Lotfi Sadigh,B.Ünver,H.Ö.Dogdu,E.Kiliç,S.E.Department of Mechanical Engineering2024-07-052024-07-0520141978-160595173-710.14809/faim.2014.01332-s2.0-84960883590https://doi.org/10.14809/faim.2014.0133https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14411/3743A virtual enterprise (VE) is a product oriented temporary consortium which forms a collaboration platform to fulfil a specific common purpose (typically to create a product) by benefiting from various capabilities of multiple VE partner enterprises. VE lifecycle consists of 3 distinct phases including VE Formation, Operation and Dissolution. VE partner enterprises are selected from virtual breeding environment (VBE) based on specific criteria considering the new VE project specifications. In order to select the most appropriate partners for the forthcoming VE project, it is required to have comprehensive information regarding the VBE members, their current conditions, capabilities, capacities and their past performances. This database continuously changes and it is dynamic. Ontologies and the corresponding knowledge bases provide the best tools for modelling such complex domain knowledge and highly dynamic data requirements. Ontologies not only help model and capture complex domain knowledge, but also improve the sharing and reusability of data and knowledge providing a suitable environment for software agents and human communications. The VE system must be able to demonstrate what types of resources exist, where they are located, and how much resource capacity is available to be used by the consortium. In this paper a pilot Virtual Enterprise system model developed for OSTIM organized industrial park in Ankara will be presented in detail. The objective of this system model is to enable SMEs in the region to collaborate effectively in order to produce eco-friendly high value added products. © Copyright 2014 by DEStech Publications, Inc. All rights reserved.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess[No Keyword Available]Ontology based virtual enterprise system domain modelingConference Object133141