Toros, Emre

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Toros, Emre
T., Emre
Emre, Toros
E., Toros
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Supervised Theses


Scholarly Output Search Results

Now showing 1 - 10 of 15
  • Article
    Citation Count: 7
    Social Indicators and Voting: The Turkish Case
    (Springer, 2014) Toros, Emre; Department of Public Administration and Political Science
    The aim of this article is to set out the various explanations of voting behaviour in Turkey. Its principal intellectual motivation is to present the political and social indicators that shape voting in such a way as to explain how an activity which is so crucial for democratic life is also based upon voters' values and surrounding political context. Although the number of empirical work on voting behaviour in Turkey is increasing there is a considerable room for testing alternative variables and research tools in order to expand the academic knowledge on the problematic. Findings ratified that the political and personal values coupled with the other social factors have considerable impact on the voting behaviour in Turkey. Additionally this research also proved that these factors work differently for the competing political parties. Hence the contribution of this study is the introduction of an explicit analysis on the impact of different social and political factors that are salient in voting behaviour and magnitudes of these factors on different political parties by using a public database. Thus this study will not only uncover the relevancy of the variables in the literature for Turkish voters but also it will highlight the meaning and significance of these factors for different political parties.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 10
    Piecrust Promises: An Analysis of the Turkish Political Parties' Electoral Pledges
    (Routledge Journals, Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2015) Toros, Emre; Department of Public Administration and Political Science
    Despite major differences among political systems, one can conduct new research on pledge fulfillment by examining previously ignored cases. Accordingly, this article extends the literature by developing a new analysis for the Turkish context. The main contribution of this paper is the introduction of explicit models, which evaluate political pledges and their fulfillment by using an original data set. In particular, this study reveals the following facts: (a) in a comparative perspective, pledge fulfillment is low in Turkey and (b) its governmental forms and economic performance have an impact on pledge fulfillment.
  • Master Thesis
    Türkiye'de oy verme davranışı: MHP örneği
    (2013) Toros, Emre; Toros, Emre; Department of Public Administration and Political Science
    Demokratik toplumlarda siyasi hayatın bir parçası olan seçimler ülkemiz için son derece önemlidir. Seçimlerin sonucunu belirleyen seçmen tercihlerini anlamak için oy verme davranışlarını incelememiz gereklidir. Oy verme davranışı çok değişkenli faktörler sonucunda ortaya çıkmaktadır. Çalışma içerisinde Milliyetçi Hareket Partisi'ne oy verme eğiliminde olan seçmenlerin oy verme davranışlarıyla ilgili bir model ortaya konulmuştur. Modelimiz, Sosyo-Ekonomik Faktörler, İdeoloji Dindarlık, İslamcılık, Muhafazakârlık, Milliyetçilik, Medya Takibi ve Sorunlar değişkenlerine bağlı olarak tasarlanmıştır. Çalışma kapsamında teorik arka planda bahsedilen konularla, modelin analizlerinden sonra ortaya çıkan sonuçların uyum içerisinde olduğu gözlenmiştir. İncelediğim parti olan Milliyetçi Hareket Partisi için sonuçlar yön gösterici olma niteliği taşımaktadır.Anahtar Sözcükler1. Oy verme davranışı2. Milliyetçi Hareket Partisi3. Oy verme modeli4. Milliyetçilik5. Seçim
  • Master Thesis
    Anayasal vatandaşlık; 1982 Anayasası üzerine bir inceleme
    (2010) Toros, Emre; Toros, Emre; Department of Public Administration and Political Science
    Özellikle küreselleşmenin siyasal, sosyal ve ekonomik yansımaları olmak üzere son dönemde yaşanan gelişmeler, ulus-devlet pratiklerini farklı boyutlarda tartışılır hale getirmektedir. Bu sürecin bir sonucu olarak, geleneksel vatandaşlık tanımları da çokkültürlülük ekseninde eleştirel bir gözle değerlendirilmektedir. ?Anayasal Vatandaşlık? kavramı da söz konusu tartışmalar çerçevesinde ön plana çıkan tanımlardan birini oluşturmaktadır. Söz konusu kavram, Türkiye'de de 1990'lı yıllardan bu yana tartışılmaktadır.Bu çalışmanın amacı, Anayasal Vatandaşlık kavramının incelenmesi ve Türkiye'de 1982 Anayasası temelinde şekillenen vatandaşlık pratikleri ile karşılaştırılmasıdır. Anayasal vatandaşlık, bu bağlamda, hak ve özgürlükler, kimlik ve devlet tartışmalarına paralel olarak, kavramsal ve kuramsal çerçevede incelenmektedir. Bunun yanı sıra, anayasal vatandaşlık kavramının içinde barındırdığı özellikler, 1982 Anayasası'ndaki tanımlanan vatandaşlık kavramı ile karşılaştırılmakta, Türkiye'de son dönemde vatandaşlık uygulamalarında karşılaşılan sorunlara yönelik önerilerde bulunulmaktadır.Anahtar Kelimeler: Anayasal Vatandaşlık, 1982 Anayasası, , Anayasal Devlet, Hak ve Özgürlükler, Kimlik
  • Article
    Citation Count: 5
    How to run the show? The differential effects of negative campaigning
    (Routledge Journals, Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2017) Toros, Emre; Department of Public Administration and Political Science
    Although the academic literature on negative campaigning is growing, more research is needed to contribute to the theoretical and empirical knowledge on the phenomenon. Accordingly, this article examines the impact of negative political messages on political trust in Turkey. The findings indicate that although exposure to negativity alters the trust level of the citizens, this impact is not uniform and dependent on party identifications.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 10
    Forecasting elections in Turkey
    (Elsevier, 2011) Toros, Emre; Department of Public Administration and Political Science
