What Do Remote Laboratory Applications Promise for Engineering Students: a Case Study of Errl Project

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Kara, Ali
Kara, Ali

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Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (EE) offers solid graduate education and research program. Our Department is known for its student-centered and practice-oriented education. We are devoted to provide an exceptional educational experience to our students and prepare them for the highest personal and professional accomplishments. The advanced teaching and research laboratories are designed to educate the future workforce and meet the challenges of current technologies. The faculty's research activities are high voltage, electrical machinery, power systems, signal and image processing and photonics. Our students have exciting opportunities to participate in our department's research projects as well as in various activities sponsored by TUBİTAK, and other professional societies. European Remote Radio Laboratory project, which provides internet-access to our laboratories, has been accomplished under the leadership of our department with contributions from several European institutions.

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The development of information technologies has brought new innovations in engineering education. One of these innovations is remote laboratories. As known, in engineering education laboratory activities play a fundamental role. When using a new teaching technology, it is important to be sure that it has required learning outcomes for the students. This study reports a remote radio communication laboratory (ERRL1 ) implementation established at the Atilim University. The aim of this case study is to improve ERRL system by identifying challenges and opportunities pertaining to the system and find out possible solutions to the problems.


ÖZ: Bilgi teknolojilerinin gelişimi özellikle mühendislik eğitimine yeni yaklaşımlar getirmiş ve bunlardan biride uzaktan erişimli laboratuvarlar olmuştur. Bilindiği üzere, laboratuvar aktivitesi özellikle mühendislik eğitiminde önemli bir rol oynamaktadır. Yeni bir öğretim teknolojisini kullanılırken, bu teknolojinin öğrenci için ihtiyaç duyulan öğrenim neticelerine sahip olup olmadığından emin olmak büyük bir önem taşır. Bu çalışma, Atılım Üniversitesi tarafından gerçekleştirilmiş olan uzaktan erişimli bir radio haberleşme laboratuvarı (ERRL*) kullanılarak yapılmıştır. Bu durum çalışmasının amacı ERRL sisteminin sağladığı olanakları değerlendirmek ve bu sistemde karşılaşılan sorunları ortaya çıkararak sistemin iyileştirilmesini sağlamaktır.


electrical & electronics engineering

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