Çiğdemoğlu, Ceyhan
Name Variants
Ceyhan, Çiğdemoğlu
Çiğdemoğlu C.
Çiğdemoğlu, Ceyhan
Cigdemoglu, Ceyhan
C., Ceyhan
Ceyhan, Cigdemoglu
Cigdemoglu C.
C., Cigdemoglu
Ç., Ceyhan
C., Çiğdemoğlu
Çığdemoğlu, Ceyhan
Cigdemoglu, C.
Çiğdemoğlu C.
Çiğdemoğlu, Ceyhan
Cigdemoglu, Ceyhan
C., Ceyhan
Ceyhan, Cigdemoglu
Cigdemoglu C.
C., Cigdemoglu
Ç., Ceyhan
C., Çiğdemoğlu
Çığdemoğlu, Ceyhan
Cigdemoglu, C.
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Doçent Doktor
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Supervised Theses
51 results
Scholarly Output Search Results
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Article BİLİMSEL OKURYAZARLIK(Bilim ve Teknoloji, 2012) Çiğdemoğlu, Ceyhan; Public Relations and AdvertisingFen ve matematik alanları eğitimi yüksek öğretime geçişte özellikle temel bilimler ve mühendislik gibi alanların alt yapısını oluşturduğu için önemlidir. Son zamanlarda bilim ve teknolojideki yüksek ivmeli gelişmeler özellikle bu alanlardaki bilgi birikiminin ürünü olarak düşünülebilir. Bilimsel bilginin, teknoloji ile birlikte hızla ilerlemesinde;araştıran, sorgulayan, problemlere çözümler arayan bireylerin rolü yadsınamaz. Çağın gereksinimleri doğrultusunda bireyler yetiştirmeyi hedefleyen tüm öğretim kurumlarının temel amaçlarından biri de öğrencileri bilimsel okuryazar olarak yetiştirmektir. Genellikle modern toplumlarda bireylerin sadece belirli uzmanlık alanları dışında, bazı temel konularda akılcı yorumlar yapabilmesi de beklenir. Bybee (1997) ye göre bilimsel okuryazarlık, bilimsel bilgiyi kullanabilmeyi, problemleri tanımlayıp kanıta dayalı sonuçlar çıkararak dünyayı anlamayı ve insan faaliyetlerinin neden olduğu değişimler konusunda karar verebilmeyi gerektirir. Öğrencilerin doğal çevrelerinde karşılaştıkları olayları merak etmesi, bu olaylara karşı duyarlı olup uygun davranışlar sergilemesi, sorunlara akılcı çözümler bulabilmesi, bilgiye ulaşıp onu kullanmayı bilmesi, bilimsel okuryazar bireylerin özelliklerindendir. Örneğin bilimsel okuryazar olan bir birey, küresel ısınma, kanser, kök hücre, asit yağmurları, ve enerji kaynakları gibi konularda açıklamalarda bulunabilir, bilimsel bilgisi doğrultusunda yorumlar yapabilir. Aslında “bilimsel-okuryazarlık” toplumda çoğu zaman “genel kültür” olarak kullanılan kavramın bilimle ilgili olan kısmı olarak da açıklanabilir.Article Citation Count: 0Akran-Liderliğinde Takım Öğrenmesi Modelinin Üniversite Öğrencilerinin Genel Kimya Sınav Başarısı Üzerindeki Etkisinin İncelenmesi(2018) Şişman, Ece N. Eren; Çiğdemoğlu, Ceyhan; Geban, Ömer; Public Relations and AdvertisingBu çalışmanın amacı, mühendislik fakültesi birinci sınıf öğrencilerinin genel kimya ders başarısını akran liderliğinde takım öğrenmesi modeli ve geleneksel öğretim modeli kullanılan durumlarda karşılaştırmak ve yöntemin farklı başarı seviyelerindeki öğrenciler üzerinde etkisini incelemektir. Çalışmaya aynı öğretim üyesinin okuttuğu toplam 128 öğrenci katılmıştır. Deney grubu bir dönem boyunca Akran Liderliğinde Takım Öğrenmesi (ALTÖ) modeli ile ders yaparken kontrol grubunda geleneksel öğretim uygulanmıştır. Daha önceden bu dersi başarı ile tamamlamış 14 takım lideri dönem boyunca hem temel iletişim ve pedagoji konularında eğitilmiş, hem de takımlarına problem çözme konusunda destek olmuştur. Deney ve kontrol grubu aynı ara sınavlara ve final sınavına girmiştir. Veriler iki yönlü varyans analizi (two-way ANOVA) ile incelenmiştir. Sonuç olarak, her ne kadar öğretim yöntemlerinin istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir etkisi olmasa da, istatistiksel olarak anlamlı çıkan ortak etki faktörüne bağlı olarak, düşük ve orta düzey başarılı öğrencilerinden ALTÖ modeliyle öğretim alanların geleneksel öğretim alan gruba göre genel kimya sınav başarı notlarının istatistiksel olarak daha iyi olduğu bulunmuş, ancak ALTÖ modeli ve geleneksel öğretim gruplarındaki yüksek başarılılar karşılaştırıldıklarında genel kimya başarıları açısından bir farklılık olmadığı saptanmıştır.Master Thesis The relationship between corporate reputation, legitimacy, transparency, and CSR communication credibility based on consumers' perceptions.