    This paper proposes a model for forecasting elections in Turkey. In doing so, this study is based on three theoretical premises: first, that the voters reward or punish parties according to their performances relative to the macroeconomic conditions; second, that the popularity of the political parties in Turkey are closely connected to their performances in local elections; and third, that the centre-periphery distinction affects the fortunes of the political parties in Turkey. The contribution of this analysis is the introduction of an explicit model on which can forecast the impact of economic and political variables on the elections in Turkey by using reliable, public and macro level data. Our findings show that the dynamics of the evaluation of political parties in Turkey follow a similar pattern to those of contemporary democracies, being driven by both economic and political factors. " ... why did AKP win? There cannot be a scientific and sociological explanation of this." Ozdemir Ince, 17 August 2007, Hurriyet, emphasis added. (C) 2011 International Institute of Forecasters. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 3
    The Kurdish problem, print media, and democratic consolidation in Turkey
    (Springer Heidelberg, 2012) Toros, Emre; Department of Public Administration and Political Science
    This study investigated the link between press and democratic consolidation in Turkey. It was assumed that plural structures in the sense of diversity of the news, approaches, responses, and ideological positions would be contributive to democratic consolidation. Accordingly, this article searched the patterns of diversity and plurality among the print media news between the years of 1984 and 2008. The article proved that the Turkish press responded in a plural manner to the selected case.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 9
    The Relationship Between Islam and Democracy in Turkey: Employing Political Culture as an Indicator
    (Springer, 2010) Toros, Emre; Department of Public Administration and Political Science
    During the last decade the agenda of local and global politics is heavily marked by the encounter of two powerful currents, namely democracy and political Islam. On the one hand Islam as a religion itself is facing a cultural dialectic between a modern and an authentic form, producing a synthesis which is only to be criticized again by a new radical antithesis. Within that framework political Islam is perceived to be a tool for this current antithesis, attacking the states for impiety and materialism. Democracy, on the other hand, is becoming dominant as a criterion of good government, the "only game in town", with its inherent complexity which reveals itself in each particular context. The two currents are not necessarily irreconcilable, but they produce a number of different effects on each other whenever they meet. The fundamental contention of this article is to demonstrate this relationship within the Turkish setting.
  • Master Thesis
    Radikal demokrasi ve Türkiye'deki siyasi partiler(Radikal demokrasi kuramlarına 60. yasama döneminde TBMM'de grubu bulunan partilerin bakış açıları)
    (2010) Toros, Emre; Toros, Emre; Department of Public Administration and Political Science
    Bu tezin amacı politik kuramcılar Chantal Mouffe ve Ernesto Laclau tarafından kaleme alınan ?Hegemonya ve Sosyalist Strateji?de incelenen Radikal Demokrasi Kuramı'nın Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisi'nde (TBMM) grubu bulunan siyasi partilerin programlarında nasıl ele alındığını incelemektir. Bu çalışmada nitel araştırma yöntemi kullanılmıştır.?Radikal Demokrasi? projesi dünyada demokrasi krizinin yaşandığı bir dönemde ortaya atılan önemli bir tez olmuştur. 20. yüzyılın, son çeyreğinde yaşadığı yüzyılın ikinci büyük ekonomik krizin olgunlaştığı aynı dönemde post-Marksist eğilimlerin de ortaya çıkan ihtiyacı karşılamak amacıyla mevcut siyasanın yeniden okunmasıyla geliştiğini söylemek mümkündür.Çalışmada Türkiye gibi demokrasinin hala tam olarak kurumsallaşmadığı, özümsenmediği bir toplumda dünyadaki demokrasi ile ilgili sorunlara çare olma iddiasıyla ortaya çıkan bir kuram incelenmiştir.Farklı toplumsal düşüncelerin siyaset arenasında yer almasının, temel hakların ve özgürlüklerin tam anlamıyla uygulanmasının ve uygulanırlığının denetlenmesinin önemli kontrol araçlarından siyasal partiler, Radikal Demokrasi modelinin toplum tarafından benimsenmesinde ve devlet aracılığıyla gündelik yaşama yerleştirilmesinde başrol oynarlar.Türkiye Millet Meclisi'nde (TBMM) grubu bulunan dört siyasi partinin, AK Parti, CHP, MHP ve BDP'nin programları Radikal Demokrasi Kuramı açısından incelenmiştir. Gerçekleştirilen bu incelemenin sonunda parti programlarının Radikal Demokrasi modeli ile uyumluluk düzeylerinin tatmin edici olmadığı belirtilmiştir.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 2
    Social and Economic Indicators of Household Income in Turkey: Does Ethnicity Matter?
    (Springer, 2018) Toros, Emre; Cilasun, Seyit; Cilasun, Seyit Mümin; Department of Public Administration and Political Science; Department of Business
    In Turkey, the GDP per capita of eastern regions, where the Kurdish population is dense, is significantly lower than that of the rest of the country. The aim of this paper is to provide a quantitative analysis to investigate the contribution of household characteristics and regional disparities on racial/ethnic inequalities in household income, particularly across Turks and Kurds. Based on the results of regression-based decomposition analyses, there exist significant income differences between Turks and Kurds. However, this difference significantly diminishes if the household head is working. It is also observed that the household income increases with education, while decreases with migration and being settled in economically disadvantaged regions. Results also indicate that differential returns to Turks and Kurds on observable characteristics are lower in higher income quintiles