Yazıcı, AliMishra, AlokAkman, IbrahimMıshra, AlokYazici, AliAkman, Kamil İbrahimSoftware EngineeringComputer Engineering2024-07-052024-07-052007180144-929X1362-300110.1080/014492905004835772-s2.0-34547951358https://doi.org/10.1080/01449290500483577https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14411/927Mishra, Alok/0000-0003-1275-2050; Yazici, Ali/0000-0001-5405-802XApplication of Information Technology (IT) has had a significant impact on all aspects of business. Due to technology, the ease with which software can be pirated is increasing and is leading to increased concern for copyright protection. This paper reviews and discusses software piracy issues from a global perspective and reports the findings of a survey concerning the impact of sectors like government, private and academic in Turkey. Although software piracy has long been attracting the interest of academics, no quantitative research has ever been realized in this field in the country. Elsewhere also, most of the software piracy-related studies are from individuals' perspectives and are limited to students, academics, cost, and attitudes. Very few have reported findings related to IT professionals and organizations. The survey was conducted among IT managers of large-scale organizations from different sectors such as the government, private and academic community. Based on the survey of 162 IT managers, the results indicated that sectors have significant impact on software piracy to some extent.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccesssectorsgovernmentprivateacademicpiracysoftware piracypiracy factorsorganizational piracyInternetANOVAOrganizational software piracy: an empirical assessmentArticleQ2Q2265437444WOS:000248721500009