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Article Citation Count: 22Anomaly Detection Using Fuzzy Q-Learning Algorithm(Budapest Tech Polytechnical Institution, 2014) Shamshirband,S.; Mısra, Sanjay; Anuar,N.B.; Kiah,M.L.M.; Misra,S.; Computer EngineeringWireless networks are increasingly overwhelmed by Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks by generating flooding packets that exhaust critical computing and communication resources of a victim's mobile device within a very short period of time. This must be protected. Effective detection of DDoS attacks requires an adaptive learning classifier, with less computational complexity, and an accurate decision making to stunt such attacks. In this paper, we propose an intrusion detection system called Fuzzy Q-learning (FQL) algorithm to protect wireless nodes within the network and target nodes from DDoS attacks to identify the attack patterns and take appropriate countermeasures. The FQL algorithm was trained and tested to establish its performance by generating attacks from the NSL-KDD and CAIDA DDoS Attack datasets during the simulation experiments. Experimental results show that the proposed FQL IDS has higher accuracy of detection rate than Fuzzy Logic Controller and Q-learning algorithm alone. © 2014 Instituto de Pesquisas Economicas da FEA-USP. All rights reserved.Article Citation Count: 5Applying Model-Driven Paradigm for the Improvement of Web Requirement Validation(2012) Aragon,G.; Mısra, Sanjay; Escalona,M.J.; Hilera,J.R.; Fernandez-Sanz,L.; Misra,S.; Computer EngineeringThis paper proposes an approach for Web requirements validation by applying the model-driven paradigm in classical requirements validation techniques. In particular, we present how the Navigational Development Techniques (NDT) approach exploits the model-driven paradigm to improve its requirements validation task by exploring tool cases that systematize or even automate the application of requirements validation techniques. Our solution is validated by applying it in a real industrial environment. The results and the learned lessons are presented accordingly.Article Citation Count: 11An Approach for E-Commerce On-Demand Service-Oriented Product Line Development(Budapest Tech Polytechnical Institution, 2013) Ezenwoke,A.; Mısra, Sanjay; Misra,S.; Adigun,M.; Computer EngineeringThe growth of Small, Medium and Micro Enterprises (SMMEs) is important to the economic development of Africa. This growth can be greatly enhanced by leveraging IT in business activities since e-commerce is a vital tool to allow participation in globalization. Many SMMEs cannot afford to own e-commerce facilities and to reduce cost. An SMME can pay for just the e-commerce facility they use without owning the services or infrastructure. Due to the dynamic nature of the business domain, delivering such on-demand functionalities involves high flexibility in adapting to new client requirements; therefore, a systematic approach to software component reuse must be adopted to reduce cost and the time to market for new products. This work explores the reuse capabilities of a hybridization of Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) and Software Product Line (SPL).Article Citation Count: 15An Approach for the Empirical Validation of Software Complexity Measures(2011) Misra,S.; Mısra, Sanjay; Computer EngineeringSoftware metrics are widely accepted tools to control and assure software quality. A large number of software metrics with a variety of content can be found in the literature; however most of them are not adopted in industry as they are seen as irrelevant to needs, as they are unsupported, and the major reason behind this is due to improper empirical validation. This paper tries to identify possible root causes for the improper empirical validation of the software metrics. A practical model for the empirical validation of software metrics is proposed along with root causes. The model is validated by applying it to recently proposed and well known metrics.Article Citation Count: 30An Artificial Neural Network Model for Road Accident Prediction: a Case Study of a Developing Country(Budapest Tech Polytechnical Institution, 2014) Ogwueleka,F.N.; Mısra, Sanjay; Misra,S.; Ogwueleka,T.C.; Fernandez-Sanz,L.; Computer EngineeringRoad traffic accidents (RTA) are one of the major root causes of the unnatural loses of human beings all over the world. Although the rates of RTAs are decreasing in most developed countries, this is not the case in developing countries. The increase in the number of vehicles and inefficient drivers on the road, as well as to the poor conditions and maintenance of the roads, are responsible for this crisis in developing countries. In this paper, we produce a design of an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) model for the analysis and prediction of accident rates in a developing country. We apply the most recent (1998 to 2010) data to our model. In the design, the number of vehicles, accidents, and population were selected and used as model parameters. The sigmoid and linear functions were used as activation functions with the feed forward-back propagation algorithm. The performance evaluation of the model signified that the ANN model is better than other statistical methods in use.Article Citation Count: 14Assessing cognitive complexity in Java-based Object-Oriented systems: Metrics and tool support(Slovak Academy of Sciences, 2016) Mısra, Sanjay; Mateos,C.; Zunino,A.; Misra,S.; Polvorín,P.; Computer EngineeringSoftware cognitive complexity refers to how demanding the mental process of performing tasks such as coding, testing, debugging, or modifying source code is. Achieving low levels of cognitive complexity is crucial for ensuring high levels of software maintainability, which is