A Comprehensive Assessment Plan for Accreditation in Engineering Education: A Case Study in Turkey
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Turhan, Çiğdem
Şengül, Gökhan
Koyuncu, Murat
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International Journal of Engineering Education
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This paper describes the procedure followed by Computer Engineering and Software Engineering programs at Atilim
University, Ankara, Turkey, which led to the granting of five years of accreditation by MUDEK, the local accreditation
body authorized by The European Network for Accreditation of Engineering Education (ENAEE) to award the EUR ACE label, and a full member signatory ofWashington Accord of International Engineering Alliance (IEA). It explains the
organizational structure established for preparation, determination and measurement of the educational objectives,
program outcomes, course outcomes, and the continuous improvement cycle carried out during the preparation period.
The aim of the paper is to share methods and experiences which may be beneficial for the other programs that are intended
for accreditation.
software engineering