Tora, HakanUslu, BaranTora, HakanAirframe and Powerplant Maintenance2024-10-062024-10-062014197814799487412165-0608[WOS-DOI-BELIRLENECEK-287] this study, voiced-unvoiced classification performance of Turkish sounds using skewness and kurtosis is examined. The analyses show that higher order cumulants can be employed as a feature in voiced-unvoiced classification that is vital in speech processing applications. Furthermore, it has been shown that cumulants are also useful for identifying voiced and unvoiced segments in noisy speech signals.trinfo:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccess[No Keyword Available]THE USE OF CUMULANTS FOR VOICED-UNVOICED SEGMENTS IDENTIFICATION IN SPEECH SIGNALSConference ObjectN/AN/A971974WOS:000356351400222