Dalveren, Yaser

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Dalveren, Y.
Y., Dalveren
Dalveren, Yaser
Yaser, Dalveren
D., Yaser
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Scholarly Output




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Supervised Theses


Scholarly Output Search Results

Now showing 1 - 10 of 60
  • Article
    A Simplified Model for Characterizing the Effects of Scattering Objects and Human Body Blocking Indoor Links at 28 Ghz
    (Ieee-inst Electrical Electronics Engineers inc, 2019) Dalveren, Yaser; Alabish, Ahmed H.; Kara, Ali; Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering
    This paper presents a simple approach to characterize the effects of scattering objects around indoor links at 28 GHz while the link is fully blocked by a human body. The effects of scattering objects nearby the link were studied by conducting measurements with a metallic reflector and the human body. Here, the basic mechanisms of wave propagation, such as reflection and diffraction, were accounted for each scattering object. To predict the attenuation caused by the metallic reflector, a specular reflection model was employed in reflection modeling. In diffraction modeling, on the other hand, the double knife-edge diffraction (DKED) model was exploited to predict the attenuation by the human body. Simulations were then compared with measurements to evaluate the prediction accuracy of the models. Results indicate that the presented simple models work well for indoor links. Therefore, the results of this paper could be extended to model multiple human bodies near the indoor links of fifth generation (5G) systems.
  • Article
    Design and Optimization of Piezoelectric-Powered Portable Uv-Led Water Disinfection System
    (Mdpi, 2021) Sala, Derda E.; Dalveren, Yaser; Kara, Ali; Derawi, Mohammad; Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering
    Due to the environmental pollution threatening human life, clean water accessibility is one of the major global issues. In this context, in literature, there are many portable water disinfection systems utilizing ultraviolet (UV) radiation. UV water disinfection systems employ piezoelectric-based electric power along with UV light-emitting diode (LED) sources. This paper elaborates on the detailed design and parametric optimization of a portable UV disinfection system. The proposed system aims to generate piezoelectric harvesting-based electrical power simply by shaking, and the generated power is then used to supply UV-LEDs for water disinfection. To this end, overall system parameters along with a physical-mathematical model of mechanical, electrical and biochemical aspects of the system are fully developed. Moreover, the main design parameters of the developed model are derived for optimal operation of the system by employing Genetic Algorithm (GA). Finally, optimal design parameters were identified for three different cost scenarios. The model can further be improved for practical implementation and mass production of the system.
  • Master Thesis
    77 Ghz Radar Sistemleri için Mikroşerit Anten Tasarımı ve Analizi
    (2023) Yılmaz, Selen; Dalveren, Yaser; Kara, Ali; Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering
    Bu tez, 77 GHz otomobil radarı için seri beslemeli mikroşerit yama dizi antenin tasarımı ve operasyonel davranışına yönelik kapsamlı araştırmasını takdim etmektedir. Öncelikli olarak, mikroşerit anten, yama dizi anten, frekans taramalı dizi anten ve Chebyshev dizi anten teorisi hakkında teorik altyapı bilgisi temin edilmiştir. Antenleri tasarlamak ve boyutlarını hassas bir şekilde ayarlamak için sonlu eleman metoduna dayalı tam dalga simülasyon aracı kullanılmıştır. İlk aşamada, 76.5 GHz rezonans frekansında çalışan seri beslemeli doğrusal Chebyshev dizi anten bir verici kanalını temsil etmesi üzerine tasarlanmıştır. Kazancı geliştirmek için toprak-sinyal-toprak geçiş yapısında kullanılmak üzere kısa devre pinlerinden yararlanılmıştır. Pinsiz ve pinli tasarımların bant genişliği ve kazanç bakımından karşılaştırmalı analizi yapılmıştır. Son aşamada, 76.5 GHz doğrusal dizi yama anten 79 GHz doğrusal dizi yama antene GSG geçiş yapısı boyutları optimize edilerek ve her bitişik iki yama elemanı arasındaki aralıklandırma ve yama elemanı uzunlukları ölçeklenerek dönüştürülmüştür. Ölçeklendirme yönteminin etkisini değerlendirebilmek adına bu aşamada iki tasarım sunulmuştur. Bu iki dizi yama anten tasarımının operasyonel özelliklerinin ana kulak yönlendirilme açısı, empedans bant genişliği, total kazanç ve yan kulak baskılanması bakımından karşılaştırmalı analizi yapılmıştır.
