Topallı, Damla
Name Variants
Damla, Topalli
Topalli, D.
D., Topalli
Topallı, Damla
Damla, Topallı
D., Topallı
Topalli, Damla
T., Damla
Damla, Topalli
Topalli, D.
D., Topalli
Topallı, Damla
Damla, Topallı
D., Topallı
Topalli, Damla
T., Damla
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Doktor Öğretim Üyesi
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Supervised Theses
33 results
Scholarly Output Search Results
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Article Citation Count: 5Eye-Hand Coordination Patterns of Intermediate and Novice Surgeons in a Simulation-Based Endoscopic Surgery Training Environment(int Group Eye Movement Research, 2018) Topallı, Damla; Cagiltay, Nergiz Ercil; Çağıltay, Nergiz; Information Systems Engineering; Software EngineeringEndoscopic surgery procedures require specific skills, such as eye-hand coordination to be developed. Current education programs are facing with problems to provide appropriate skill improvement and assessment methods in this field. This study aims to propose objective metrics for hand-movement skills and assess eye-hand coordination. An experimental study is conducted with 15 surgical residents to test the newly proposed measures. Two computer-based both-handed endoscopic surgery practice scenarios are developed in a simulation environment to gather the participants' eye-gaze data with the help of an eye tracker as well as the related hand movement data through haptic interfaces. Additionally, participants' eye-hand coordination skills are analyzed. The results indicate higher correlations in the intermediates' eye-hand movements compared to the novices. An increase in intermediates' visual concentration leads to smoother hand movements. Similarly, the novices' hand movements are shown to remain at a standstill. After the first round of practice, all participants' eye-hand coordination skills are improved on the specific task targeted in this study. According to these results, it can be concluded that the proposed metrics can potentially provide some additional insights about trainees' eye-hand coordination skills and help instructional system designers to better address training requirements.Article Citation Count: 4Classification of Intermediate and Novice Surgeons' Skill Assessment Through Performance Metrics(Sage Publications inc, 2019) Topallı, Damla; Cagiltay, Nergiz Ercil; Çağıltay, Nergiz; Information Systems Engineering; Software EngineeringBackground. Endoscopic surgeries have become an alternative for open procedures whenever possible. For such types of operations, surgeons are required to gain several skills, whose development needs hands-on practice. Accordingly, gaining these skills today is a challenge for surgical education programs. Despite the development of several technology-enhanced training environments, there are still problems to better integrate these technologies into educational programs. For an appropriate integration, it is critical to assess the skill levels and adapt the training content according to the trainees' requirements. In the literature, there exist several methods for assessing these skill levels. However, there are still problems in practice for objective and repetitive assessment. Methods. The present study aims to estimate the skill levels of participants in surgical training programs in an objective manner by collecting experimental data from residents in an endoscopic surgical simulation environment and gathering performance metrics. Results. It is shown that, by comparing the results of a number of classification algorithms for the best accuracy estimation and feature set, the "novice" and "intermediate" skill levels can be estimated with an accuracy of 86%. Conclusions. The outcomes help surgical educators and instructional system designers to better assess the skill levels of the trainees and guide them accordingly. In addition, objective assessments as highlighted in this study can be beneficial when designing technology-enhanced adaptive learning environments.Conference Object Citation Count: 0Neuronavigation systems and passive usage problem;(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2017) Çağıltay, Nergiz; Tokdemir, Gül; Aydın, Elif; Tokdemir,G.; Maras,H.; Tonbul,G.; Topallı, Damla; Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering; Computer Engineering; Software Engineering; Information Systems EngineeringNowadays, neuronavigation systems are used in brain surgery procedures, known as a technology to help the surgeon during the operational period. However, the surgeons have faced several problems with the existing