Mıshra, Alok

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Mishra, A.
Mishra, A
Mishra A.
Alok, Mishra
Mıshra, Alok
A., Mishra
Alok M.
M., Alok
Mishra, Alok
Alok, Mıshra
A., Mıshra
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Supervised Theses


Scholarly Output Search Results

Now showing 1 - 10 of 134
  • Article
    Citation Count: 18
    A review of non-technical issues in global software development
    (inderscience Enterprises Ltd, 2011) Mıshra, Alok; Mishra, Alok; Mıshra, Deepti; Software Engineering; Computer Engineering
    Owing to globalisation and Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) proliferation, Global Software Development (GSD) is increasingly omnipresent. Many organisations have turned to it in the quest for higher quality software delivered on time economically. GSD is facing a variety of challenges, including non-technical challenges such as cross-cultural management, communication, collaboration, coordination, distance and time, team dynamics, trust, etc. In this paper these significant non-technical issues are reviewed. It is found that non-technical areas such as team dynamics and cross-cultural risk management have received scant attention and need further studies. Implications drawn from the review will provide knowledge to facilitate further empirical studies in these areas.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 3
    A Paired Learner-Based Approach for Concept Drift Detection and Adaptation in Software Defect Prediction
    (Mdpi, 2021) Mıshra, Alok; Kumar, Sandeep; Mishra, Alok; Software Engineering
    The early and accurate prediction of defects helps in testing software and therefore leads to an overall higher-quality product. Due to drift in software defect data, prediction model performances may degrade over time. Very few earlier works have investigated the significance of concept drift (CD) in software-defect prediction (SDP). Their results have shown that CD is present in software defect data and tha it has a significant impact on the performance of defect prediction. Motivated from this observation, this paper presents a paired learner-based drift detection and adaptation approach in SDP that dynamically adapts the varying concepts by updating one of the learners in pair. For a given defect dataset, a subset of data modules is analyzed at a time by both learners based on their learning experience from the past. A difference in accuracies of the two is used to detect drift in the data. We perform an evaluation of the presented study using defect datasets collected from the SEACraft and PROMISE data repositories. The experimentation results show that the presented approach successfully detects the concept drift points and performs better compared to existing methods, as is evident from the comparative analysis performed using various performance parameters such as number of drift points, ROC-AUC score, accuracy, and statistical analysis using Wilcoxon signed rank test.
  • Conference Object
    Citation Count: 1
    Market-driven software project through agility: Requirements engineering perspective
    (Springer Verlag, 2009) Mıshra, Deepti; Mishra,A.; Mıshra, Alok; Computer Engineering; Software Engineering
    Time-to-market and insufficient initial requirements are two major challenges that make requirement engineering for market-driven software projects different from bespoke software projects. These challenges can be resolved by using agile methods for market-driven software development as agile methods put emphasis on a dynamic approach for requirement engineering which work closely with an iterative release cycle. In this study, dynamic requirement engineering approach of Agile methods was used for the successful implementation of market-driven software (Supply Chain Management) project. © 2009 Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
  • Master Thesis
    Cyber güvenlik politikalarının karşılaştırmalı araştırması
    (2017) Mıshra, Alok; Mishra, Alok; Software Engineering
    Siber alan her zamankinden daha hızlı genişliyor ve bununla birlikte siber tehditler artmakta ve güçlü bir siber güvenlik politikası zorunluluğu bulunmaktadır. Siber saldırılar yalnızca bireysel kullanıcıları ve kuruluşları etkilemekle kalmaz, aynı zamanda ulusal güvenlik sorunlarına da neden olabilir. Farklı ülkelerin farklı politikaları, bilgisayar korsanlarının ve davetsiz misafirlerinin, yetkililerin suçluları takip etmesini imkansız hale getirirken siber saldırı düzenlemelerini mümkün kılıyor. Her türlü suçlunun takip edilebileceği ve buna göre cezalandırılabilmesi için her türlü siber tehdide yönelten kapsamlı bir siber güvenlik politikası geliştirmek önemlidir. Bu araştırma çalışması, seçilen ülkelerin siber güvenlik politikalarının farklı niteliklerini inceler ve karşılaştırır. Bu araştırma çalışması, her şey dahil bir siber güvenlik politikası geliştirmeye yardımcı olabilecek bazı önemli nitelikleri tanımlar.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 11
    A Novel Framework Using Deep Auto-Encoders Based Linear Model for Data Classification