(2023) Aden, Awaleh Omar; Çığdemoğlu, Ceyhan; Public Relations and AdvertisingBugün neredeyse tüm büyük şirketler kurumsal sosyal sorumluluk (KSS) politikaları ile iletişim kurmaktadır. KSS mesajları, stratejiler, taahhütler ve sorumlu eylemler hakkında bilgi olarak sunulur ve bu nedenle iletişim kuran kuruluşların meşruiyetini sağlama aracı olarak kabul edilir. Bununla birlikte, KSS iletişiminin hedef kitlesi genellikle kuşkucudur ve sıklıkla bu iletişimi yeşil yıkama ile ilişkilendirerek bu iletişimlerin güvenilirliğinin eksikliğini gösterir. Ana araştırma amacımız, tüketicilerin gözünde KSS söyleminin algılanan güvenilirliğine ilişkin daha iyi bir anlayışa katkıda bulunmaktır. Şirketin itibarı, meşruiyeti ve şeffaflığı ile KSS iletişiminin güvenilirliği arasında doğrudan bir bağlantı olduğunu varsaydık. Bu nedenle, nicel bir metodolojiyi tercih ettik. Çalışmamızı, kar topu örnekleme yöntemiyle 227 tüketicide gerçekleştirdik. Veriler, bir çevrimiçi anket (Google Forms) aracılığıyla toplandı. Daha sonra istatistiksel analizler IBM-SPSS26 ve AMOS yazılımında (yapısal eşitlik modellemesi) gerçekleştirildi. Bu analizlerin sonuçlarına göre, tüketicilerin bakış açısından: -KSS söyleminin güvenilirliği şirketin itibarından önemli ölçüde etkilenmektedir. -Şirketin itibarı ile KSS açısından meşruiyeti arasında pozitif bir ilişki vardır. -Şeffaflık, şirketin KSS iletişiminin güvenilirliğini doğrudan belirlemez. -Bir şirketin meşruiyeti, doğrudan güvenilirliğini etkilemez. Anahtar Sözcükler: KSS, güvenilir, kurumsal meşruiyet, kurumsal itibar, şeffaflık.Article Citation Count: 3Context-Based Lessons with 5E Model to Promote Conceptual Understanding of Chemical Reactions and Energy Concepts(Sci Methodical Ctr-sci Educologica, 2015) Cigdemoglu, Ceyhan; Geban, Omer; Public Relations and AdvertisingThis study explores whether the context-based approach with 5E model (CBA-5E) can lead to better understanding of chemical reactions and energy concepts when compared to conventional instruction (CI). Additionally, the study delves into the effect of treatment with regards to gender. Eleventh grade science-major classes with 175 students from two public high schools were enrolled. The experimental groups were treated with CBA-5E, the control groups as CI, the treatments were randomly assigned to the groups. The chemical reactions and energy concepts test, including the common alternative conceptions, was administered as pre- and post-test. The chemical reactions and energy achievement test, including conceptual and algorithmic problems, was administered as a post-test to the groups. Multivariate Analysis of Covariance (MANCOVA) was used for the analysis of the data, and the results revealed that CBA-5E was superior to CI on the students' conceptual understanding regarding these concepts regardless of gender difference.Article Citation Count: 2Flipped Learning Model - Learning Style Interaction: Supporting Pre-service Teachers on Science Teaching Methods and Personal Epistemologies(International Council of Associations for Science Education (ICASE), 2022) Cam,A.; Arslan,H.O.; Cigdemoglu,C.; Public Relations and AdvertisingThis study revealed how the flipped learning model interacted with the learning styles of primary pre-service teachers. In addition, the impact of the flipped model on participants' science teaching course achievement and personal epistemologies was investigated. A mixed-method research design was conducted with 27 primary pre-service teachers enrolled in a Science Teaching Course. The flipped classroom model was applied for 15 weeks. The Kolb Learning Style Inventory was distributed to categorize participants under learning styles. Midterm and final exam scores were used as an indicator of course