systems. Some of these problems are related to the systems software and user interfaces. In this study, such problems are examined and the 'Passive Usage' term is added to the literature by establishing a connection between the problems of endoscopic surgical procedures and similar issues occurred in other domains. The passive usage problem is generalized on different domains for the first time with this study. The results of the study expected to gather up the similar passive usage problems experienced in different domains. Accordingly, the methodologies and studies that are conducted in different research areas may lead to eliminate the Passive Usage problems efficiently. © 2016 IEEE.Master Thesis SQL ve NoSQL veritabanlarının kalite yönünden değerlendirilmesi(2022) Topallı, Damla; Topallı, Damla; Information Systems EngineeringTeknolojideki son gelişmeler ve işlenecek veri miktarındaki artış ile birlikte, yazılımınız için doğru veritabanlarını seçmek, genel olarak yazılımın kalitesine doğrudan yansıyan yüksek etkili bir unsur haline geldi. Günümüzde en çok kullanılan Veritabanı Yönetim Sistemleri (VTYS), SQL gibi ilişkisel veritabanı yönetim sistemleri veya NoSQL gibi ilişkisel olmayan veritabanı yönetim sistemleridir, projenin erken aşamalarında bu sistemler arasında doğru bir seçim yapmak çok önemlidir. Bu tezde, SQL ve NoSQL veritabanlarının temel özellikleri, Kullanılabilirlik, Verimlilik, Tutarlılık, Dayanıklılık, Sürdürülebilirlik, Güvenilirlik, Ölçeklenebilirlik ve Kurtarma Süresi olarak veritabanı kalitesi ile ilişkili sekiz ana yazılım kalite özniteliği dikkate alınarak tartışılmıştır. Bu çalışmanın temel amacı, SQL ve NoSQL veritabanı uygulaması için hangi özniteliklerin en etkili olduğunu belirlemektir. Ek olarak, SQL ve NoSQL uygulaması için popüler VTYS araçları tartışılmıştır: MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB ve Redis. Ayrıca, mevcut uygulama tercihlerini daha iyi anlamak, kalite açısından sektörün SQL ve NoSQL veritabanlarındaki tercihlerini anlamak için geliştiriciler, veritabanı uzmanları, testçiler, yöneticiler gibi BT uzmanlarıyla bir anket yapılmıştır. Yapılan anket çalışmasının sonucuna göre SQL veritabanları için en önemli kalite özniteliklerinin süreklilik, tutarlılık, ve kullanılabilirlik olduğu, NoSQL veritabanları içinse ölçeklenebilirlik, süreklilik, ve verimlilik özniteliklerinin, en önemli kalite öznitelikleri olduğu görülmüştür. Anahtar Kelimeler: İlişkisel veritabanları, ilişkisel olmayan veritabanları, SQL, NoSQL, Kalite ÖznitelikleriArticle Citation Count: 7Eye-Hand Coordination Patterns of Intermediate and Novice Surgeons in a Simulation-Based Endoscopic Surgery Training Environment(International Group for Eye Movement Research, 2018) Topallı, Damla; Cagiltay,N.E.; Information Systems EngineeringEndoscopic surgery procedures require specific skills, such as eye-hand coordination to be developed. Current education programs are facing with problems to provide appropriate skill improvement and assessment methods in this field. This study aims to propose objective metrics for hand-movement skills and assess eye-hand coordination. An experimental study is conducted with 15 surgical residents to test the newly proposed measures. Two computer-based both-handed endoscopic surgery practice scenarios are developed in a simulation environment to gather the participants’ eye-gaze data with the help of an eye tracker as well as the related hand movement data through haptic interfaces. Additionally, participants’ eye-hand coordination skills are analyzed. The results indicate higher correlations in the intermediates’ eye-hand movements compared to the novices. An increase in intermediates’ visual concentration leads to smoother hand movements. Similarly, the novices’ hand movements are shown to remain at a standstill. After the first round of practice, all participants’ eye-hand coordination skills are improved on the specific task targeted in this study. According to these results, it can be concluded that the proposed metrics can potentially provide some additional insights about trainees’ eye-hand coordination skills and help instructional system designers to better address training requirements. © 2018. All Rights Reserved.Conference Object Citation Count: 0Simulation Based Surgical Education Programs and Hand Performance(Ieee, 2015) Eyuboglu, Burak Gokberk; Topallı, Damla; Topalli, Damla; Çağıltay, Nergiz; Cagiltay, Nergiz Ercil; Tonbul, Gokcen; Topallı, Damla; Çağıltay, Nergiz; Topallı, Damla; Çağıltay, Nergiz; Information Systems Engineering; Software Engineering; Software Engineering; Information Systems