgisayar Mühendisliği Bilimleri-Bilgisayar ve KontrolComputer Engineering and Computer Science and ControlVOIP uygulamalarında NAT geçişi ve düğüm hareketliliğiNAT traversal and mobility in VOIP applicationsMaster Thesis202947081