Conformational Behaviors of Trans-2,3 Trans-2,5 a Complete Basis Set, Hybrid-Density Functional Theory Study and Natural Bond Orbital Interpretations
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Complete basis set CBS-4, hybrid-density functional theory (hybrid-DFT: B3LYP/6-311+G**) based methods and natural bond orbital (NBO) interpretations have been used to examine the contributions of the hyperconjugative, electrostatic, and steric effects on the conformational behaviors of trans-2,3-dihalo-1,4-diselenane [halo = F (1), Cl (2), Br (3)] and trans-2,5-dihalo-1,4-diselenane [halo = F (4), Cl (5), Br (6)]. Both levels of theory showed that the axial conformation stability, compared to its corresponding equatorial conformation, decreases from compounds 1 -> 3 and 4 -> 6. Based on the results obtained from the NBO analysis, there are significant anomeric effects for compounds 1-6. The anomeric effect associated with the electron delocalization is in favor of the axial conformation and increases from compounds 1 -> 3 and 4 -> 6. On the other hand, dipole moment differences between the axial and equatorial conformations [Delta(mu(eq) - mu(ax))] decrease from compounds 1 -> 3. Although Delta(mu(eq)-mu(ax)) parameter decreases from compound 1 to compound 3, the dipole moment values of the axial conformations are smaller than those of their corresponding equatorial conformations. Therefore, the anomeric effect associated with the electron delocalizations (for halogen-C-Se segments) and the electrostatic model associated with the dipole-dipole interactions fail to account for the increase of the equatorial conformations stability on going from compound 1 to compound 3. Since there is no dipole moment for the axial and equatorial conformations of compounds 4-6, consequently, the conformational preferences in compounds 1-6 is in general dictated by the steric hindrance factor associated with the 1,3-syn-axial repulsions. Importantly, the CBS-4 results show that the entropy difference (Delta S) between the equatorial axial conformations increases from compounds 1 -> 3 and 4 -> 6. This fact can be explained by the anomeric effect associated with the electron delocalization which affects the C-2-Se bond orders and increase the rigidity of the corresponding rings. The Gibbs free energy difference values between the axial and equatorial conformations (i.e. Delta G(ax-ax) and Delta G(eq-eq)) of compounds 1 and 4, 2 and 5 and also 3 and 6 have been calculated. The correlations between the anomeric effect, electrostatic model, Delta G(eq-ax), Delta G(ax-ax), Delta G(eq-eq), bond orders, dipole-dipole interactions, structural parameters and conformational behaviors of compounds 1-6 have been investigated.
Kayi, Hakan/0000-0001-7300-0325
Anomeric effects, Stereoelectronic interactions, Molecular modeling, Abinitio, NBO, dihalo-1,4-diselenanes
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