achievement and compared with 30 primary pre-service teachers' achievement from the previous semester. Lesson plans of the participants were analyzed qualitatively to investigate the personal epistemologies of the participants. Analysis indicated that flip learning environment supported "divergers" more than the others on course achievement. The level of sophistication on personal epistemologies changed across learning styles and the method of teaching differed across learning styles. Further studies need to be conducted to reveal how teacher education programs help pre-service teachers improve personal epistemologies and transfer them to their instruction. © 2022 Journal of Open Humanities Data. All rights reserved.Article Citation Count: 4Context-based lessons with 5E model to promote conceptual understanding of chemical reactions and energy concepts(Scientific Methodical Center, 2015) Cigdemoglu,C.; Geban,O.; Public Relations and AdvertisingThis study explores whether the context-based approach with 5E model (CBA-5E) can lead to better understanding of chemical reactions and energy concepts when compared to conventional instruction (CI). Additionally, the study delves into the effect of treatment with regards to gender. Eleventh grade science-major classes with 175 students from two public high schools were enrolled. The experimental groups were treated with CBA-5E, the control groups as CI, the treatments were randomly assigned to the groups. The chemical reactions and energy concepts test, including the common alternative conceptions, was administered as pre- and post-test. The chemical reactions and energy achievement test, including conceptual and algorithmic problems, was administered as a post-test to the groups. Multivariate Analysis of Covariance (MANCOVA) was used for the analysis of the data, and the results revealed that CBA-5E was superior to CI on the students’ conceptual understanding regarding these concepts regardless of gender difference. © 2015, Scientific Methodical Center. All right resurved.Article Citation Count: 0An examination of the relationship among conspicuous consumption, social media addiction, narcissism, and empathy: a research on university students(inderscience Enterprises Ltd, 2024) Akbulut, Ayse; Esiyok, Elif; Cigdemoglu, Ceyhan; Ozgen, Ozlen; Public Relations and AdvertisingThe purpose of this study is to reveal the relationship between conspicuous consumption behaviour, social media addiction, narcissistic characteristics, and empathy for university students. Using a cross-sectional survey design, with a non-random sampling strategy, a total of 1,215 participants completed the online survey. Data were analysed through the structural equation modelling technique using the AMOS statistical analysis package to discover the relationship among variables. Findings indicated that social media addiction has a moderately positive relationship with conspicuous consumption, a weak negative relationship with empathy, and a moderately positive relationship with narcissism. As a result, both empathy and narcissism have an impact on conspicuous consumption, and social media addiction affects empathy. This study contributes to the literature in terms of exploring the relationship between empathy and conspicuous consumption together for young consumers.Article Citation Count: 41Individual flipped learning and cooperative flipped learning: their effects on students' performance, social, and computer anxiety(Routledge Journals, Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2019) Eryilmaz, Meltem; Cigdemoglu, Ceyhan; Public Relations and Advertising; Computer EngineeringThe purpose of this study is to differentiate the effect of cooperative learning strategy integrated with a flipped learning (FL) model from sole FL implementation in promoting students' performances while decreasing their social and computer anxiety in an undergraduate course. As a