    (Mdpi, 2020) Mıshra, Alok; Kaya, Hilal; Guzel, Mehmet Serdar; Tolun, Mehmet R.; Celebi, Fatih V.; Mishra, Alok; Software Engineering
    This paper proposes a novel data classification framework, combining sparse auto-encoders (SAEs) and a post-processing system consisting of a linear system model relying on Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm. All the sensitive and high-level features are extracted by using the first auto-encoder which is wired to the second auto-encoder, followed by a Softmax function layer to classify the extracted features obtained from the second layer. The two auto-encoders and the Softmax classifier are stacked in order to be trained in a supervised approach using the well-known backpropagation algorithm to enhance the performance of the neural network. Afterwards, the linear model transforms the calculated output of the deep stacked sparse auto-encoder to a value close to the anticipated output. This simple transformation increases the overall data classification performance of the stacked sparse auto-encoder architecture. The PSO algorithm allows the estimation of the parameters of the linear model in a metaheuristic policy. The proposed framework is validated by using three public datasets, which present promising results when compared with the current literature. Furthermore, the framework can be applied to any data classification problem by considering minor updates such as altering some parameters including input features, hidden neurons and output classes.
  • Book Part
    Citation Count: 0
    Customer engagement strategies of China's E-commerce industry and their impact on China's economy transition
    (IGI Global, 2019) Mıshra, Alok; Mishra,A.; Software Engineering
    In the past 15 years, China's e-commerce industry has grown tremendously and become the world's largest e-commerce market. This chapter studies some popular e-commerce companies of China, including Alibaba, JD, and Pindoudou. Specifically, the customer engagement strategies of these companies are described and analyzed. This chapter helps readers understand how various customer engagement strategies of China's e-commerce companies have facilitated the change of their consumers' shopping habits-switching from offline shopping centers to online marketplaces and from cash-based payment to credit-based payment. The success of these customer engagement strategies has contributed to the performance improvement of e-commerce companies and could ultimately assist China to transfer from a production economy to a consumption economy. Moreover, these customer engagement strategies developed in China might also be applied to other e-businesses or marketplaces of different regions, especially developing countries that have a similar economy structure as China. © 2020 by IGI Global.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 12
    Attributes impacting cybersecurity policy development: An evidence from seven nations
    (Elsevier Advanced Technology, 2022) Mıshra, Alok; Alzoubi, Yehia Ibrahim; Anwar, Memoona Javeria; Gill, Asif Qumer; Software Engineering
    Cyber threats have risen as a result of the growing usage of the Internet. Organizations must have effec-tive cybersecurity policies in place to respond to escalating cyber threats. Individual users and corpora-tions are not the only ones who are affected by cyber-attacks; national security is also a serious concern. Different nations' cybersecurity rules make it simpler for cybercriminals to carry out damaging actions while making it tougher for governments to track them down. Hence, a comprehensive cybersecurity policy is needed to enable governments to take a proactive approach to all types of cyber threats. This study investigates cybersecurity regulations and attributes used in seven nations in an attempt to fill this research gap. This paper identified fourteen common cybersecurity attributes such as telecommunication, network, Cloud computing, online banking, E-commerce, identity theft, privacy, and smart grid. Some na-tions seemed to focus, based on the study of key available policies, on certain cybersecurity attributes more than others. For example, the USA has scored the highest in terms of online banking policy, but Canada has scored the highest in terms of E-commerce and spam policies. Identifying the common poli-cies across several nations may assist academics and policymakers in developing cybersecurity policies. A survey of other nations' cybersecurity policies might be included in the future research.(c) 2022 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license ( http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ )
  • Article
    Citation Count: 3
    Enhancing privacy-preserving mechanisms in Cloud storage: A novel conceptual framework
    (Wiley, 2023) Mıshra, Alok; Jabar, Thr Satar; Alzoubi, Yehia Ibrahim; Mishra, Kamta Nath; Software Engineering