one of the most rewardful software quality attributes. Therefore, in order to control and ensure software maintainability, it is first necessary to accurately quantify software cognitive complexity. In this line, this paper presents a software metric to assess cognitive complexity in Object-Oriented (OO) systems, and particularly those developed in the Java language, which is very popular among OO programming languages. The proposed metric is based on a characterization of basic control structures present in Java systems. Several algorithms to compute the metric and their materialization in the Eclipse IDE are also introduced. Finally, a theoretical validation of the metric against a framework specially designed to validate software complexity metrics is presented, and the applicability of the tool is shown by illustrating the metric in the context of ten real world Java projects and relevant metrics from the well-known Chidamber-Kemerer metric suite.Conference Object Citation Count: 0Characterizing the Position of Cio(2012) Cano,C.; Mısra, Sanjay; Fernández-Sanz,L.; Misra,S.; Computer EngineeringThis paper describes how the CIO position appear as a key role in the organizations and which are the requirements for candidates to it. We have compared the requirements presented in different studies in order to know which are the most important for a successful performance as CIO. © 2012 AISTI.Article Citation Count: 13Choice Functions for Autonomous Search in Constraint Programming: Ga Vs. Pso;(2013) Soto,R.; Mısra, Sanjay; Crawford,B.; Misra,S.; Palma,W.; Monfroy,E.; Castro,C.; Paredes,F.; Computer EngineeringThe variable and value ordering heuristics are a key element in Constraint Programming. Known together as the enumeration strategy they may have important consequences on the solving process. However, a suitable selection of heuristics is quite hard as their behaviour is complicated to predict. Autonomous search has been recently proposed to handle this concern. The idea is to dynamically replace strategies that exhibit poor performances by more promising ones during the solving process. This replacement is carried out by a choice function, which evaluates a given strategy in a given amount of time via quality indicators. An important phase of this process is performed by an optimizer, which aims at finely tuning the choice function in order to guarantee a precise evaluation of strategies. In this paper we evaluate the performance of two powerful choice functions: the first one supported by a genetic algorithm and the second one by a particle swarm optimizer. We present interesting results and we demonstrate the feasibility of using those optimization techniques for Autonomous Search in a Constraint Programming context.Conference Object Citation Count: 2A Cognitive Evaluation for Meetings in Software Development Process(Springer Verlag, 2009) Misra,S.; Mısra, Sanjay; Akman,I.; Computer EngineeringSoftware development includes number of different type of meetings in the whole development process. The cognitive activities also play an important role in decision making activities in these meetings since they are carried out by human being. In this paper, we evaluated the relevance of meetings in different phases of the software development process with reference to cognitive aspects. © 2009 Springer Berlin Heidelberg.Conference Object Citation Count: 5A Cognitive Requirement Specification Model(2009) Cafer,F.; Mısra, Sanjay; Misra,S.; Computer EngineeringEliciting/Gathering information from the customers in requirement phase is the most crucial task in the development of the software development process, because this phase builds the base for the success or failure of any software product. Requirements specification process highly depends on the knowledge and mental abilities of the customers. In this paper, we are proposing a cognitive requirement specification model based on the cognitive classification of customers. © 2009 IEEE.Review Citation Count: 14A Comparative Study of Agile, Component-Based, Aspect-Oriented and Mashup Software Development Methods;(2012) Patel,A.; Mısra, Sanjay; Seyfi,A.; Taghavi,M.; Wills,C.; Na,L.; Latih,R.; Misra,S.; Computer EngineeringThis paper comparesAgile Methods, Component-Based Software Engineering (CBSE),Aspect-Oriented Software Development (AOSD) and Mashups as the four most advanced software development methods. These different approaches depend almost totally on their application domain but their usability can be equally applied across domains. The purpose of this comparative analysis is to give a succinct and clear review of these four methodologies. Their definitions, characteristics, advantages and disadvantages are considered and a conceptual mind-map is generated that sets out a foundation to assist in the formulation and design of a possible new integrated software development approach. This includes supportive techniques to benefit from the examined methods' potential advantages for cross-fertilization. It is a basis upon which new thinking may be initiated and further research stimulated in the software engineering subject field.Conference Object Citation Count: 7Comparative Study of Cognitive Complexity Measures(2008) Misra,S.; Mısra, Sanjay; Akman,I.; Computer EngineeringComplexity metrics are used to predict critical information about reliability and maintainability of software systems. Cognitive complexity measure based on cognitive informatics, plays an important role in understanding the fundamental characteristics of software, therefore directly affects the understandability and maintainability of software systems. In this paper, we compared available cognitive complexity measures and evaluated cognitive weight complexity measure in terms of Weyuker's properties. © 2008 IEEE.Article