method, a classical experimental design is used. The participants were from the department of English Language and Literature, and Translation and Interpretation. Students were randomly assigned to individual FL (the control group) class; and FL with cooperative activities (experimental group) class. The groups were randomly assigned as experimental and control by tossing a coin. The implementation took 10 weeks. Students' performances (grades), social anxiety, and computer anxiety were dependent variables of the study and they were compared through multivariate analysis of variance. The results indicated that there is no significant mean difference between groups' performances; however; the group of FL with cooperative activities had less social anxiety, but no significant change occurred at their computer anxiety level.Conference Object Citation Count: 0INSTRUCTOR'S VIEWS ON DIGITALIZATION OF CAMPUS; ROLES AND RECOMMENDATIONS(Iated-int Assoc Technology Education A& development, 2016) Cigdemoglu, Ceyhan; Akay, Hasan U.; Tekin, Yucel; Automotive Engineering; Public Relations and AdvertisingThis study delve into determine the faculty members' opinions on digitalization and their views on roles and recommendations to create a digital campus. An open-ended questionnaire was answered by eleven participants, and then semi-structured interviews are conducted with volunteers. In this qualitative research, the participants were purposively selected. All interview sessions were type recorded and the data was transcribed verbatim. Lack of a comprehensive project with its budgets and action plans, job descriptions are perceived as an obstacle to create a digital campus. Lack of motivation is perceived as another obstacle to design digital course contents. The respondents consider that lessons should be designed in more attractive ways through innovative teaching methods through online tools. Faculty members using more digital tools could suggest more accountable action plans for digitalization.Review Citation Count: 4A review of the evolving conceptualization of internationalization from a global value chain perspective(Emerald Group Publishing Ltd, 2023) Uner, Mehmet Mithat; Cigdemoglu, Ceyhan; Wang, Yihuai; Yalcin, Aybuke; Cavusgil, S. Tamer; Business; Public Relations and AdvertisingPurpose - The purpose of this paper is to reveal the assumptive concept of internationalization because it is discussed and understood in the international business (IB) literature. This paper develops a framework to reconceptualize internationalization in the context of global value chain (GVC) and sustainability. Based on this conceptual framework, this paper aims to formulate interrelated propositions to define internationalization.Design/methodology/approach - This paper reviews the assumptive conceptualization process based on empirical evidence obtained through qualitative, illustrative and descriptive content analysis methods. Through the collection and qualitative content analysis of milestone papers, this paper demonstrates the fragmentation of the concept of internationalization. This paper reviews the evolving nature of the concept of internationalization, analyzing the accumulative issues associated with defining internationalization, as well as its potential future development.Findings - This paper introduces a dynamic perspective on the evolving nature of the concept of internationalization and argue there is a need to reconceptualize internationalization in the context of the GVC and sustainability.Originality/value - After reviewing the context in which the term "internationalization " has been applied and taking into consideration the current trends in the IB, this paper formulates an updated definition of the term internationalization. This paper offers a viewpoint on the future direction of the concept of internationalization in light of the growing importance of sustainability within IB.