  • Article
    Quality of Service Assessment: a Case Study on Performance Benchmarking of Cellular Network Operators in Turkey
    (Tubitak Scientific & Technological Research Council Turkey, 2015) Kadioglu, Rana; Dalveren, Yaser; Dalveren, Yaser; Kara, Ali; Kara, Ali; Dalveren, Yaser; Kara, Ali; Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering; Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering
    This paper presents findings on performance benchmarking of cellular network operators in Turkey. Benchmarking is based on measurements of standard key performance indicators (KPIs) in one of the metropolitan cities of Turkey, Ankara. Performance benchmarking is formulated by incorporating customer perception by conducting surveys on how important KPIs are from the user's point of view. KPIs are measured, with standard test equipment, by drive test method on specified routes. According to the performance benchmarking results, the GSM and UMTS network operators achieving the best performance were determined in Ankara. Speech qualities of network operators, as the most popular service, were also evaluated by several statistical methods including pdf/cdf analysis and chi-square and Fisher's exact tests. The network operator providing the highest speech quality in Ankara was determined with the methods applied. Overall, the results and approaches on benchmarking of cellular networks in Turkey are reported for the first time in this paper. The approaches proposed in this paper could be adapted to wide-scale benchmarking of services in cellular networks.
  • Conference Object
    An Experimental Study Towards Examining Human Body Movements in Indoor Wave Propagation at 18-22 Ghz
    (Ieee, 2018) Alabish, Ahmed; Kara, Ali; Dalveren, Yaser; Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering
    As 5G communication may use Millimeter waves (mmWave) bands, it is necessary to evaluate short-range indoor links from the link blockage point of view. This paper presents some initial studies for characterizing effects of human body movements on short range indoor links at 18 - 22 GHz. Firstly, measurement system is described, and then, calibration measurements along with initial results of the impact of human body movement on the channel are presented for some scenarios. To the best of our knowledge, this study is the first to experimentally examine the effects of human body movements at this band. Yet, as this study constitutes a part of an ongoing research, further results will be anticipated to present the effects of objects over and around the link on the directional propagation at mmWave bands (28 - 30 GHz).
  • Article
    Performance Evaluation of Empirical Path Loss Models for a Linear Wireless Sensor Network Deployment in Suburban and Rural Environments
    (2020) Dalveren, Yaser; Kara, Ali; Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering
    This article presents a preliminary propagation study on the accuracy of empirical path loss models for efficient planning and deployment of a linear wireless sensor network (LWSN) based on long range (LoRa) enabled sensor nodes in suburban and rural environments. Real-world deployment of such network requires accurate path loss modelling to estimate the network coverage and performance. Although several models have been studied in the literature to predict the path loss for LoRa links, the assessment of empirical path loss models within the context of low-height peer to peer configured system has not been provided yet. Therefore, this study aims at providing a performance evaluation of well-known empirical path loss models including the Log-distance, Okumura, Hata, and COST-231 Hata model in a peer to peer configured system where the sensor nodes are deployed at the same low heights. To this end, firstly, measurement campaigns are carried out in suburban and rural environments by utilizing LoRa enabled sensor nodes operating at 868 MHz band. The measured received signal strength values are then compared with the predicted values to assess the prediction accuracy of the models. The results achieved from this study show that the Okumura model has higher accuracy
  • Data Paper
    A Database for the Radio Frequency Fingerprinting of Bluetooth Devices
    (Mdpi, 2020) Uzundurukan, Emre; Dalveren, Yaser; Kara, Ali; Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering; Airframe and Powerplant Maintenance
    Radio frequency fingerprinting (RFF) is a promising physical layer protection technique which can be used to defend wireless networks from malicious attacks. It is based on the use of the distinctive features of the physical waveforms (signals) transmitted from wireless devices in order to classify authorized users. The most important requirement to develop an RFF method is the existence of a precise, robust, and extensive database of the emitted signals. In this context, this paper introduces a database consisting of Bluetooth (BT) signals collected at different sampling rates from 27 different smartphones (six manufacturers with several models for each). Firstly, the data acquisition system to create the database is described in detail. Then, the two well-known methods based on transient BT signals are experimentally tested by using the provided data to check their solidity. The results show that the created database may be useful for many researchers working on the development of the RFF of BT devices.