    Data privacy is critical for users who want to use Cloud storage services. There is a significant focus on Cloud service providers to address this need. However, in the evolving dynamic cyber-space, privacy infractions are rising and pose threats to Cloud storage infrastructures. Several studies developed various models and techniques to ensure the privacy of Cloud storage contents. However, these models came with several shortages in the privacy-preserving attributes they cover. Thus, this article identified a comprehensive set of Cloud data storage privacy-preserving attributes to propose a flexible and efficient framework to handle the privacy problem. This framework uses a multi-layer encryption storage structure and a one-time password authentication technique. The findings of this article intend to help future communities to enhance existing techniques or develop new research-based practical alternatives. Since Cloud computing is a rapidly growing technology, new privacy vulnerabilities emerge daily. Future research might confirm the findings of this article and test the suggested framework in different contexts.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 96
    Factors influencing consumer intention in social commerce adoption
    (Emerald Group Publishing Ltd, 2017) Mıshra, Alok; Mishra, Alok; Akman, Kamil İbrahim; Software Engineering; Computer Engineering
    Purpose - Social media remarkably changed the way of interaction between the consumers and organizations. -The increased acceptance of social media has given rise to social commerce (s-commerce) and s-commerce usage is gradually increasing over the last few years. The progressive development of technologies suggests that s-commerce will become the mainstream for marketing and a literature survey indicates that there have not been many studies in this area. The purpose of this paper is to predict the factors influencing consumer intention towards the adoption of s-commerce. Design/methodology/approach - This study uses a survey approach with reference to important behavioural factors such as satisfaction, ethics, trust, enjoyment/easiness, social pressure and awareness. The research model was developed to be in line with the available literature. The data were collected using a five-point Likert scale and the research model was tested using least square regression. Findings - The results showed that user intention is significantly and positively related to perceived trust, enjoyment/easiness, social pressure, satisfaction and awareness. Also, "intention" was found to be a significant mediating factor for actual usage. Research limitations/implications - First, the questionnaire was a "snap-shot" instead of longitudinal study. Second, future research should use other moderating variables that may affect the usage of social media. Also the study could apply a variant of research methods to include other techniques such as interviews, which allow for deeper understanding of the problem and issues. Practical implications - Social media represents an important platform for electronic commerce and has one of the most metamorphic impacts on business. Therefore, investigating the usage of s-commerce with reference to important behavioural factors could provide valuable information for companies in establishing policies and strategies. It could also be useful for management studies and researchers in understanding the consumers' attitude towards usage of social media for commercial purposes. Social implications- S-commerce creates opportunities for firms. Based on findings this research provides insights with major implications for marketers, who would like to generate direct sales on social network platforms. Originality/value - Existing literature focusses largely on the effectiveness of social media. Only a handful has endeavoured to analyse s-commerce systems and the literature on consumers' behaviour in using s-commerce is not mature yet. This study is one of the few studies in this field, and aims to predict and explain the user acceptance of social media for commercial purposes.
  • Conference Object
    Citation Count: 1
    Use cases and object modelling using ArgoUML
    (2011) Mıshra, Deepti; Wojciechowski,A.; Mıshra, Alok; Mishra,D.; Computer Engineering; Software Engineering
    The key factor in the process of good quality software development is using proper techniques for requirements elicitation, representation and modelling providing foundations to build a logical model of the projected system. One of the most popular functional requirements description methods is use cases and scenarios approach introduced by Jacobson in 1993. Use case diagrams and analysis of functionality necessary for future users of the system allows precise definition of object model of target software system. However there are few fully functional free CASE tools supporting system designer at this software development stage. The article describes process of creating guidelines and formal requirements for design of a software system supporting storage and analysis of data concerning regulatory duties of Polish Telecom (Polish name: Telekomunikacja Polska) in the range of RIO framework agreement regarding collocation with the free UML modelling ArgoUML tool. © 2011 Springer-Verlag.