Engineering; Software EngineeringThe performance of the left-and right-hands of a person may be different from each other. In general, people use one hand with a superior performance compared to the other hand where that hand is preferred for performing daily activities. It is critical to understand their preference for right or left hand use, especially in cases where the skills should be improved to use both hands precisely in activities required special abilities such as endoscopic surgical operations. A better understanding of these cases will improve the quality of existing surgical education programs, and make a major contribution specifically in designing, improving and managing of simulation-based instructional technologies. In this study, the right-and left-hand preferences (handedness) of people are analyzed from the literature and a simulation-based experimental study is conducted in order to examine the performance differences of the participants while using their right and left hands. The results of this study aimed to guide the curriculum designers and instructional system developers for better designing and developing simulation-based surgical education programs.Conference Object Citation Count: 0Gamification in Neurosurgery Education(Iated-int Assoc Technology Education & development, 2017) Topalli, Damla; Topallı, Damla; Cagiltay, Nergiz Ercil; Çağıltay, Nergiz; Information Systems Engineering; Software EngineeringNowadays, gamification is becoming popular as a new form of education in healthcare applications, due to the need of creating more effective educational practices. Educators in healthcare field are currently applying strategies used in popular games to create more engaging learning environments. Studies in the literature show that, creating learning environments by using gamification leads to better improved learning. The main goal of this approach is to increase the motivation of the participant. Accordingly, this study aims to examine the effect of gamification on learning in neurosurgery education. In order to better understand this effect of gamification on learning, a surgical simulation game "Wire Haptic in Dark" is developed in two versions by applying gamification techniques as a part of Endoneurosurgery Education Project (ECE). The scenario is developed in two versions: one containing some gamification attributes and the other one not including any gamification attributes. The gamification version of the scenario is designed by showing the time passed to perform the task successful, the score of the participant on the screen while playing the game and including sounds in case of the collision during the game, whereas the other version is created without sound, time and score information. The experimental results of this study reveal that gamification enhances the performance as well as the motivation of the participant. As motivation increases, participant performance in a given game task becomes more effective. The results of this study aimed to help the surgical educators and the instructional system designers to improve the benefits of using gamification in learning environments for the surgical education programs.Article Citation Count: 3Online Learning Perceptions Amid Covid-19 Pandemic: the Engineering Undergraduates' Perspective(Tempus Publications, 2022) Eryilmaz,M.; Eryılmaz, Meltem; Kalem,G.; Kalem, Güler; Kilic,H.; Kılıç, Hürevren; Tirkes,G.; Topallı, Damla; Topalli,D.; Turhan, Cihan; Turhan,C.; Yazıcı, Ali; Yazici,A.; Energy Systems Engineering; Information Systems Engineering; Computer Engineering; Software EngineeringThe COVID-19 pandemic caused face-to-face education in just about all universities worldwide to shift to online education. For most students, this educational model was a compulsory first experience. In this study, the survey results are analyzed and discussed related to a group of students in the Engineering Faculty of a university in Turkey regarding their online education perceptions. Briefly summarized, the findings of the study indicate that: (a) most of the students still prefer face-to-face learning, which is also favored if accompanied by distance learning; (b) the concentration level ol the students has dropped due to the concerns about the COVID-19 pandemic which affects their learning negatively; and (c) around half of the students participating in the study feel that the online exams conducted without a secure exam software, is considered unsafe. Additionally, the study's results were further extended to evaluate the questionnaire results an reported along with the suggestions of necessary actions