  • Article
    Multipath Exploitation in Emitter Localization for Irregular Terrains
    (Czech Technical University, 2019) Dalveren,Y.; Kara,A.; Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering
    Electronic Support Measures (ESM) systems have many operational challenges while locating radar emitter's position around irregular terrains such as islands due to multipath scattering. To overcome these challenges, this paper addresses exploiting multipath scattering in passive localization of radar emitters around irregular terrains. The idea is based on the use of multipath scattered signals as virtual sensor through Geographical Information System (GIS). In this way, it is presented that single receiver (ESM receiver) passive localization can be achieved for radar emitters. The study is initiated with estimating candidate multipath scattering centers over irregular terrain. To do this, ESM receivers' Angle of Arrival (AOA) and Time of Arrival (TOA) information are required for directly received radar pulses along with multipath scattered pulses. The problem then turns out to be multiple-sensor localization problem for which Time Difference of Arrival (TDOA)-based techniques can easily be applied. However, there is high degree of uncertainty in location of candidate multipath scattering centers as the multipath scattering involves diffuse components over irregular terrain. Apparently, this causes large localization errors in TDOA. To reduce this error, a reliability based weighting method is proposed. Simulation results regarding with a simplified 3D model are also presented. © 2019 RADIOENGINEERING.
  • Article
    A Study on the Performance Evaluation of Wavelet Decomposition in Transient-Based Radio Frequency Fingerprinting of Bluetooth Devices
    (Wiley, 2022) Almashaqbeh, Hemam; Dalveren, Yaser; Kara, Ali; Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering
    Radio frequency fingerprinting (RFF) is used as a physical-layer security method to provide security in wireless networks. Basically, it exploits the distinctive features (fingerprints) extracted from the physical waveforms emitted from radio devices in the network. One of the major challenges in RFF is to create robust features forming the fingerprints of radio devices. Here, dual-tree complex wavelet transform (DT-CWT) provides an accurate way of extracting those robust features. However, its performance on the RFF of Bluetooth transients which fall into narrowband signaling has not been reported yet. Therefore, this study examines the performance of DT-CWT features on the use of transient-based RFF of Bluetooth devices. Initially, experimentally collected Bluetooth transients from different smartphones are decomposed by DT-CWT. Then, the characteristics and statistics of the wavelet domain signal are exploited to create robust features. Next, the support vector machine (SVM) is used to classify the smartphones. The classification accuracy is demonstrated by varying channel signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and the size of transient duration. Results show that reasonable accuracy can be achieved (lower bound of 88%) even with short transient duration (1024 samples) at low SNRs (0-5 dB).
  • Conference Object
    Development of a Digital Communications Course Enriched by Virtual and Remote Laboratory Tools
    (2011) Kara,A.; Kara, Ali; Cagiltay,N.; Çağıltay, Nergiz; Dalveren,Y.; Dalveren, Yaser; Kara, Ali; Çağıltay, Nergiz; Dalveren, Yaser; Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering; Software Engineering; Software Engineering; Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering; Software Engineering
    Digital communications is a basic concept for rapidly growing fields of Electrical, Computer and Electronics Engineering like wireless and mobile communication systems, radar and electronic warfare, telemetry and many signal processing techniques. A re-designed digital communications course with ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) based diverse tools including matlab assignments, remote experiments and interactive simulators is described in this study. First, the objectives of the course, learning outcomes and evaluation methods are described. The re-designed course is offered in the last semester at Atilim University, and performance increase in students is compared with the previous year's offering, and by evaluating the course on a topic-based approach. © 2011 IEEE.