Citation Count: 18Comparative Study of Real Time Machine Learning Models for Stock Prediction Through Streaming Data(IICM, 2020) Behera,R.K.; Mısra, Sanjay; Das,S.; Rath,S.K.; Misra,S.; Damasevicius,R.; Computer EngineeringStock prediction is one of the emerging applications in the field of data science which help the companies to make better decision strategy. Machine learning models play a vital role in the field of prediction. In this paper, we have proposed various machine learning models which predicts the stock price from the real-time streaming data. Streaming data has been a potential source for real-time prediction which deals with continuous flow of data having information from various sources like social networking websites, server logs, mobile phone applications, trading floors etc. We have adopted the distributed platform, Spark to analyze the streaming data collected from two different sources as represented in two case studies in this paper. The first case study is based on stock prediction from the historical data collected from Google finance websites through NodeJs and the second one is based on the sentiment analysis of Twitter collected through Twitter API available in Stanford NLP package. Several researches have been made in developing models for stock prediction based on static data. In this work, an effort has been made to develop scalable, fault tolerant models for stock prediction from the real-time streaming data. The Proposed model is based on a distributed architecture known as Lambda architecture. The extensive comparison is made between actual and predicted output for different machine learning models.Support vector regression is found to have better accuracy as compared to other models. The historical data is considered as a ground truth data for validation. © 2020, IICM. All rights reserved.Conference Object Citation Count: 5Complexity Metrics for Cascading Style Sheets(2012) Adewumi,A.; Mısra, Sanjay; Misra,S.; Ikhu-Omoregbe,N.; Computer EngineeringWeb applications are becoming important for small and large companies since they are integrated with their business strategies. Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) however are an integral part of contemporary Web applications that are perceived as complex by users and this result in hampering its widespread adoption. The factors responsible for CSS complexity include size, variety in its rule block structures, rule block reuse, cohesion and attribute definition in rule blocks. In this paper, we have proposed relevant metric for each of the complexity factors. The proposed metrics are validated through a practical framework. The outcome shows that the proposed metrics satisfy most of the parameters required by the practical framework hence establishing them as well structured. © 2012 Springer-Verlag.Conference Object Citation Count: 3Conflict resolution via emerging technologies?(Institute of Physics Publishing, 2019) Mısra, Sanjay; Ugot,O.-A.; Misra,S.; Adewumi,A.; Damasevicius,R.; Maskeliunas,R.; Computer EngineeringThis paper presents a review of the current techniques and approaches adopted in conflict resolution in Multi-Agent Systems (MAS). The review highlights the strength and weaknesses, and thus, their success in fostering cooperation and collaboration in multi-agent systems. We survey alternative approaches to conflict resolution that rely on emerging technologies such as deep learning. From the survey, we discuss the benefits of using these emerging technologies in the conflict resolution process. © 2019 Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.Article Citation Count: 36Culture Dimensions in Software Development Industry: the Effects of Mentoring(2011) Casado-Lumbreras,C.; Mısra, Sanjay; Colomo-Palacios,R.; Soto-Acosta,P.; Misra,S.; Computer EngineeringSoftware development is a human centric and sociotechnical activity and like all human activities is influenced by cultural factors. However, software engineering is being further affected because of the globalization in software development. As a result, cultural diversity is influencing software development and its outcomes. The software engineering industry, a very intensive industry regarding human capital, is facing a new era in which software development personnel must adapt to multicultural work environments. Today, many organizations present a multicultural workforce which needs to be managed. This paper analyzes the influence of culture on mentoring relationships within the software engineering industry. Two interesting findings can be concluded from our study: (1) cultural differences affect both formal and informal mentoring, and (2) technical competences are not improved when implementing mentoring relationships. © 2011 Academic Journals.Article Citation Count: 16Deep Neural Networks for Curbing Climate Change-Induced Farmers-Herdsmen Clashes in a Sustainable Social Inclusion Initiative;(Politechnika Lubelska, 2019) Okewu,E.; Mısra, Sanjay; Misra,S.; Fernandez Sanz,L.; Ayeni,F.; Mbarika,V.; Damaševičius,R.; Computer EngineeringPeaceful coexistence of farmers and pastoralists is becoming increasingly elusive and has adverse impact on agricultural revolution and global food security. The targets of Sustainable Development Goal 16 (SDG 16) include promoting peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, providing access to justice for all and building effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels. As a soft approach and long term solution to the perennial farmers-herdsmen clashes with attendant humanitarian crisis, this study proposes a social inclusion architecture using deep neural network (DNN). This is against the backdrop that formulating policies and implementing programmes based on unbiased information obtained from historical agricultural