in emergency online learning (EOL). © 2022 Tempus Publications. All rights reserved.Doctoral Thesis Sınıflandırma Algoritmalarının Cerrahların El Hareketi Davranışları Üzerinden Beceri Seviyelerinin Tahmininde Kullanımı(2018) Topallı, Damla; Topallı, Damla; Çağıltay, Nergiz; Çağıltay, Nergiz; Information Systems Engineering; Software EngineeringGünümüzde endoskopik ameliyatlar uygulanması mümkün olduğunda açık ameliyat yerine tercih edilen bir alternatif haline gelmiştir. Bu operasyonlarda cerrah, 'endoskop' adı verilen bir kamera ve ışık kaynağı ve özel operasyonel araçları kullanarak işlemi gerçekleştirir. Bu tür ameliyatları gerçekleştirebilmek için cerrahların sürekli pratik yaparak gerekli becerileri kazanmaları gerekmektedir. Dolayısıyla bu becerilerin geliştirilmesi günümüzdeki eğitim programları açısından önemli bir hedeftir. Mevcut cerrahi eğitim programlarını iyileştirmek üzere çeşitli teknolojiler ile zenginleştirilmiş eğitim programları geliştirilmektedir. Ancak, bu teknolojileri geleneksel yöntemlere daha iyi entegre edebilmek için, cerrahların beceri düzeylerini anlamak ve gereksinimlerine göre uygun içerik hazırlamak önemlidir. Diğer bir deyişle, eğitim programının içeriğinin ve sırasının eğitim alan kişilerin bireysel ihtiyaçlarına uygun bir şekilde hazırlanması için, beceri düzeylerinin düzenli olarak değerlendirilmesi gerekmektedir. Mevcut beceri seviyesi değerlendirme teknikleri, çoğunlukla pahalı ve öznel olması nedeniyle eleştirilen uzman gözlemlerine dayanmaktadır. Bu bağlamda, bu çalışma, nöroşirürjide bilgisayar tabanlı simülasyon yazılımı ile el hareket ölçütlerini kullanarak cerrahi becerilerin objektif olarak değerlendirmesini amaçlamaktadır. Bu çalışma cerrahi eğitim alan 28 öğrenci ile gerçekleştirilmiştir. Değerlendirmeler temel olarak katılımcıların bilgisayara dayalı benzetim yazılımı üzerindeki el hareketleri esas alınarak gerçekleştirilmiştir. Buna göre, öncelikle benzetim tabanlı bir cerrahi eğitim yazılımı ortamından alınan performans ölçütleri kullanılarak öznitelikler çıkarılmış, çeşitli sınıflandırma algoritmaları ile orta ve acemi düzey cerrahların beceri düzeyleri tahmin edilmiştir. İkinci olarak benzetim ortamında el hareketlerine dayalı hız tabanlı ölçütler hesaplanmış, bu ölçütler orta ve acemi düzey cerrahları sınıflandırmak için kullanılmıştır. Daha sonra, açık kaynaklı bir göz hareketi sınıflandırması algoritması olan BIT algoritmasını, el hareketleri verisine uyarlayarak, yeni el hareketi ölçütleri önerilmiştir. Bu önerilen ölçütler ile, katılımcıların göz ve el hareketi verileri analiz edilerek, orta ve acemi düzey cerrahların el-göz davranışlarındaki farklılıklar anlaşılmıştır. Son olarak, bu çalışmada önerilen el hareket ölçütleri kullanılarak öznitelikler çıkarılmış ve sınıflandırma algoritmaları kullanılarak orta ve acemi düzey cerrahların beceri düzeyleri tahmin edilmiştir. Sonuç olarak, bu çalışmada, el hareketi verilerinden elde edilen ölçütler kullanılarak, acemi ve orta düzeydeki cerrahların beceri seviyelerinin daha iyi anlaşılması hedeflenmiştir. Sonuçlar, önerilen özniteliklerin tahminlerin doğruluğunu potansiyel olarak arttırdığını göstermektedir. Araştırmacılar, gelecekte, el ve göz özniteliklerinin bir arada kullanılması ile performans değerlendirmelerinin doğruluk seviyesinin daha da iyileştirilebileceğine inanmaktadırlar.Conference Object Citation Count: 1Neuronavigation Systems and Passive Usage Problem(Ieee, 2015) Cagiltay, Nergiz; Çağıltay, Nergiz; Topalli, Damla; Topallı, Damla; Borcek, Alp Ozgun; Tokdemir, Gül; Tokdemir, Gul; Aydın, Elif; Maras, Hakan; Tonbul, Gokcen; Aydin, Elif; Information Systems Engineering; Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering; Computer Engineering; Software EngineeringNowadays, neuronavigation systems are used in brain surgery procedures, known as a technology to help the surgeon during the operational period. However, the surgeons have faced several problems with the existing systems. Some of these problems are related to the systems software and user interfaces. In this study, such problems are examined and the "Passive Usage" term is added to the literature by establishing a connection between the problems of endoscopic surgical procedures and similar issues occurred in other domains. The passive usage problem is generalized on different domains for the first time with this study. The results of the study expected to gather up the similar passive usage problems experienced in different domains. Accordingly, the methodologies and studies that are conducted in different research areas may lead to eliminate the Passive Usage problems efficiently.