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İlk olarak ABD’de ortaya çıkan ve 1970’lerden itibaren yeni bir işlev ve
yapıyla pekçok ülkede benzer ortak özelliklerle yaygınlaşan düzenleyici
kurumlar Türkiye’de de önemli bir işleve sahip olmuşlardır. Ancak idari ve
siyasi kültür, ekonomik sistem ve idari teşkilatların yapısal özellikleri gibi
etkenler nedeniyle bu kurumların işlev ve yapısı ülkeden ülkeye
farklılaşabilmektedir. Temelde kurumsal özerklik ve karar organlarının
bağımsızlığı nitelikleriyle ve ekonomik kamu düzenine ilişkin kolluk
işlevleriyle düzenleyici kurumlar neo-liberal politikaların uygulanmasında
etkili bir role sahip olmuş ve Türkiye’de kurulmalarının ardından geçen süre
içerisinde daha iyi anlaşılmış, aynı zamanda idari teşkilatta yaşanan
dönüşümden etkilenmişlerdir. Yerinden yönetim içerisinde yer alan bu kamu
kurumlarıyla ilgili mevzuatta çok sık ve köklü değişiklikler yaşanmış ve
genel bir eğilim olarak bu kurumlar üzerinde merkezi idarenin yetkilerinde
bir artış yaşanmıştır.
The Structure, Function and Transformation of Regulatory Agencies in
ABSTRACT: Regulatory agencies became widespread in 1970’s carrying a new function and therefore having a new structure in many countries including Turkey. However, the function and structure of these institutions has been varied depending on the administrative and political culture, economic system and structural features of the administrative organisation of the country. Described by the characteristics of institutional autonomy, the independency of decision-making body and regulation of economic public order, these institutions have played an important role in the application of neo-liberal policies. Meanwhile the role and structure of these institutions has been understood after the elapsed time since the establishment of these regulatory agencies while they have been affected by the transformation of Turkish administrative organisation. After the establishment of these institutions, it was made many fundamental amendments in the relevant Laws rendering these institutions more dependent to the central administration which is a reflection of the general tendency of centralisation.
ABSTRACT: Regulatory agencies became widespread in 1970’s carrying a new function and therefore having a new structure in many countries including Turkey. However, the function and structure of these institutions has been varied depending on the administrative and political culture, economic system and structural features of the administrative organisation of the country. Described by the characteristics of institutional autonomy, the independency of decision-making body and regulation of economic public order, these institutions have played an important role in the application of neo-liberal policies. Meanwhile the role and structure of these institutions has been understood after the elapsed time since the establishment of these regulatory agencies while they have been affected by the transformation of Turkish administrative organisation. After the establishment of these institutions, it was made many fundamental amendments in the relevant Laws rendering these institutions more dependent to the central administration which is a reflection of the general tendency of centralisation.