data using intelligent technology like deep neural network (DNN) can be handy in managing emotions. In this vision paper, a DNN-based Farmers-Herdsmen Expert System (FHES) is proposed based on data obtained from the Nigerian National Bureau of Statistics for tackling the incessant climate change-induced farmers-herdsmen clashes, with particular reference to Nigeria. So far, many lives have been lost. FHES is modelled as a deep neural network and trained using farmers-herdsmen historical data. Input variables used include land, water, vegetation, and implements while the output is farmers/herders disposition to peace. Regression analysis and pattern recognition performed by the DNN on the farmers-herdsmen data will enrich the inference engine of FHES with extracted rules (knowledge base). This knowledge base is then relied upon to classify future behaviours of herdsmen/farmers as well as predict their dispositions to violence. Critical stakeholders like governments, service providers and researchers can leverage on such advisory to initiate proactive and socially inclusive conflict prevention measures such as people-friendly policies, programmes and legislations. This way, conflicts can be averted, national security challenges tackled, and peaceful atmosphere guaranteed for sustainable development. © 2019, Politechnika Lubelska. All rights reserved.Conference Object Citation Count: 10Design and Implementation of a Mobile Webcast Application With Google Analytics and Cloud Messaging Functionality(Institute of Physics Publishing, 2019) Jonathan,O.; Mısra, Sanjay; Misra,S.; Ibanga,E.; Maskeliunas,R.; Damasevicius,R.; Ahuja,R.; Computer EngineeringChurch cast is an application developed to bring the messages of ministries closer to their members by harnessing the Internet and mobile devices. Due to the very busy schedules of people and religious restrictions in some countries, people are not usually able to be physically present at their locations of worship to listen to or watch their ministers. Existing applications developed in the past like DOMI radio and Redemption TV Media were limited to only audio, poor and unintuitive user interfaces and not providing the administrator any interactions with the users of the application. In this work, we develop an Android-based application that makes it possible for users to watch live streams and on-demand videos from their ministries using their mobile devices. The application also incorporates sharing and analytics functionalities to enable users to share videos messages with loved ones and help the administrator monitor users' activities on the application respectively. The cloud messaging functionality enables the administrator to send messages such as announcements to user devices as push notifications. This would eventually increase user knowledge and interaction with the activities going on in their respective places of worship. © 2019 Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.Article Citation Count: 6The Determinants of E-Tourism Websites for Tourists While Selecting a Travel Destination(Inderscience Publishers, 2022) Chatterjee,S.; Mısra, Sanjay; Majumdar,D.; Misra,S.; Damasevicius,R.; Computer EngineeringThe purpose of this article is to identify the determinants of the e-tourism websites for tourists to select their travel destinations. Based on the review of the literature, a conceptual model has been developed. The model contains antecedents of e-tourism websites that could help a tourist to select the travel destination. The model has been validated statistically with a survey involving 309 usable respondents. The PLS-SEM analysis was conducted for hypotheses testing and for validation of the conceptual model. The results show that the antecedents of e-tourism websites like the ease of use, website enjoyment, perceived authenticity of websites, and perceived risk have an impact on the tourists for selection of their travel destinations. The e-tourism websites should possess special features to help travellers to accurately finalise their travel destinations. The developer of the website should design the websites to be interactive so that the viewers can enjoy while surfing the website and should be cautious towards the accuracy of the information-content so that the viewers can feel the contents authenticated. Since there are not many studies in the context of the contribution of e-tourism websites for selecting a travel destination, this study has taken an attempt to fill up this gap. © 2022 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.Review Citation Count: 10A Discussion on Assuring Software Quality in Small and Medium Software Enterprises: an Empirical Investigation;(2011) Tolga Pusatli,O.; Mısra, Sanjay; Misra,S.; Computer EngineeringUnder the studies of general core activities including software inspection, review and testing to achieve quality objectives in small-medium size enterprises (SMEs), the paper presents a contemporary view of such companies against quality measures. The results from a local empirical investigation of quality standards in the Turkish software industry are reported. Around 150 software companies have been approached from which 17 detailed feedback inform that in order to ensure software quality, standards including internationally recognized International Standards Organization (ISO) and Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) are given credit. However the substantial workload and resources required to obtain them are also reported as serious; downscaled frameworks of such large models proposed in the literature are not well known by the SMEs either. The paper also discusses work around that bypasses such standards to ease delivery of products while keeping certificates as labels just to acquire new jobs for the business.