Çağıltay, NergizAydın, Cansu ÇiğdemÇağıltay, NergizBiroğul, SerdarSoftware Engineering2024-07-082024-07-082008https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14411/6464Course scheduling problem is assigning of courses into specific time slots and located in suitable rooms. The manual solution of this problem by considering all constraints usually requires a long time and a hard work in order to provide an appropriate solution. In addition, the obtained solution usually is unsatisfactory due to limited human oversight. In this study, Genetic Algorithm (GA) is presented for solving the constraint-based university timetabling problem. The developed system includes flexible and intelligent software that automate the course scheduling task and addresses all special features found in Atilim University’s Engineering Faculty.ensoftwareA GENETIC ALGORITHM BASED COURSE SCHEDULING SYSTEMArticle